good future without college?


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2004
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Sup. Can someone have a good future without going to college? If so, what kind of jobs are there that someone can make good money out of? Im a junior in highscool, but have been doing really bad due to grades. Mostly because of drugs and depression. Plus i come from a pretty poor family. So what jobs are there no require for college and make good living?


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
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Clayton, New Mexico
Do not view college as a means to get a job. A 4 year university is a means to get an education, not job training. If you want job training, you need to go to a vocational school, where they focus on job skills instead of liberal arts knowledge.

If you try to go out on a high school diploma, you're not going to get paid well. Simple fact of the matter.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
KillaPetehog, hats off man, hats off!

What you said was brilliant!

I don't know what to add, personally I never had to go through this, I always knew it was extremely important to get a good education (going to college is the centerpiece of it). Why? Because both my parents went through it, and they achieved big things and changed their destiny thanks to college education.

My mom comes from a very very poor broken home, and thanks to her hard work and determination, and her college education she's become a cardiologist.
My dad also comes from a pretty underprivileged family, he could have been some random street thug without a future, but instead, thanks to the good family upbringing and thanks to the college education and his hard work, now he's a diplomat working for one of the UN organizations.

Snap87, do NOT quit !!! As hard as it might be, get your sh*t together and embrace your life!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
just to give you a blunt honest answer to your question, sure. Of course, I never stepped foot on a college campus unless to watch a footballa nd I am doing okay.

I know a guy, 1 year older than me that got in the car business the week after he got out of high school and he is the General Sales Manager at a Mazda Dealership and makes close to 200k a year and has made about a million from the time until he got out of school until now.. plus he gets to demo cars and never has to pay for gas


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Dallas, Texas
backbreaker said:
just to give you a blunt honest answer to your question, sure. Of course, I never stepped foot on a college campus unless to watch a footballa nd I am doing okay.

I know a guy, 1 year older than me that got in the car business the week after he got out of high school and he is the General Sales Manager at a Mazda Dealership and makes close to 200k a year and has made about a million from the time until he got out of school until now.. plus he gets to demo cars and never has to pay for gas
Backbreaker, I respect you a whole lot bro! Yeah we know you made a good life for yourself without college, but not a whole lot of people can be as successful as you and your friends without college. Most people who don't go to college don't end up very far in life. And you know that bro. There are exceptions, but he will find better paying jobs, etc... If he had a college education.

This dude is still young, I think he should diffinitely go to college and pursue a better life. He shouldn't give up so easily. There is still plenty of time. Some people don't do well in highschool but bloom in college!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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Dont ever limit your options in life.
Aug 8, 2005
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The Cold North.
Snap87 said:
Sup. Can someone have a good future without going to college? If so, what kind of jobs are there that someone can make good money out of? Im a junior in highscool, but have been doing really bad due to grades. Mostly because of drugs and depression. Plus i come from a pretty poor family. So what jobs are there no require for college and make good living?
Listen to yourself. All these excuses, for what? Are they going to get you anywhere? Is placing the blame going to solve anything?


Get ahold of yourself. You can do it.

If you don't want to go to college and believe that you can get a great job without it, then do it. But you better make sure to do the proper research and talk to the right people about it. You don't want to make a mistake that you are going to regret the rest of your life... do you?

Find out what options you got without college, and with college. Talk to your consellor at school and find out this stuff. Then get a second opinion from someone of high status (successful) then get a third.

Find out your options before giving up.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
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My friend the answer to your question is a resounding YES. However i don't know if you have what it takes, your communication shows your lack of confidence and low-self esteem. To succeed in today s world without college takes a great deal of effort, at the moment you re not at that point. I suggest you first get your mind right, study ways to improve yourself and become a stronger individual, you're only 16 spend these next 2 years improving yourself then make your decision. I too have come from a family soaked in poverty, i had no direction and my parents lacked the knowledge needed to help me truly be successful in life, so after wandering aimless for a couple years after highschool, i became driven, started improving myself and am constantly becoming the man i want to be. Im 22 making 40k a year as a counselor for the department of Juv justice without college. Don't let these people tell you college is a must, the knowledge is just as easily obtained in the world, college just gives you a piece of paper saying you've completed the studies. Personally my wisdom and knowledge surpasses 90% of the college grads i know, what can i say I;ve been blessed with intelligence. However I do recommend you going because theres only positive that can come from it. What s more important though is happiness. The only thing college can get me is more money, if that wasn t the case no one would be there. They key is to make enough money to live the lifestyle you want to live and be happy other than that money is useless, NO ONE LIVES FOREVER.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
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LOL BRAVO! NIce speech PETE, you are one of my favorite posters here, but i must counter your perspective. All those people you talk of didn t fail because they lacked a degree, they failed because they didn t have what it takes. Success takes desire,persistence,discipline, an unrelnting passion to succeed. It's unfortunate but 95% of people INCLUDING college graduates will never reach their pinnacles because their too lazy or lack the heart to aggresively go after what they want in life. Therefore they remain stuck in a career thats not satisfying to them. Most of the grads i know are not really doing what they REALLY enjoy, yes they may be making good money, but not while doing something their passionate about. You can make 100k but if you re not happy then what? As long as you make enough money to live comfortably and do the things you REALLY love in life you will be happy. This is America baby! moneys everywhere you just got to know how to get it, I do so i will never let money stress me out and I ll continue to be happy. NO ONE LIVES FOREVER.:rockon:

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Hey, you can do it. Don't quit, man.

There are exceptions like Backbreaker who can succeed without college, but let's be realistic. Most guys won't reach those expectations. I like what the people are saying here. Don't quit. You're still young. Don't just do it for yourself. Do it for your future and for something to add on your DJ skills. ;) Women won't tell you this, but they respect a man with more education, and they automatically assume that a man who only has a high school degree is socially lower, unintelligent, least likely to make money.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can do it. Some truly motivating posts on here!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
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College is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Your success in life isn't going to depend on if you go to college or not, it's going to depend on your work ethic, desire, social skills, etc.

The best example I can possibly give is to look at my uncle. He dropped out of highschool as junior. He took his lumps for a while, learned his business from the ground up, then went on his own and now makes well over a million a year.

Conversely, look at the people who work for my uncle. Most of them have a high school degree to their credit, but stopped schooling, got a good job and fell into the trap of living paycheck to paycheck. These are nice people by all means, but they lack that extra drive and desire to succeed. College won't give you that drive, it will merely give you more tools and options when you decide what road you want to drive down.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
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There is always more than one way to achieve your goals. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY. You cannot use a lack of a college/uni degree as an excuse for failing. Killapete i love ur posts as well, but that one was a bit negative. Being negative in that way prob wont help anyone.

Snap, you need to have an irrational expectation that you will succeed. If you have confidence you can be successful. Getting a degree is the easy way to obtain mediocre success - a degree will not make you particularly successful by itself. Confidence, positivity, pride, persistence, commmitment, etc will.

Just a few examples:
Bill Gates. Richard Branson. Harry Truman. Michael Dell. Paul Allen. Larry Ellison. Thomas Edison. Abraham Lincoln.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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BingoBango said:
There is always more than one way to achieve your goals. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY. You cannot use a lack of a college/uni degree as an excuse for failing. Killapete i love ur posts as well, but that one was a bit negative. Being negative in that way prob wont help anyone.

Snap, you need to have an irrational expectation that you will succeed. If you have confidence you can be successful. Getting a degree is the easy way to obtain mediocre success - a degree will not make you particularly successful by itself. Confidence, positivity, pride, persistence, commmitment, etc will.

