Guy on my Facebook puts his Divorce out there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Here are his recent passages:

has been thinking yes i screwed up alot! but no one sees what she put me through either. we are both to blame for our marriage not working yes me more than her but what happened 4 better or 4 worse to death do us part. the more i think i don't know if she really even cared cuz when i asked if shed go to marriage counsling she didn't want to. i know if by some miracle she comes back and we work it out we both need to change things up but i'm done. cant beleive an argument over me not wanting to eat at the time would just blow up so bad where it would throw our marriage away. yea we put each other through some hell but there was some great times to. i just wish we could try working it out one last time because i know it could work this time! Yes i still love her very much its really hard to get over! yes back in april was a really rough time. what i did was an accident cuz i would never do that. we were both very intoxicated when that happened. and when we moved i was more scared for some reason than anything. we both had went through some bad times in relationships. got cheated on, ran all over and abused in different ways. thats were my fears came in but toward the end i had started to get it outta my mind and was trying to encourage her to hang out with her fam and friends and i was wanting to cuz i had realized what was going on then i came home one day from work had a bad day and a migrane and didnt want to eat at that exact time and she got mad started to get mad it wasnt the fact i didnt want to eat her cooking cuz i did i love her cooking its just all i wanted to do was sleep of my migraine but then we both blew it outta porportion worse than what it really was. i hate that our marriage had to come to and end so quick over something so small compared to what happened in the past. i still love her very much and wish we could have just one last chance at it! i know it would be better! cuz if i would even raise my voice once facebook i promise her and everyone on here i will leave without looking back cuz i know it would be my fault. i'm want to say im sorry to her family and more than ever her! wish she could see this cuz i mean every word here. I love you Stephanie and always will


