Haha: "Top 21 Ways to Make a Woman Fall in Love with You"


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I think we all need a good laugh once in a while. Also, if any of you AFC's can't see whats wrong with this. Its better ask a stupid question online than be an idiot in real life.


Top 21 Ways to Make a Woman Fall in Love with You

  1. Call her the next day.
  2. Always laugh at her jokes.
  3. Tell her truthfully that you can't wait to see her again.
  4. Offer her a backrub, without asking for one in return.
  5. Call her just to say you were thinking about her.
  6. Bring her a teddy bear and chicken soup when she's sick.
  7. Write her a poem.
  8. Slow dance with her (not only on a dance floor).
  9. Bring her flowers for no reason.
  10. Send her a (handwritten) letter just to say hello.
  11. Always remember your anniversaries and bring her something sweet.
  12. Kiss her in the middle of a sentence.
  13. Take her for a walk at sunset and stay to look up at the stars.
  14. Tell her something about you that no one else knows.
  15. Remind her that you still think she's beautiful.
  16. Take a bubble bath together.
  17. Watch a sappy movie with her.
  18. Surprise her with a candle light dinner.
  19. Never stop trying to impress her.
  20. Tell her you love her
  21. Never forget how much she means to you.
Granted, 1 or 2 are aight, but most of em are just so awful its funny.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
2, 12, and 9 are alright, when they are done in very moderated ways (for example, you send her flowers suddenly for no reason, but you do it rarely).

I think a lot of it makes sense, its just that people tend to overdo things (like sending her flowers every day). Any AFC behaviour, when done rarely, can be positive.

But 19 is just terrible....its the reason why lame teenagers act like morons aorund women.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
Alright you pro DJ's....i think i am an evolving AFC...lemme know how many of these i got right.

Top 21 Ways to Make a Woman Fall in Love with You

1.Call her the next day. (NO!!!! atleast 2 days)

2.Always laugh at her jokes. (maybe some of the time, but not always)

3.Tell her truthfully that you can't wait to see her again. (no...just puts her in a position of power)

4.Offer her a backrub, without asking for one in return. (nah....unless she is feeling sick or something it's just overlavishing. What are we slaves?)

5.Call her just to say you were thinking about her. (again...puts her in position of power, and makes you seem needy)

6.Bring her a teddy bear and chicken soup when she's sick. (nothin wrong with that (if you are gf/bf)...teddy bear maybe a little over the top but chicken soup is thoughtful)

7.Write her a poem. (too sappy...no good)

8.Slow dance with her (not only on a dance floor). (nothin wrong with slow dancing with a woman on a dance floor....and maybe off the dance floor for a special occasion)

9.Bring her flowers for no reason. (that's just silly.....)

10.Send her a (handwritten) letter just to say hello. (over the top...makes you seem needy, too much pedestal action as well)

11.Always remember your anniversaries and bring her something sweet. (makes sense.....)

12.Kiss her in the middle of a sentence. (hmmm....kind of a bold move.....but darn good if you can pull it off)

13.Take her for a walk at sunset and stay to look up at the stars. (kinda sappy.....but you never know what you're dealing with)

14.Tell her something about you that no one else knows. (nothing wrong with sharing secrets....as long as its not over the top)

15.Remind her that you still think she's beautiful. (hmmm....I would say no, unless she keeps reminding you about how beautiful you are :p )

16.Take a bubble bath together. (sounds good)

17.Watch a sappy movie with her. (sappy movie?....nah...if its a chick flick like Mean Girls thats cool, but romances and stuff zzzzzzzz abort.)

18.Surprise her with a candle light dinner. (maybe on a special aniversary its all good)

19.Never stop trying to impress her. (no way....you shouldn't have to try to 'impress' her to stay in a relationship....terrible advice)

20.Tell her you love her (nah, just puts her in the position of power)

21.Never forget how much she means to you. (NO!!! just makes you seem clingy, and again pedestal action).


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Down South
man, its so so so so sad to read that. reminds me of how i used to think like that. I used to get info./tips from other guys telliin me the same things to do mentioned. none of which ever worked.

It's funny my roomates best friend was tellin me how he got his girl and everyting about it. He said that they married only after knowing each other for 2 months. She's got him on a leash so bad. She told him to be somewhere at a certain time and he called her and was beggin her to let him come later, so he went at the time she wanted him to be there, freakin pathetic!!!! He was tellin me the best way to get a girls number was to ask for it so we could talk about a class that we might have together. Pathetic too. And all he talks about is how much he loves his wife. :rolleyes:

im glad people like him are around so i know not to make his mistakes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Now that is funny

I can't believe that I would have followed those rules a couple of months ago:rolleyes:. No wonder I never could get a date if my life depended on it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
I don't see these things as bad unless they are done the wrong way. I think that somehow you have to let the girl know these things but at the same time let her know that you're not worth of her or anything like that. If you don't come off as pathetic, then it will be ok.

If I do any of this stuff, I would always just preface it with a "friends" tone, so that she doesn't think you're trying to buy her love. Of course, that's only if you want to be friends with a girl too, which I know most guys here are not looking for.

DJ Suave

Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
there is some sense in alot of that stuff. Some of it is quite useful (as i have found out :D .


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2004
Reaction score
Real World
that was me before, now what happens with me?.... i'm totally pissed!

for me there is no reason to be a slave/servant? but there is a reason for being the KING/DJ at all. An act of a nice guy should be avoided as soon as possible, before she thinks your head over heals with her.

why? is because, i dont want you people to experience what i had expericed.

no offense pls!


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I agree with ShorTimer. This is stuff you CAN do AFTER she's fallen in love with you. And yes fellas, IMO, you CAN do this stuff isfshe's your LTR.

Most of this stuff are things a DJ could do after maybe 2 or 3 years in an LTR or marriage. Do it before you've gained the control or respect in the relationship, then you're just being an AFC pedistalling her with all the NICE things you can do...blah..

This stuff can keep that 'spark' or 'romance' in LTRs. Yea, the DJB accels when it comes to STRs, PU, and ONS...but...LTRs can and do benefit from that top 21 list - As long as its not over the top dramafied.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
If you are confident, masculine, self-respected, and just plain DJ enough, you could pull off almost all of these and she'd still be head over heels for you. It all depends on how and why.
totally agree. just here and there, and randomly to keep her thinking. like anything else, it's all in the execution.

however, do ALL 21 of them, which is probably what some AFCs are striving for, and she runs for the hills. can you imagine?

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
I think alot of these things are good things to KEEP a girl interested, spread these 21 things over a long period of time, there is nothing wrong.

The thing is that most people read this list and think that you MUST do these things to keep a woman interested and take it to the extreme. If you do, however, do things like this out of the blue all the while keeping your masculinity intact, I can't see anything wrong with any of these... (except maybe the poetry thing, thats uber gay)