Just a few examples:
Bill Gates. Richard Branson. Harry Truman. Michael Dell. Paul Allen. Larry Ellison. Thomas Edison. Abraham Lincoln.
The problem is that the people that were successful without can count them with your fingers. I think at the age of 16 years old, it's a lot easier to just go to college than to try to find some creative way to succeed without a degree, because the fact of the matter is, it's very difficult without a degree, to go anywhere.
Jan 4, 2002
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Yes, you CAN make it without college. Begin a college grad and seeing things from both ends of the spectrum, let me give you an idea of what you are looking at:

1) College degree makes it EASIER to get a JOB. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

2) You CAN make it without a degree. Most people who are wealthy and don't have degrees are entrepeneurs or sales people. Get what im saying?

3) Even if you want a career in sales, a degree will help you get your foot in the door, especially if you have little exeperience. The degree can act as an equalizer.

4) Some jobs ABSOLUTELY require a degree. Examples are engineer, doctor, teacher, etc.

5) In the sales field, if you can TALK, you can make it anywhere, with or without a college degree. Again I will re-state, the degree makes it that much easier.

6) Let's say you don't have a degree. You are in sales, and you climb up the ladder, and your up for promotion to area manager. The otehr guy up for it is just as good as you but has a degree. You most likely will NOT get the position. The other guy, with the degree, will.

7) College is an important learning experience. You will be exposed to new ideas, meet new people, meet lotsa girls, and, most importantly, increase your knowledge.

8) You MUST be happy in what you do. You can have 5 degrees and make $500,00 a year, but if you are not happy, it won't mean crap.

9) Make your own decision and do the research.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
4) Some jobs ABSOLUTELY require a degree. Examples are engineer, doctor, teacher, etc.
You can be an engineer without a degree, except in Texas, and lets face it, who would voluntarily live in Texas anyway? Hell, I've even known non-degreed engineers doing top secret military sh!t. It's a dirty little secret in the industry. My last 5 jobs all had very strict prerequisites of at least a bachelor's degree, all of which made exceptions. It's funny when the HR gal asks for a photocopy...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
college is so damn overrated it's pathetic. unless you are goign to be a doctor, a laywer or a CEO/CFO of a major corp, it's not worth the time/effort unless it's something you TRUELY love.

I am going to go to school for 6 years to get a job that will pay 30k a year starting out, and by now I am about 60k in debt via school loans? That's the biggest crop of **** I have ever seen.

People who are 26, just out of school, living in beat down apartments and ****ty cars because that's all they can afford, because their school loans eat all their money up.

Like my old onieitis Dad, he was an executive at MCI before.. well, you know. I just found out, 2 nights ago actually, that he never went to college. And he is paid.

However, just because I never went to college doesn't mean I stopped learning. I never had to have anyone make me want to learn, you should want to. And I am still learning.

I told my two best friends in HS I wasn't going to college, because it's a ripoff and I have better things to do. Both are done with college (at least to start off), both are now in debt, and neither can find a damn job and both had at least 3.5GPA's. One isn't working and one works as a customer service rep making 9 an hour for Direct TV.

Now, college is for some people. I have a friend who is going to be a news broadcaster. Okay, you have to go to school for **** like that, I get that. Teachers, Okay, same deal. But **** like, Computer Information Systems, when you can go to barnes and noble and take 300 dollars and learn damn near everything there is to know about computers? You gotta be kididng me. And do it faster than 4 years.

If I did to go school, which I did consider, and I was going to be on scholy (I just choose flat out not to go) I would have either went to Law School or as a History Major, as i love history. I know more about computers than I could ever know aobut law in a lifetime and I didn't have to go to school for it.


May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Become a rapper, singer, actor, comedian etc. If you go to job databases, there are alot of jobs that can be gotten without a school education.

I used to debate wether or not I was going to college, I decided yes after my cousing just recently graduated.


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
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Mac_Laaarry said:
My friend the answer to your question is a resounding YES. However i don't know if you have what it takes, your communication shows your lack of confidence and low-self esteem.
Mac has basically summed it up for you. To be successful, college or not, you need to get you head together. Without commitment, degree holders or the sewage-man lead equally mediocre lives, on different levels but equally empty.

I can understand the pain at 16, and no one can get yourself together but yourself. You must WANT to do it. Good luck.