hb9 off pof not replying after f-close


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
buzzin_frog said:
I don't understand why guys keep on texting/calling chicks when they ignore them....sending more texts won't help you at all...all it does is re-enforce in a chick's mind that she is right for not answering you

chicks ignore you for a reason....no need to make yourself look desperate by sending more and more texts!!

You obviously didn't read thru the whole thread.

Neon: Your reply showed a little too much investment IMO.

She's a slvt, so treat her like one.

Hit her up only when your horny and go from there. To expect this to be a regular thing will probably lead to disappointment.


Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
^^ Agreed. Your next text should've been dripping with sexual innuendo.
What you replied with was an attempt to get her to say: "Well, I'll have to make you a coffee next time."
It might work on some women but this chick either doesn't have the interest, desire or emotional intellect to take your bait and run with it.

Most chicks who fvck on the first date don't need or want conversational texts from the guy, they want him to stoke her primal passions again.

I would've said something like: "I'm sure you were rough after that night. A night with me can have that effect. Do you think you'll recover or will you be lying awake at night and yearning for me for a while?"
Or: "Hey, how did your appointment go? Is your hair still long enough for me to pull?"

Neon Owl

Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't keep sending txts. I sent her one the night after to which she replied after 2 days then I replied to that one to which I haven't heard back from her. I'm not so needy that I'd keep pestering a girl if she shows low interest.

Pimp-sicle you're right that is exactly the reply I was after lol maybe she saw through it I don't know.

Greasy Pig, I was thinking of sending a more sexual txt but was hesitant to do so. Up until that point we'd been flirting but it was all very non-sexual...more innuendos and the like if you get what I mean.
I was afraid of scaring her off by jumping straight into sexual talk, I thought that might make her think I only saw her as a slvt...and we all know girls (no matter how slvtty) don't like being seen in that way.
She did the whole 'you can come back to mine but I'm not doing anything with you' right up until we were in the bedroom. She must have said that 3 times. In the taxi on the way back her friend was in the car and she said 'lucky b1tch you're getting laid tonight' and she replied 'no I'm not I've told him I'm not doing anything' lol

So the question now is should I still hit her up in the future. Maybe give it a week and try one last time? If I do this what sort of txt would you guys recommend?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
The truth is - I'd consider "dating" an average looking girl off of pof over a HB9. She's getting 300 messages a hour from the crowd of frauds and has too many choices.

Last month: I banged a girl off of Skout. Young, amazing body, and greek+italian mix (so you know she was cute).

On Skout you can see likes and comments on pictures.

She'd put up a pic of her posing with her @ss stuck out and get 100+ likes, and tons of comments in HOURS.

When we were hanging out she told me she has to turn notifications off for the site or else it goes non-stop. So, i told her to turn it on and show me.


Non-stop vibrating from her phone....

"Hey" "Hey" Hey" "Wink" "What's up?" "You're cute" "Do you like big c@cks?" "Hey" "D@mn you're fine" "Hey" "Hey" "Can i eat you? You don't have to do anything back." "Hey" "Hi"

Now, what would be the chances that any of us could keep her interested?

I'm going to be generous and say... 1%... and it would take a lot more work than I'm willing to put out.

So we had a fun night (We got drunk - I banged her) and then I proceeded on my way... No attachment at all....

Any other way is foolish.

Note: I do believe within 10 years, almost all single people will have at least one profile on a dating site/app (even lots of "taken" people will maintain one).

People ask "why would a HB9-10 be online when she can pick whoever she wants?" The short answer is, ATTENTION.

No where else can a woman get as much validation as she does online.

This girl had 10+ social apps and she logged into them daily.

This girl is the future of all (good looking) women.

Right now, online dating is still frowned on by a decent # of people. But as it becomes accepted, and as hot girls learn how much attention and value they can get out of it - more and more will appear.

And some are just going to have to learn to deal with that.

Neon Owl said:
I was afraid of scaring her off by jumping straight into sexual talk, I thought that might make her think I only saw her as a slvt...and we all know girls (no matter how slvtty) don't like being seen in that way.
You'd be surprised how many girls like being seen as a "slut", even if it's just for her "man".

The last time I had sex was last Thursday. And on Friday, I text her "Thanks for the scratches and the bruise on my chest lol.... I don't remember what you did to cause that. Do you?"

I almost always send a text like that after I've had sex with a woman (even if they didn't leave a mark - tell them they did. Or tell them you're sore.)

It's a natural way to progress to sexual talk and show them you're still there.

Neon Owl said:
So the question now is should I still hit her up in the future. Maybe give it a week and try one last time? If I do this what sort of txt would you guys recommend?
The way I see it is: There's no harm in trying.

Trial and error teach you most of what you need to learn in life.

Last try text's rarely work. But they do occasionally.

Neon Owl said:
"I take it you had a bit too much to drink at the bbq? Can't believe you kicked me out without making me a coffee lol how rude!"
Dude. Don't revisit the date unless it's the day after (and not much time has passed.) Otherwise, it really does come off as creepy; like you're hung up in that night and wanting her to see it as something as special as you do.

Doesn't work that way unless the moment is fresh on her brain.

The exception: When you're in her physical presence. Then you can tease her about sh!t like that....

In some random text? I wouldn't advise it.
Last edited:

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Neon Owl said:
Greasy Pig, I was thinking of sending a more sexual txt but was hesitant to do so. Up until that point we'd been flirting but it was all very non-sexual...more innuendos and the like if you get what I mean.
I was afraid of scaring her off by jumping straight into sexual talk, I thought that might make her think I only saw her as a slvt...and we all know girls (no matter how slvtty) don't like being seen in that way.
She did the whole 'you can come back to mine but I'm not doing anything with you' right up until we were in the bedroom. She must have said that 3 times. In the taxi on the way back her friend was in the car and she said 'lucky b1tch you're getting laid tonight' and she replied 'no I'm not I've told him I'm not doing anything' lol

So the question now is should I still hit her up in the future. Maybe give it a week and try one last time? If I do this what sort of txt would you guys recommend?
That whole description got my `crack-wh0re sense' tingling. I've been there mate, and if a woman and her friend(s) are talking about screwing you in front of you, then in my experience she's an inveterate cvm junkie. Feel free to turn up the sexual innuendo. There's an art to arousing desire rather than making her feel like just a receptacle for your DNA.
How old is she?
If she's young and a HB9, she's probably hitched a neverending ride on the c0ck carousel by now. You were one lucky c0ck, now she's off to find another to try and gain validation from.
I notice you're from the UK also. Man, women over there take `sport fvcking' to a whole new level from what I've heard and seen on TV.
I wouldn't demean myself by sending her another text but if you must (we all have), my tactic was to usually send one when I was out on the town and full of pi$$.
Something like: "Hey, I'm at the Pig n Whistle. Get you and your mates here, it's going off!"
If no reply, then you have your answer. If she replies in the negative to your invitation, don't reply.
If she counter-offers, don't reply until the next day.
If she replies in the affirmative, have a fun night and then you, her, your mates and her mates all go back to someone's house for a party and bang away. Easy. :rock: