Height is really important to women?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
The only people that make comments about my height ( I'm 1,93) are my friends. They usually say how much of an advantage i have in comparison to the shorter dudes at picking up chicks.
Honestly? I've had sex with 14 girls in my life and not a single one of them mentioned my height. If you're built up though it's more obvious for the tall guy than the shorter one.

For me , I'm more into function that showing off about it and when somebody see me with normal clothes, I'm big but not big big like a bodybuilder, till i take off my shirt.

That's why i guess ,picking up chicks back in the summer was easier than now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Women are attracted to men who are taller than they are. More height does not give you more of an advantage, in fact women are most attracted to men that are 4 inches taller than they are, they like men that are taller, by not men that tower over them.

If you are 5'6" you are going to have a better chance with a women who is 5'2" than a guy that's 6'.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Women are attracted to men who are taller than they are. More height does not give you more of an advantage, in fact women are most attracted to men that are 4 inches taller than they are, they like men that are taller, by not men that tower over them.

If you are 5'6" you are going to have a better chance with a women who is 5'2" than a guy that's 6'.
Got any evidence to support this? I recall something like this too but I don't remember.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Got any evidence to support this? I recall something like this too but I don't remember.
There was a study from 1980 that surveyed actual couples, and the statistics indicated that American men and women paired up with a 4" height difference as a first order effect (approximately 50% of the time), this indicated a preference of height at this amount. However, it is possible that this just coincidence since in the US the average height between American men and women is 5".

The numbers also indicated a negative preference against men that were more than average in height. Again, however this might be a indication that much taller women more aggressively pursued taller men. Taller women wanted taller men MUCH more than shorter women wanted MUCH taller men.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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Women want guys who are taller than they are, it doesnt mean tall.Being 5.6'' you still have tons of women who are shorter than you,in countries like Asia or South America you can score well.Don't waste time on girls taller than you, trust me,it is uphill battle, even if score girl she will be very eager to dump when taller man will hit on her.You must build body mass and travel to places where women are short like Brazil, Colombia,Vietnam ... in Colombia average female size is (5' 2.4") in Indonesia you will be tall women average female size (4' 11.5") (and women are hot there) learn spanish and get yourself hot and femine latina gf/wify, when from countries where males are short are not so obssessed about height, its normal for them a guy can be short and sexy. On the west you will be always considered inferior because most men are larger and taller than you.


Senior Don Juan
May 24, 2014
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I'm 5'9" on a good day, height was never an issue for me, but when i used to be online it was annoying to see all those fat a$$ b1tches demanding 6'3" guys.

Now to the point - you will hear girls laughting at shot guys all the time, but its just because of social standards. if you will be well dressed, and a bit buffed and approach with confidence then it doesnt matter!
if they tell you you're short, make a joke about it, but never bring it up. go up to them as if you are unuware of your height.

Girl wants tall guys so that they can show you off their friends and brag about it, just make sure you got something else to brag about.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I'm 33, barely 5'6" and I've had plenty of dates and girlfriends. Yes, I have less options then taller guys because I have to go for shorter girls, but it's never stopped me. There is some short girls who say they want a tall guy or only date tall guys, but we all know that what they say and what they do is totally different. I have had one girlfriend who was taller then me (she originally came onto me) but I usually go after short girls. If your confident and dressed well, height won't matter.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2015
Reaction score
Compensate for your flaws. Be buff, smart, witty, charismatic, well-dressed, mysterious. Make money. Gain respect. Buy a sports car. When guys tell me, "he must be compensating for something", I think to myself..."no ****, and you would too, if you had a small **** or whatever flaw you think that guy has". Enhance yourself to give you an advantage over what you had no control over (height, **** size, congenital disease, whatever).

I've had some girls tell me they had crushes on shorter compact buff dudes with confident attitudes. The key is the other **** they had, which overcame their height.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Some of the biggest wankers I've known have been short people. That could have something to do with it.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
It is important. I can tell you that if i was 6ft tall I'd prob be a 9.5 to women but Im 5'7" so more like an 8. I weight 150 though and am pretty cut. Some chicks dont care though, even hot ones(Ive been with 9's but mostly 8's). Ive found that being short is a KILLER in club game but is less of a detriment in day game where physicality is not as important.
Agree, height is certainly a handicap when it comes to "clubing", but other than that isn't all that important.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
I'm 5,7" (on a good day) and my girlfriend is 5,7 1/2. When I first started dating her I would wear them elevator insoles in my shoes to get a good half inch and maybe even an inch lift...still do from time to time but she doesnt care. But I would recommend it to give yourself a little boost when you are out and about. If we are going out and she is wearing heels she lets me know and I put them in, haha.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I'm 5'7, 155-160 lbs, 8-10% body fat.

Here are some tips for fellow short men:

1) Work out.

OP, being 123 lbs is not masculine. Height isn't as important as your total presence. If you are in peak physical condition, your height becomes even less of an issue. Eat healthy and lift weights. at 5'6, you should strive to be at least 145 lbs. Don't overdo it though... if you are ectomorph like me, you can literally add as much muscle to your frame as you want, because you'll never look like a meatheat. If you have a naturally thicker build, go for the lean look (swimmer / sprinter).

2) Accept your height.

It is not going to change. The sooner you get past this, the sooner everyone else will. This is not just about women, height affects your career as well. If you can be the dominant personality in every room you go to, you will have more success. Don't project a Napoleon Complex. I cannot stress this enough. Alpha behavior is about being cool and confident. Make eye contact with people. Speak with conviction. Have a firm handshake. Make sure they know that despite your height, you are still present and in control.

3) Learn to beat the **** tests

Both men and women will **** test you for your height. Women typically **** test you about your height on the first date. I've found that women within 3-4" of your height **** test the most. They have to see how comfortable you will be with them being your height or taller with heels. The correct way to beat her **** test when she makes a height comment ("we are the same height!") is to look at her with a smirk and just say "alright." Women have this sick image in their head where their actual height is when they wear their favorite heels. If she asks what your height is, don't lie. Just say your height and change the subject. Don't argue with her about it. Don't get mad. Just keep a smirk and move on. Don't let her hang up deter you from your goal.

99% of the time, a woman being obsessed with your height is her insecurity. Let it remain as such.

4) Give yourself some extra height

Don't go overboard with this. I tried the lifts but didn't like them at all. If you live in a colder climate, you can get away with wearing boots often. Wear boots at the club. Height is more important in night game than day game. A good pair of boots will give you 1-1.5" and you won't have to walk awkwardly (the problem with lifts). In day game, being short can work to your advantage. Women are usually quite impressed with shorter men that display alpha behavior, because it is rare. If you can cold approach a taller woman, you'd be surprised at the results. I banged a 6' chick last week that I approached in day game. The fact that you are approaching her really is an impressive display of confidence (a man's most attractive feature).

For online dating, lie about your height. Add 2" to your profile. Women don't care about your height after you **** them. Don't get in a hiccup about the "ethics" of this. You aren't having any less sex by lying about your height on your profile. Chart:

5'4 ---> 5'6
5'7 ---> 5'9
5'10 ----> 6'
6' ----> 6'2
6'2 ----> 6'3
6'5 ----> 6'3


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah...I get used to the lifts though and to be honest think they are quite comfortable...just don't overdo them. I think what you say is absolutely spot on- it might only be important in the initial stages before she likes you/****s you etc... once you have them, they forget about your height. My girl thinks my lifts are "cute", but if I had told her about them on our first date for example, I don't think it would have been ideal.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
It's so much easier for short guys build muscle. I see these short guys at the gym who are completely jacked, I work harder than they do and I can barely gain anything in my biceps. Id rather be like 5'9 cause I would not need to eat like 10,000 calories a day in order to gain any muscle. Those guys probably eat a normal diet and get ripped just by working out 3 days a week.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
It's so much easier for short guys build muscle. I see these short guys at the gym who are completely jacked, I work harder than they do and I can barely gain anything in my biceps. Id rather be like 5'9 cause I would not need to eat like 10,000 calories a day in order to gain any muscle. Those guys probably eat a normal diet and get ripped just by working out 3 days a week.
What evidence is there of this?

Just eat above maintenance and lift heavy ****. You'll grow just like anyone else. Are you doing the six major compound lifts?