Got numbers but no dates, what's am I doing wrong?


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
I will write about 2different chicks whose number I got.

First let me say that I've been having the attitutde of "You either call me back and I don't play any games or NEXT."


When I called her several days after getting her number she acted (?) like she couldn't hear, claiming that there was a problem with her connection. This happened after I told her who it was. Connection (or she hung up?) was lost. I called back a few minutes later, she said "hi, hello, what, etc." as if she couldn't comprehend what I was saying. At that point I said NEXT.

I got this girl's number on a friday evening in front of the university library and on that day I asked her about joining me at the mall on the upcoming sunday. She said that she and her friends talked about doing something but that no commitments had been made. If she had time around her studying and gym habits, she would "definately go with me." I called her the following day (Saturday) and left a messsage asking her if she's gonna go with me to the mall. She called me back the next day (Sunday) and told me she was out until midnight Saturday but she couldn't call me because she didn't know me well enough to call that late. She told me that she was doing laudry and afterwards she was going to the gym. Then I asked her what days she's free. She told me Thursday evening would work for her because she has time off that day (she is a graduate student), but I told her that is the worst day for me. Then she said "We'll see how our week unfolds. I'm sure we'll figure out a time we can both meet." So I called her Yesterday (thursday) evening and left a message telling her that I'll be at university until 6 pm today and if she can meet me in front of the library at 6 pm to let me know. She never called. I'm thinking about NEXTING her right now.

Note that I didn't leave her my number in the message because I didn't want to come off as desperate. I did, however, leave caller ID UNBLOCKED. And, I left her my number in a previous message , so I would assume that if she was interested she would keep hold of it.

NEXT or not?

Also please comment on the way I'm handling things
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Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
many girls will give out their number for the hell of it... don't think that just because you get a girl's # that you have game.

it's all about creating ATTRACTION the FIRSSSSSSSSSTTTT time you meet. if they are not thinking about you and wondering when you will call, you don't get a date. you can't just go out and get #'s and expect to get dates.

you need to learn how ATTRACTION works and how to AMPLIFY it so that these girls are thinking about you after you leave their presence.

you are also asking them out completely wrong. DONT ASK THEM ON A DATE THE FIRST TIME YOU MEET THEM. this is desperate behavior. this tells them that you have no other plans and taking them out is your #1 priority. what you want to do is always act totally in control and aloof about the whole thing. pretend she already loves you and wants to have sex with you and you will RELUCTANTLY talk with her to see if she meets your standards. once you develop this type of attitude you will project a much more valuable image of yourself.

when you first meet them, tell them something like, "do you always hit on random strangers? you must be desperate or something." "let me get your # and i'll give you some good info about dating classes so you can learn how to do this stuff."

then you call her and say this EXACTLY... "look... i'm busy on thursday and saturday, but on friday i have a few hours free. is 8pm or 9pm better for you? we'll meet for a drink."

i recommend you check out david deangelo's dating stuff.

Walk this Way

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
If you take classes with the girl, I usually don't even bother with the numbers. Last Friday, after I was done in the early afternoon, I was talking to a female friend/acquaintance (don't know which category).

Me: "Heey, Emily long time no talk!" (I had spoken to her like ten minutes ago)
Her: "hahahahaha i know!!!"
Me: "Cheer up it's friday"
Her: "oh my god I know. it's been a long week."
Me: "yea. Hey, want to come over for a bowl of lucky charms? It would break my hearts, stars and horseshoes if you couldn't come."
Her: "ahahahaha you're too much. Sure, let's go! Sounds awesome."
Me: "Nice. Maybe you'll get lucky who knows?"
Her: "hahahaha"

I put her stuff in my car, opened the door ("I call shotgun...oh wait I have to drive, my bad"). I played some DMB on the way to my place. We grabbed some cereal and milk and then headed out to see a matinee. It was spontaneous, energetic and fun. There was plenty of physical contact, but I never took the next step because I had to leave a bit early that evening. Oh well.

A number isn't always the best idea. It's too formal, too routine, and gives her time to reconsider and think. She's more emotionally charged when she's with you anyway, so she'll probably accept. Of course, you have the problem of her being busy, and in that case you could get her number and call her later.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
HB#2 is actually the girl that I walked around campus for almost an hour. I think she wanted physical contact. We were actually at some places that would make great make out spots. I didn't catch onto it though until the end when she made it so obvious by trying to bump into me with that intimate look. I actually brushed her off (naturally, as I'm a trained AFC). I knew what she was hinting to me as she was doing it, but my body lagged behind my brain. But right after I brushed her off, I got close to her so we made contact as we walked (letting her know that I finally caught on).

Even after that she repeatly gave me compliments:

"Thanks again for taking me on that walk,"

"We could exchange numbers (I never even brought up it up, she did... and I didn't even give her my number, I just took hers),

" I'm so impressed by you static, it takes a lot of courage to approach a girl you don't even know....that demonstrates confidence on your part,"

"I'm sure you get approached by girls very often."

And to top it off, we had a lot in common. I guess it DOES matter if you act AFC. After this experience, I'm starting to realize more that girls want mystery/challenge type guy that these sites are preaching. I did share a lot about myself with her, probably too much, on top of acting AFC. After having some time away from me she put things into perspective and probably concluded that I'm not what she NEEDS ( i.e I didn't demonstrate the manly characteristics that females need, as discussed on this site).
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Don Juan
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
#1 gave you her number for the hell of it. Number *****. (You're going to edit out the word *****!#!@%! That's what she is, she's a filthy dirty number *****!!!)

#2 wants to suck you dry bro. You just have to be patient. I think not catching on to her hints on your walk might have hurt your chances, but I don't think it's over. You have to wait for her to reply next, otherwise you gotta next her. I have a good feeling she'll contact you in the next couple days. Have something in mind that you can both go out and do next week, like a sport or small concert at a club or something, and then you gotta kiss her or whatnot cuz she'll lose complete interest if you don't.

Good luck Holmes!
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Don Juan
Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
I find it useful, when calling them, or getting their numbers, etc; to NOT make a big deal out it. Don't play it up, joke with them a little about how it isn't your number.

If all else fails, hit 'em on the head with a brick and take 'em home.:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by static
...Also please comment on the way I'm handling things
obviously girl#2 is interested in you.... or would be if you showed some interest in her. Asking her to go/meet at the mall sucks... instead of that, ask her to go to a club or dinner or movie or to come to your house and you'll cook her dinner. At that point she might respond with a yes or "no, but you can come to my house and I'll cook you dinner".

Mission accomplished... now quit showing her you are a coward and pretend you are a man, maybe she'll believe it too. If you were a girl, would you be attracted to Melvin Milktoast?


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
HB1 was never interested at all.


In HB2's case, she seemed to have interest in you at first, but you started sounding too desperate after leaving those messages. You may or may not be out of the running now, but if HB2 DOES call you back and offer to get together (cough!) then go ahead and set up a date. Otherwise, blow her off because you screwed up.

And, in future, always hang up on answering machines and only settle for getting her in person.
