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great place to go to meet women


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2000
Reaction score
philadelphia, pa, usa
The last few weeks I've been going swing dancing and I've found that is a wonderful way to meet women! I've come home with numbers every time!

Here's why swing dancing is better (in my opinion) than regular dancing at a club:

1) you MUST have a partner to dance.
more women than men swing dance, so you
never should be without a partner

2) the volume is not so loud, so you can
actually talk with her while you dance

3) the man ALWAYS leads, so it teaches you
confidence and initiative, not to mention

I have links to swing dancing places in the philadelphia area if you're interested.

Does anyone here have experience in other types of dancing, ie ballroom, latin, etc?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2000
Reaction score
I do a lot of dancing : ballroom (standard) and latin
and I think it's the best possibility to get known to lot of girls ( how much depends on how big the dancing school you go to is )

I have to add a point :

4) there are nearly always more girls who go to such dancing classes, parties, etc. than boys, and there are really few boys who dance really good.
If you are really good , than