Harsh Break Up. I feel like no one cares


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
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I was with my girlfriend for 8 months (I know it’s short but we developed a strong bond) We didn’t spend hardly any time apart and grew attached with each other. We built a life together by moving in with each other and got a pet dog, started talking about babies. I had never had this before because I was a player and felt like I didn’t trust women, at the time she put that trust back. We lived at her place and granted we didn’t really go out much because we had a puppy, but we both were satisfied with being together. Then her family became extremely pressuring with me, I could tell that they hated me and her sister openly admitted it, she stood by me but would take their side sometimes. Anyways, this died down and we decided that we were going to move out and get our own place. She tried to break up with me before but couldn’t do it, she said that it was because she thought I would be happier without her and I begged her not to and she didn’t.

Then she called me to say she was stopping over at her sisters with her mum, I felt sick to my stomach incase they say something to make her break up with me. Well she came home that next morning and was loving with me, I asked her if they said anything and she told me that they didn’t. Then we got up and she seemed like a different person, extremely cold and distant. This guy she hadn’t spoken to in a really long time called her on the phone. (She hasn’t cheated on me, I know she was at her sisters and we haven’t been apart for 8 months ever since that.)

I got pissed off with the phone call because she sounded a bit flirty, I didn’t like that. Well with that she went all cold and told me that she is breaking up with me. She went upstairs packed all of my clothes, all of my stuff, the dogs stuff and said call your dad to pick you up.

I asked her why she was doing this and she said to me that she needs to sort her head out and that she can’t do that with me. She kept saying love isn’t enough. She needs to take the risk of not being with me to find out how she is going to be. She was extremely cold and distant.

Not only that we both had a dog we loved dearly and she doted on it, it was our dog and she has chucked the puppy out with me. I won’t leave it like she did, It has to come with me because I love it.

I’m just hurt because, I put a lot of effort into this relationship to make it work. I stood by her when things got tough for her. She just chucked me out like I was nothing. How could she do that to me? We had good sex, I made her *** everytime. I just don’t know what to do. I’m back in my old environment which I hate. I feel alone and broken.

I don’t understand how she could do this from being really loving with me and genuinely loved me to this. I feel like I’m never going to get a girl like that again, I liked what we had. The home and the life. I loved it because my family aren’t really close with me.

I really don’t know what to do. I’m alone. I’m fat. My teeth are messed up. I feel like I’m never going to get a girl ever again. The thought of her ****ing another guy really scares me. I don’t know how to get over this. I know I sound like a ***** but I don’t know what else to do because I don’t have any friends back here. I ‘m alone right now. I have no direction and I feel hopeless. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in life. I keep crying. I miss her. But she’s really screwed with my head and my trust.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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i think she thought she was happy with you then after all this time she realized she didn't want this life and now is probably with that other guy, it hurts but its probably true. if she really did love you she would of stayed. the moving in thing is never a good idea until you been with someone for at least a year or two. even longer. you probably stuffed it up by moving in together and getting a dog and all.. she probably felt locked down, like "is this it for me? i don't wanna live like this for the rest of my life. i still want to have fun and enjoy life." < thats what most younger girls think anyway. she probably just wasnt for you in the end bro. dont ever move in with girls so early in a relationship!


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Point 1 - Moving in together was a big mistake. But just learn from it. I made the same mistake once.

Point 2 - Harsh Break Up. I feel like no one cares. That's because harsh as it seems, no one does care.

Wallowing in self-pity might suit the interests of others, but it won't help you one bit.

We've all been in similar situations before. Pick yourself up and move on.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Do you have a job? Chicks really judge you by your material means... If you're not well-to-do/have good prospects that will likely pay off in the short to middle term future; and you start to get all "nesty" with a chick...:~ its just a matter of time before she starts saying sh1t like "love isn't enough" n trying to break up with you and bull cr@p like that.

Live and learn man~ get some ambition about you^^ not for anyone else's sake, but for your own sake, so you can live a full and rich life, and become a self-actualised expansive human being.

We're all in this life for only one reason: to pursue happiness. She made you feel happy, so you want to cling on to her...

But she was not the source of your happiness, she was just a trigger for it. The source of your happiness is inside yourself. Learn to find other triggers for your happiness, triggers that don't have rags every month and get p1ssy at you for no reason, triggers that don't judge you for station and where you are in life right now, triggers that you can depend on.

Now, I'm not suggesting you go off and take up drugs. But there must be things out there that have the potential to make you happy. Search for them and activate them, and forget about this dumb broad.

Who knows, if you forget about her and seek your own happiness, there's a chance she will find out about what an awesome person you've become and really regret her decision.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Why would you want a girl that would just chunk up the deuces? Forget her and make something of yourself. A girl shouldn't be your world. It should be a complement.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with all the above comments, in addition to the fact that your relationship was codependent. You cannot have a successful LTR without interdependence. Period. It just can't happen.

One of the only ways to learn this, unfortunately, is to be hurt within a codependent relationship. Now you know.

Also, you're right, no one cares. I mean sure, we care about you on here, but in the general respect of life/people, you aren't going to find anyone that gives a sh!t about your issues because you alone are the only one that can really do anything about it. You're fat? Go workout. You're alone? Go get some friends. Your teeth are fvcked up? Go see a dentist. Don't have a job? Get one..