Got her number, now what?

Army Strong

Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
El Monte, CA
Okay, a few weeks ago at my Army recruiting station I met a girl while doing physical training. Our recruiter kinda set us up to train together on our own time. To my surprise she was totally up for it. That same day though we separated into different groups and didn't see each other for the rest of day, and as a result didn't exchange numbers. I thought "oh well" I guess she's history.

Today, I walked into the recruiting station and noticed her with a bunch of other (male) recruits. I sat down and was doing business with my recruiter when she came up to me and said "hi", then reminded me about our little exercise session we were supposed to have and immediately gave me her number.

Now I'm a little confused. I told her weeks ago that I'm not very much into exercise. She could have easily done this with another more capable recruit but instead asked me. I really can't tell if she's doing this strictly for business or she wants to get to know me. What on earth should I do?

I am very much attracted to her although I haven't show it, because I know that's rule #1. Should I call her? If we do exercise together, should I treat it as a date?

Please help, I don't want to be a chump.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
Real world.
Focus on exercising. During the workout do not mention about hanging out or whatsoever, keep your mind on the fitness and ignore her when you're on it. It's a good opportunity to keep yourself fit though.

After the workout maybe you could ask for a casual breakfsat/lunch/dinner. It's only at this time then start interacting with her, get to know her more.
Ask questions and keep the conversation interesting.

Army Strong

Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
El Monte, CA
Thank you. It's been 3 days. Should I call her now?

Should I choose where to do the exercise or should I ask her for suggestions?

Should I ask her out on a real date after?

Sorry for all the "should I"s :p


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
Do not have rules like the 3 day rule that is bs a man calls a woman when he feels he wants to....These rules are just to keep people from being to needy but if you follow the only real and number one rule which is make YOUR life as great as you can do what YOU want and don't live by womans expectations or demands or anything less than how you want to live

So call her...Just do not be needy

You choose where you excersise because that's what an Alpha would do.

If you guys hit it off see if she wants to go out to eat later that night or later that week just be decisive and don't bs around. Do not be easy either.


Well im starvin lets grab something to eat...

her: sorry I gotta do........
You: hmm well i gotta date wed night thur night I am volunteering how about fri night

have a life be busy don't interrupt your own plans for a vag!na..

PS. Thank you for joining the military to protect our country. My prayers are out there for you guys.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
This plan will suit you.

1) Ask her where she intends to work out at. If she has a place in mind, go ahead. If she doesn't, you decide.

2) Don't ever behave formally. Don't even have the mindset of going out on a date. Simply hang out, no pressure whatsoever.

3) It's exercise, lots of good stuff can come out of it. You don't have to impress her but you can tease the crap out of her and have normal conversations at the same time. Get to know more about her.

4) Afterwards, you can give it a day or two and ask her out. Don't make it sound like you're asking her out on a "date". Keep it casual, ask her if she's free on this day, then tell her you two are going to go skydiving. Of course, tell her you're kidding and go window-shopping or catch a movie instead.

Army Strong

Don Juan
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
El Monte, CA
Okay, I called her yesterday and set up this little exercise session for today at 8:00 am. I went to her house then we walked to the park. She immediately began talking about her life and problems. I had a lot of parallels with her especially when regarding to the Army and how our parents are not ok with it. She wants to be an Police officer after the Army which is exactly what I want to do.

I was listening 90% of the time and only rarely gave input. She then began talking about her ex-boyfriend and how he asked her to marry him and then turning him down. She then began saying how all the recruiters are cute and whatnot. I really don't know if these were tests or just her looking for an emotional tampon. I just made it obvious that I didn't care.

She also talked about wanting a non-serious relationship right now to focus on her career. We went to a 7-Eleven before walking home. I bought a Gatorade but she didn't want anything. We got to her apartment and she asked me if I wanted to come in and meet her parents. We went but her parents were fighting so I left shortly afterwards.

This girl is really confusing me. And it sucks because she's the one that I'm most interested in. What do you think I should do now?


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Army Strong said:
I was listening 90% of the time and only rarely gave input.
That's extreme. I know the girl should be talking more than you, but her talking 90% of the time? That's barely a human interaction.

She then began talking about her ex-boyfriend and how he asked her to marry him and then turning him down.
I just made it obvious that I didn't care.
By listening AND making it "obvious" that you didn't care, you became an emotional tampon AND probably came across as an insensitive person. To not become an emotional tampon, you have to stop her from talking about that. If she brings it up, you have to change the subject. Her talking about all those depressing things with you will make her associate depressing feelings with you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well you got to demonstrate that you're not going to fall in the friend category. That means showing sexual interest... try and see what you can do that fits your style.

A date is good, but pick a date that is obviously a DATE, not a buddy meeting. What I like to do is just call her and not offer a justification. So if you're going for coffee you say "hey, lets meet for coffee". Why? Oh, because you feel like it. Or go swimming or whatever. Coffee might actually be a bit boring.

Anyway, do something you can imagine doing. If she brings up how cute the guys are you can counter with how pretty the girls are. If there's no pretty girls tell her that (which is teasing, because she's there obviously). That's an example, you have to start the flirting somewhere.

P.S.: no comments about her mentioning the ex-boyfriend and her parents... that can mean a variety of things, but just forget about it atm