Halloween Fr Part 1 "The good"


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Hallowen FR review

This could be a very, very long field report. So bare with me, aww hell I’m gonna keep it short(volume 2 is about the following day I'll type it soon). It’s night like these(halloween), where I love the game, Where I love women the most, nights where there are no rules, were women let their guard down and just have fun. This is where I step in and flourish (wow talk about being humble). All I have to say is, there were lotta hata’s who thought I couldn’t pull “the dress” thing off. Not just on here but my friends as well. Honestly I’m jealous of some of you guys; Especially those that live in L.A., New York, Vega, Miami etc, etc? Why because you have some of the most gorgeous women in the world. Things that are deemed unacceptable in most places are the norm over there (for instance everyday in Vegas is Halloween). Moving on I don’t even know where to begin, So uugh bare with me.

“You are not gonna pull any chicks tonight!!”

My buddy Jason isn’t an AFC, but he sure as AFC tendencies (plays the shy guy all night until the liquor loosens him) It’s a bunch of us at my new place (actually my best friends and I). Jason already has already written me of earlier and said I wouldn’t get “laid” much less get a new number. We are just bulls**** sipping on some Grey goose (yes sir). We head downtown in separate cars, and get there at 11. My boy Lloyd and I got there early(Jason and the others got there later), so we went to check out this one club real quick. Every where I go, I’m the center of attention. Girls can’t stop looking at my outfit, it doesn’t matter how hot she is. I get stares and smiles. I approach and open the girls up, chat them up for a quick second then pull out the “kamahema” (for my Dragon Ball Z crew y’all know what it is) I made this game for Halloween “It’s an Origami fortune teller”.
For those that remember the Origami. Basically a girl picks a color. For instance blue, so I do b-l-u-e(Its hard to explain) then she picks a number like 7, then I count and move it to 7 and so on. My Origami instead of having fortunes had silly little things like. “Tell me a secret”, “give me a hug”, “tell me a joke” and my favorite one “kiss me” lol. The club was kind of whack but it was getting pack. Lloyd and I meet the rest of the crew at bar. It’s packed there is a long line. Girls are opening me up(my favorite one was "oh my gosh you are the hottest girl here" I always got something like that), I chat them up and b.s. with them.

We do the Origami; I’m going for rapport tonight(working on my weakness,). It’s amazing how me wearing a dress is a “disarmer” by itself, If that doesn’t work then I usually gave them the “Oh my gosh you look almost as hot as me...” they eat this up, If Kino's could result in orgasm's I would have passed out from exhaustion.

Highlight of the night

The highlight of the night? are you kidding me? The whole night was a highlight to me. I think the moment of truth was, when I opened up this girl with “fake boobs”

I was chatting her up doing the “origami” and also talking to her friend. All my buddies are looking at me, and I **** you not. They all looked at each and said. “How is he doing this?”, “how is he getting girl’s la la la”. It was amazing; to see my buddies acknowledge and respect my game boosted my ego/confidence to another zone. I mean these guys would just look at me do my thing, and they were standing there perplexed. I ran so many sets(and so many opened me), as I look at some pictures I can’t even remember some of the sets or the chicks in the pictures lol, the night was a blur. I would engage in a multiple set. Do my thing, take pictures (I must be in many chicks face book page) and all that. I

was walking the street when, my buddies and I went to another club. I open this girl; she is walking to her car . I’m holding hands with her, number close this is all within 2 minutes. My buddies instantly hate on me, saying she was ugly and blah blah (do I sense jealously?).

Lowlight of the night

There was one chick, I opened, and Lloyd and Jason were standing there watching me. It was in the street. She was by herself (wtf? Don’t ask) But I’m plowing/escalating trying to build a connection. You name it, she wasn’t going for it. We ran into her again and Lloyd took a flick with her.

Other highlights

  • Seeing my buddies loosen up at the end of the night and “fishing” for chicks. It was awesome
  • Number closing an earlier set when they bounced to another bar.
  • Opening up the hottest chick (hb10) and having her at my whim, while disarming the ****blocker(too bad she was blitzed out of her mind, only God knows what could have happend)

Overall: Halloween was a blast, The Origami game worked like crack, Girls were very receptive and i had a blast and was able to test out a new theory, Stay tuned for my next report not all is good....

The saga continues...............


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Good to hear you had a blast. My halloween was great, I didn't go in to the party with me thinking "Man,I'm going to lay some chick tonight!!" but oddly enough i still opened 2 women that night and had a great time. I guess when you dont think of it, stuff just falls into place.

Oh and i dressed up as the Saw doll, suit and everything lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
ExcelNPrevail said:
Good to hear you had a blast. My halloween was great, I didn't go in to the party with me thinking "Man,I'm going to lay some chick tonight!!" but oddly enough i still opened 2 women that night and had a great time. I guess when you dont think of it, stuff just falls into place.

Oh and i dressed up as the Saw doll, suit and everything lol.


When you put that pressure on yourself to "pull" #'s or get laid, then you end up looking desperate or messing up. I knew opening sets wouldn't be a problem, I just wanted to escalate a set past a couple mintues and work on my weakness's and I did that very well. lol @ saw doll did you have the mask man?