Hair transplant in Punjab ?

neha sharma

New Member
Nov 30, 2015
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Hair loss is commonplace problem nowadays and millions of people have been affected by this problem. Androgenic alopecia is the most common kind of hair loss, which affects both men and women.

Permanent solution of hair loss

Hair transplant is a very delicate and time-consuming procedure. If men and women facing hair loss problem, then it is a permanent solution to all your hair problems. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the two most commonly used donor graft extraction techniques.

· Follicular Unit Transplantation:is a hair restoration technique where a patient's hair is transplanted in naturally occurring groups of 1 to 4 hairs.It is suitable for the individuals who are vulnerable to donor scarring and likewise for the individuals who don't have sufficient laxity on scalp for experiencing the conventional FUT strip procedure.

· Follicular Unit Extraction: is another also a hair transplant technique which follicular units are removed directly from the donor area. In this technique individual follicular units are concentrated and transplanted on the coveted zone on the scalp.

Select a right clinic

When you are choosing the right clinic you should know about them that they have Experience/Qualification of Surgeon& OT team. For example, for how many years he is in the medical profession? Is he capable of performing grafts, Follicular unit transplantation (FUE) and Follicular unit extraction (FUT) etc.? You must have answers to all these questions before selecting a surgeon. You should search for a clinic that can also provide you with a demonstration, live examples, before and after surgery pictures of the patients. If you are looking for a skilled hair transplant surgeon, you would not be disappointed. Selecting the best hair transplant surgeon is the first step of successful hair transplant surgery.

Who are the best Surgeon for transplant?

Before hair transplant you should know about the surgeon, who is the best for your treatment. Here are some tips to help you finding the best surgeon to your hair transplant.

1. A qualified surgeon who will diagnose the underlying causes of your hair loss.

2. Ideal candidates for this treatment where only head hair is used are those who have not yet suffered complete depletion of donor’s hair in the scalp area.

3. The dermatologist should have extensive hair transplant training.

4. While a lot of surgeons rely on their technicians for help and with implantation.

5. A candidate who handled the Number of cases.

6. A good surgeon extracts the follicles himself as this minimises the transection rate.

If you want to know something about more Hair transplant then you can visit our website If you want to search a clinic Hair Transplant in Punjab, then Clinicreborn is a best hair transplant clinic, which has a team of highly skilled that is dedicated and trained for all types of Hair Transplant surgeries. It has an honest patient experiences, real stories, recommendations. You can also call us at: 01762-509999, 9888305305 on any time.