HB6 with male model?? wtf?


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Hi, I am shocked. I have a female friend of mine who I would rate as a HB5.7 or HB6 max. SOme days ago she told me that she has a FWB, and that the guy is very attractive.
Today she show me this guy's FB profile and this guy is a ****ing model. Hes very attractive, is very ripped and muscular, blue eyes etc etc etc. Hes even more attractive than Brad Pitt, so you get the idea.

I cannot understand it! why the heck would this guy wanna nail my female friend with is just average or below? I would not! she's not attractive...she's too thin, no boobs, ugly nose and kind of short.
She's so happy now. They went on two dates, she says that the guy is kind of boring but she is happy to spread her legs for him from time to time. They basically meet to bang.

How come??


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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That´s just another day at the office.. zillions of cases like that. Women will hide from you that you are good looking many times. A guy can be good looking and not know it.. They will say things like "I´m cuter than you" sort of power grab...


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2013
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Washington, D.C.
That man must not know his own value.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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It's simple. She's just a piece of @$$ to him, nothing more. I bet you dollars to doughnuts that she has feelings for him though even though she knows in the back of her mind that she's just his wh0re.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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My guess is that he's shy/awkward with women, so it's hard for him to play at his own level. I knew a guy like that in university. He was a good looking, tall dude...random chicks would buy him drinks at clubs. He is now married to an overweight cow, who, even if she wasn't fat, would be average at best.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
You'd be surprised how often that happens. Women don't have to settle like men when it comes to sex - a female 6 can easily bang a male 9, and they know it. 99% of the women bang the same 10% of guys. Can they get a relationship from those same guys? Hell no


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Guys are much more forgiving. He probably also doesn't want a really hot girl for fear of being cheated on.

Think of it like this, if you had the opportunity to easily bang a 5 with no other options on the horizon, you'd do it in a heartbeat. You would bang a girl with a 4 for a face but a 7 for a body and not think twice if you had to.

Girls will wait and won't settle unless they are terribly ugly. They also don't have the same innate need to seek sex like men, so it's easier for them.


New Member
Oct 16, 2013
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Ruthless said:
Just because they're ugly doesn't mean they can't suck the chrome off a Harley.
HAHA my first post just to laugh at this line!!!

Back to the topic in hand she's probably a 4th reserve back up OR she's a "talented" lady in the bedroom department.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Bokanovsky said:
My guess is that he's shy/awkward with women, so it's hard for him to play at his own level. I knew a guy like that in university. He was a good looking, tall dude...random chicks would buy him drinks at clubs. He is now married to an overweight cow, who, even if she wasn't fat, would be average at best.
This. Looks will get a guy some random bangs or a chick like the OP described. But you need game when you start to get to the 8 to 10 level.

She even said he was boring.

Willing to bet if this guy wanted to go exclusive with her, she'd turn him down.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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applegoo said:
Guys are much more forgiving. He probably also doesn't want a really hot girl for fear of being cheated on.

Think of it like this, if you had the opportunity to easily bang a 5 with no other options on the horizon, you'd do it in a heartbeat. You would bang a girl with a 4 for a face but a 7 for a body and not think twice if you had to.

Girls will wait and won't settle unless they are terribly ugly. They also don't have the same innate need to seek sex like men, so it's easier for them.

sorry but im not the type of guy that bangs a 5 just because she offers herself to him. I know many guys do but really I cant. Ive done it once (I banged a mere 6), and she did not bang good, she was not attractive and in short, I would not do it again. It makes me depressed just to think about it, and I do not mean this because Im super attractive or something, it is just that I'd rather jack off than bang a girl which I do not find cute, even if she insists lol


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
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If she's cool as fvck that could be a reason.

He might be a guy who wants a solid stable GF instead of random pump and dumps.

Or he could just be really insecure/have no game. She already said hes broing as ****.



Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Peaks&Valleys said:
This. Looks will get a guy some random bangs or a chick like the OP described. But you need game when you start to get to the 8 to 10 level.

She even said he was boring.

Willing to bet if this guy wanted to go exclusive with her, she'd turn him down.
Your first mistake is believing what women say to be truth. You know how many women I've heard talk mad sh!t about their exes only to go right back to them in the future? They'd say things like "oh he sucked in the sack", "he wouldn't get a job and stole money out of my purse", "hit spit in my moms face and kicked our lap dog", "he knocked up my sister"....whatever they say negatively about their ex is b.s.

