Has a fetish stop you from flirting with the ladies?


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
What's up everbody, I have a question that is not really important but I think it blocks me from flirting with the ladies. Well every since I was younger I had a thing for pretty girls' feet or girls that look alright and have pretty feet. Since then I been on the computer mostly all of my teenage years and still on it looking at porngraghy photos of girls feet or other topics that relate to feet. So my question is has any of your fetish or fantasy stop you from flirting with the ladies?

P.S I'm hoping that I'm not the anyone with a foot fetish on this form.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
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South Africa
Some girls do have cute feet. One thing that's a REAL turn off for me: major big ass clown feet. *shudders*

Honestly, I think you're healthy finding NICE feet attractive. One of my good friends selects his girls based on the size of their foreheads.

Just as long as you don't start doing sick sh!t like getting girls to jerk you off with their feet, I think you're fine. And none of what you mentioned there should affect your game (Well, maybe except the internet porn. Cut back on porn, and it'll fuel your sex drive to get something in reality. Coz you're just lying to your own brain with porn.)



Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
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You remind me of Jason Alexander's character on Shallow Hal. But seriously, everyone has their preferences. I prefer girls who are pretty in a girl next door kind of way as opposed to slutty way. Look for what you want. There's nothing wrong with that.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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I don't see why your fetish would stop you from flirting with chicks.



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Los Angeles
I've a fetish for hot girls period.

It's doesn't stop me from flirting with all kinds of women.

If your fetish is preventing you from living a "Normal" life - and getting out there and meeting women/people - then you may have an issue.

If you spend all your time jerking off on the internet - PROBLEM


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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Keeper said:
Just as long as you don't start doing sick sh!t like getting girls to jerk you off with their feet, I think you're fine.
You obviously haven't tried this yet...


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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i have a fetish too, I have a gay porn fetish. Will this affect my flirting with the ladies ?

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Wiesman44 said:
i have a fetish too, I have a gay porn fetish. Will this affect my flirting with the ladies ?
Come on man, this guy seems to be really worried. Let's not make fun of him...:)


If you read some books about psychology or psychoanalysis, even the old ones from Freud, you will probably be less stressed out.

Actually people all have a certain degree of fetishism, it's absolutely normal, it's just a question of "more or less" depending on the person.

The definition of "deviant fetishism" is when the fetish takes over your "normal" sex life. This means for example: let's suppose I have a fetish for high heels. So if a girl, as beautiful as she is, is NOT wearing high heels, I will still feel like something is missing, I'm not completely happy with that. On the other hand, some woman who's fat, and not that good looking, and maybe old, whom I normally would not even look at, once she wears a pair of highheel pumps that I really like, she suddenly becomes "acceptable"...
Then this would be considered "deviant fetishism".:nervous:

One last thing, usually fetishism is more present when the person lacks contact with females, like shy guys, or young (teenage) people, the fetish is a sort of mental substitute to the "real" sexuality. For many people, the fetishism fades away when they get older and have more contact/experience.
It never totally disappears though. If we reuse the previous example, I would not turn down a hottie just because she's not wearing heels but a pair of classy highheel pumps and nice stockings would increase her hotness in my eyes.

I don't know how serious or trivial your case is, as long as having pretty feet won't make an ugly girl acceptable, and having "average" feet won't disqualify a normal hottie in your eyes, then you are fine.

So stop worrying too much and get out there to meet cute girls/women!:up:

This is the end of my psychology class, now you owe me five bucks of tuition fees...:D

N.B. See those guys who always go for blond girls? Everything else being equal, if the girls dye their hair blond, they would instantly appear more attractive to these folks. This is a typical case of fetishism!


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
I find feet very attractive as well. It turns me on when they are showing them. But that only makes it FUNNER to flirt because it can be eye candy.

Once, when I was working with three of my coworkers, two of whom are female, i noticed that my male coworker got distracted because he was staring at their feet.

The two girls were comparing their feet sizes so they took their shoes off and didn't have any socks on. My male coworker was supposed to be working with me but instead he was enjoying watching their feet. It was pretty funny, but that can go around.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Keeper said:
Just as long as you don't start doing sick sh!t like getting girls to jerk you off with their feet, I think you're fine.


how is that weird?

and also how would liking feet prevent you from flirting

weird thread


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I have a worse than normal foot fetish myself. I will not date a woman with ugly feet.. I just can't bring myself to do it.

I mean, it's not "oh my gosh you can be a 880 pound hog an dhave nice feet and you are okay, please jerk me off looking at your feet", and I can't get off looking at feet, but I love watching womens feet..

My ex used to use me for foot massages all the time.. not that i cared.

My old oneitis knows i have a foot fetish, and will not come around me without some type of sandles on.. and my gosh she has the prettiest feet I have ever seen.. she would wait until she knew I was catchign glances and start dangling her shoes on her toe or just taking her shoes off in general.

However, should it prevent you from talking to women? No. that's like porn making you stop talking to real life women.. when it gets to that point, you need to take a step back


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
backbreaker said:
I have a worse than normal foot fetish myself. I will not date a woman with ugly feet.. I just can't bring myself to do it.

I mean, it's not "oh my gosh you can be a 880 pound hog an dhave nice feet and you are okay, please jerk me off looking at your feet", and I can't get off looking at feet, but I love watching womens feet..

My ex used to use me for foot massages all the time.. not that i cared.

My old oneitis knows i have a foot fetish, and will not come around me without some type of sandles on.. and my gosh she has the prettiest feet I have ever seen.. she would wait until she knew I was catchign glances and start dangling her shoes on her toe or just taking her shoes off in general.

However, should it prevent you from talking to women? No. that's like porn making you stop talking to real life women.. when it gets to that point, you need to take a step back


Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
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blankman said:
What's up everbody, I have a question that is not really important but I think it blocks me from flirting with the ladies. Well every since I was younger I had a thing for pretty girls' feet or girls that look alright and have pretty feet. Since then I been on the computer mostly all of my teenage years and still on it looking at porngraghy photos of girls feet or other topics that relate to feet. So my question is has any of your fetish or fantasy stop you from flirting with the ladies?

P.S I'm hoping that I'm not the anyone with a foot fetish on this form.
Dude, just don't stare! Whether it be staring at feet or boobs or just at a girl's face from across the room, staring can be creepy.

So to sum it up, if you're gonna try to pick her up, don't stare. If you're gonna stare, don't try to pick her up, cuz you probably already creeped her out.