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

Well everybody here’s what all happened in our marriage and relationship that went wrong. Its gonna be long so please hang in there. People are only seeing the story in her eyes and what I only put her through. But nobody knows what she has put me through. I think we both are to blame for this not working. Yes maybe me more than her. Yes me and steph had alot of good times and bad. But yes back in April is when we went through a really rough spot we both did things to screw up. Well one nite when steph was bartending I picked her up from work. We both were intoxicated and she wanted to go over to stl to this guys house and on the way she dumped out some condoms out of her bag. And yea we started arguing over that and it kept going on. well we got over to her friends and we were still arguing and she walked to the other side of the street and I was walking towards her she had a beer bottle in her hand and I thought she was going to either hit me with it or throw it at me so I went to try to just hug her up to stop her from hitting me with it. Well when I was doing that I tripped over the curb and my right hand glazed her right cheek and ear and I accidently hit her. I still have a scar from the beer bottle on my forearm and it was 100% and accident because I would never ever hit a woman!!!! well about a week later is when I got a dui and she left me for a few days and we didn't even argue to cause that she just left well she went with this guy and he was texting her calling her baby, I miss you baby, and asked her to move in with her among other stuff. I could tell she was hiding something for me. well he texted her hey baby one morning and she was sleeping so I looked at it and it was him I texted him back and said this is her husband well he said that they had had sex a few times (and he’s not the first person to tell me they’d had sex with her since we had been together) and it does kind of make sense cuz when shed be with them shed ignore my phone call or turn her phone of and be gone for a day to a couple of days. Well I thought we had agreed to put that behind us. Well things did start to get better for a while. Then we moved to Eldorado yea I was a lil controlling because moving to a new place where I didn't know anybody I didn't want to be left alone and I shouldn't have done that. but what she doesn't realize either she did the same thing to me when she moved in with me up here in Belleville she didn't want me to go with none of my friends and other stuff. I think some or our problems came from because we were always together all the time. But I was trying to get better about a week to a week and a half before all this happened I was trying to get better and encourage her to go hang out with her fam and sis but she just wouldn't. and the nite before the final argument me, steph, her cuz jesse, and joe were all hanging out drinking a lil and I went to bed early cuz I had to work the next day well as I was laying in bed that nite trying to fall asleep I over heard her telling them how great I am, how much she loved me and a whole bunch of other stuff. I was thinking then we need to start doing things differently and stop arguing especially over tiny things. And well then the next day I came home from work had a bad day and a migraine. She was making chicken and dumpling (which is the bomb) well her and her cousin left the second time I had fallen asleep trying to get rid of my migraine. Well they got back and she had fixed me a bowl but I just wanted to get rid of my migraine but she got mad and I could hear her talking about how she should just throw it away and was talking bad about me. so yea I sat up in bed and gave her the finger wich I shouldn't have done and she gave me the finger back and said f*** you and I said f**** you to and went to just go around the block to cool off because I didn’t want it to turn into a big argument but when I was pulling up she had already left I found her at her sisters and she just blew up on me and brought the past back in April up. Well the next morning I called her asked if she had cleaned my work uniforms and I had to use the bathroom really bad. so I pulled on the parking lot a little too fast and walked straight in to use the bathroom well she started trying to argue about it so I left cuz I didn’t want to argue well she called me up as I was getting ready to pull in the driveway she called and started arguing so I was just kidding and said well screw it then I’m going to Belleville well before I could say I was only kidding she hung up so yes I went back up to her work to just be like see I’m not going anywhere I’m still here well she blew up said I was trying to cause a scene witch I never intended to do at all.. To us arguing we are both guilty of it of doing things we shouldn't have calling each other names and everything else. Well I think allot of it stems back to what happened in April. I don’t think we ever started trusting each other again and it comes from what happened in our past relationships. But I think if we could have been more honest and trusting with each other things would have been better. We stopped communicating as much and just bottled everything in which didn't help either one of us. Yes we hid my past from her family but in my defense I wanted to tell them but steph didn't want to she said it was none of their business. You know she doesn't see anything she has done to me just what I have put her through. I personally think we both are to blame. When this happened I had asked for just one very final very last chance for us to try and work our marriage out. Because this experience really has taught me a lot. People can and do change but apparently she doesn't think so at all because of her past relationships. I know if she would have given me that last final change it would have worked out I was done arguing back period that even included raising my voice in the slightest and if I would have slipped up I really would leave without trying to stop. She doesn't believe me cuz to her it’s my entire fault when she’s not so innocent herself. If by some God given miracle and it would be a huge miracle we do give our marriage one last shot. I think we both need to do things differently. Like give each other a lil more space, do things with our friends but still have time for one another. We need to communicate with each other, be honest, and build trust back, and No Arguing. I still love her unconditionally and still do. She was my world, the essence of my being, my everything, the beat that kept my heart beating, the light of my eye, the breath that filled my lungs. She thinks I’m lying when I said I can stay changed and not slip up. But with everything that happened in the past this is so tiny compared to everything that has happened. I don't think it was worth ending a marriage without at least trying some marriage counseling. Thanks for hanging in there and reading if you did would you comment and leave your opinion if you think we should try one last time and if so what you think we both can do to make it work. Please and thanks. She still means the world to me and I still love her!! There a lot more I could put down but don’t have time

his profile:

I don't know if you guys can see his wall or not.


This guy has been completely ****ed. I feel so bad for him. Ive been that naive like I was when I was 22 coming on this forum.

I still have so much to learn.

I left this on his wall a min ago:


Reading your story of your wife cheating on you so recklessly is pretty ****ed up. Come on man, **** that ****. The woman is still your wife, so I will be respectful. But you gotta wake the **** up man. Please read this. I do not expect you to go out and look for women now. It's not about that. I suggest you find the Mature Man Forum on and post this story and see what they say.
The Don Juan Bible: Hints, tips and articles on the art of seduction, romance, dating and courting (
The Don Juan Bible contains links to many articles on the topic of courtship and romance, including articles from the likes of Pook, Gunwitch and AntiDump. These articles have been carefully selected. Included is a link to the free, tried and tested, Boot Camp. There is also a section on speed seduc

I am not sure if it will matter or not.

Sue Madre

Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Tons of guys do this. I see it all the time, putting their drama on facebook like a b!tch. I have called them out and they get offended and will curse you out. I consider them male b!tches.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Jesus, I wanted to read the second post but it's like a wall of text. Some people are never going to understand the importance of paragraphs.

Oh and massive lolz that he blames the argument over dinner for the downfall of his marriage.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Then we moved to Eldorado.

I know that town. It's one depressing armpit.

I have friends like him on facebook, too. When he does find a new girl, he'll be gushing on and on about his new baby and how much he loves her...until all of this happens again and the cycle repeats itself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
hope that was a PM,not an open letter on his wall. "Don't talk about fight club" don't need to be over run with feminists here


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
men have become the new women