Gunman opens fire on lecture hall at Northern Illinois U


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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Yeah, that must be it Bible..

What, should we all get shot to be cool tough guys? Just because 50 cent does it...?

How about an actual response instead of just calling us pussies? Do you honestly think the US has a healthy attitude towards violence?
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Espi said:
Fvuck the is mere ideological fodder for the masses.
These are the Zionist Nazi fascist fvcks who have taken over our country!!!! These fvckers need to be hanged for treason!!! Sick demonic bastards!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
SmoothTalker said:
Yeah, that must be it Bible..

What, should we all get shot to be cool tough guys? Just because 50 cent does it...?

How about an actual response instead of just calling us pussies? Do you honestly think the US has a healthy attitude towards violence?

You Canadians are emotionally mature, too, damn you. It must be all the pot.

I think Canada has an unhealthy attitude about guns, but that is a separate issue.

I agree that the US culture is obsessed with violence, but that is nothing new. It has been that way for a long time. I have read that lynchings occurred here up through the 1940's and 50's quite frequently. It was considered good entertainment. Men brought their wives and kids to see the show.

School shootings, however, are fairly new. There has to be more to it than an obsession with violence. We have had that for a long time.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Bible Belt said:
School shootings, however, are fairly new. There has to be more to it than an obsession with violence. We have had that for a long time.
It's no different than dudes blowing themselves up in other parts of the world. It's a deadly combo of feelings of complete powerlessness, mental instability, and a raging frustration with how 'the system' treats them. The mass public shooting becomes the chosen form of vengeful violent ending because it grabs attention. The shooter knows exactly what will happen afterwards, and feeds off that.

My guess would be if media and authorities committed to a zero-disclosure policy on the identity and background of the shooters - much like it is with alleged rape victims, these shootings would go away. After the next couple of them, future copycats would realize that acting out that violent ending isn't going to get their picture and story plastered on CNN for a month.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Good point, RedPill

In a culture that worships fame, yet perpetuates such a mundane existence, this type of sh!t is really not surprising. People want their 15 minutes, some don't even care if its after they die, cause there is no worse feeling in the world than uselessness.

Add easily obtainable firearms to the mix and this is a no-brainer. To those of you who think that more guns are the answer, ask yourself why this is happening most in a country that owns 3 times more firearms per capita than any other.

More guns wont fix anything.. what we need is radical social reform, a veritable revolution of the masses to uproot and dismantle the system because its built to work for only 1% of us. Capitalism is the new Catholicism and there must be separation between church and state if we want to live in a real democracy!

We pay illegal taxes, our currency is privately owned and generated at will and most of us dont have healthcare or basic human rights. We can point at the powers that be all we want, but the real root of the problem is US. There will be no hope as long as we are content to sit on our asses watching reality tv and eating our Happy Meals, while the greedy parasites of the world just steamroll us into submission


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
SmoothTalker said:
Are more guns the solution? **** no. Look at other countries that are very similar socially and economically to the US, but with much tighter gun controls. This sort of **** is much much less common. Denying that is just burying your head in the sand.

However, would a nut-case with enough motivation figure out some other method if they couldn't buy a gun, ie, illegal guns or explosives, sure.

The core of the problem is some sort of messed up obsession with violence that you Americans have. A nipple slip!!! gets weeks of attention on the news but brutal violence is common prime time tv material. And the weirdest part is in terms of minor violence, it's pretty quite around here. I know in countries like Russia, fist fights are far more common. I guess nobody wants to do that in the US, they'd rather bottle it up and then blow people's heads off. Personally I'd rather have a black eye or two, but whatever.
if Russia is so much safer than America why does every businesman have a bodyguard or two?

btw, finns have a higher standard of living than americans and just as many guns!!

this forum is filled with people who never get outside of their own little world of mtv and cnn.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Actually aldaris, I NEVER watch MTV, watch CNN very rarely, and frankly have better things to do than watch tv anyway, but thanks for assuming.

And I've probably been more places than you anyway, including most of Europe and actually LIVING in Russia, so yeah, I know what I'm talking about.

Maybe rich people there do feel threatened, but organized crime targetting them is not the same as some kid shooting up his school. Rich people may be in danger because people want their money. What is the reasoning for school shootings?