Is the guy boring? Perhaps. BUT you know and I know this stupid cvnt would date him at the drop of a hat if he offered. Why? To be seen dating a much hotter guy then she ever expected to get. That's why. Boring be dammed, the truth is she secretly likes him and wishes she could date him that's why she's giving him the puzzy all the time in the hopes he will eventually come around.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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yes, she said he's boring (or at least she said that TO ME, it may be a lie). Anyway, they just meet to bang, so I do not think this guy model pretends to have any serious relationship with my female friend. He's a 9.5, shes a 6, no waaaaay. But I wonder why he decided to nail her. She said that HE tried to pick her up in a club the first time they met. Cannot understand it...probably he's insecure and has 0 game. I say this because if he was not, he would be banging 7's or above, not just average 6's.

And I also think as Robert28 suggested, that she's just telling me he's boring etc, because he probably did not want to date her, he probably just wanted to have a sex toy, but of course she prefers to turn it around, so it seems she's actually rejecting him and not the other way around. LMAO.

I wonder how many guys rated as a 6 can bang HB10's, maybe 1%?


May 17, 2013
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America is best
He has low confidence, and is akward with women. That's how I used to be, I'm very good looking, but my social skills have been akward. My ex was a 5 in the face. But and asian body with nice tits.

Men who are very good looking, sometimes have poor social skills, because every one is nice to you, and or trusts you, because your good looking.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Robert28 said:
Your first mistake is believing what women say to be truth. You know how many women I've heard talk mad sh!t about their exes only to go right back to them in the future? They'd say things like "oh he sucked in the sack", "he wouldn't get a job and stole money out of my purse", "hit spit in my moms face and kicked our lap dog", "he knocked up my sister"....whatever they say negatively about their ex is b.s.
When he's her ex, of course she's saying bad $hit about him, she has to reason why they're not still together. This chick is currently banging this guy. If anything, she's going to make up good things about him, so she sounds like less of a slvt.

By saying he's boring, she's basically saying: "The only reason I'm having sex with him is because he's good looking, which means I'm shallow and/or just horny." AKA a slvt who just wants the d1ck.

Robert28 said:
Is the guy boring? Perhaps. BUT you know and I know this stupid cvnt would date him at the drop of a hat if he offered. Why? To be seen dating a much hotter guy then she ever expected to get. That's why. Boring be dammed, the truth is she secretly likes him and wishes she could date him that's why she's giving him the puzzy all the time in the hopes he will eventually come around.
She could really like him, if he's laying it down on his terms, and is not at her beck and call like a puppy dog....also sometimes these good looking guys who can't get an equal, once they get comfortable with a woman, will be themselves, and there awkardness will go away, which is naturally attractive.

She may also be using him as social value like you said, but if that's the case, then she's just using him....to get to someone else.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Yeah he's either an awkward dude or he wants an easy lay and doesn't feel like dealing with bs from 9/10's. Or maybe he has some weird fetish that she caters to..lol idk. People hook up with each other for a multitude of reasons.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
anyone ever sit down and think that maybe to him the girl is not a HB6? just a thought.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
very sad


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
It is just unbelievable. I have another female friend who I would rate as an HB6 as well. This girl has several guys chasing her at any time of the year. For example, she has now:

a) one guy she met online who lives in a different city. This guy paid for her plane tickets so she could go there to meet him. She had sex with him. Now he texts her from time to time inviting her over again (paying for the tickets of course). AND this guy is not ugly or anything, Ive seen some pics and hes a 7 or more.
b) Some ex boyfriend of her. They split like 5 years ago, but he reinitiated contact recently and texts her to see if she wants to meet for a drink etc...
c) Another ex boyfriend, but this one is more recent. She dumped him two months ago. Now he keeps calling her and texting her to see if she still wants to bang.
d) A guy she met some weeks ago in a club. They've had two dates. He kissed her on those dates. She has told him that she's not ready for a relationship neither for sex. This guy is a total AFC but he's a 7, so I think eventhough he's a wuss, she finds it funny to see him from time to time. He kind of argued with her on those two dates because she did not really want to make out with him. He asked her to activate the 'whatsapp last connection display' so he knows when she's online so he can call her. He asked her to hold his hand! and she told me that he talks a lot about his job which is too boring. She also told me that this guy is kind of naive and inmature (he's 25, she's 22)....etc etc, but hey, he has good body/face. He paid for the drinks both times. LMAO.
e) A couple more of guys that hit on her everytime she goes out at night or anywhere. They text her, they aske her to go on a date, etc etc.

I have to say that from all these guys, there may be one or two that are ugly or weird, all the rest are pretty ok or goodlooking, I cannot understand it, really.
And the funny thing is that.... she is not satisfied! she doesnt really like any of them, except maybe the most recent ex.

This girl is a HB6 as I said, normal face, normal body, big boobs, not very cute but she uses a lot of makeup all the time.

Im starting to think that we normal guys have very very little chance in this game, dont you think?
