God bless the day I discovered sosuave!


Nov 2, 2011
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I am translating book of pook to Russian, and right now it is just posts in a blog. All the way up to lesson 10, excluding introduction. So there are those champs posting what champs post, about how women are damaged, chasing bad boys, and they, the wonderful and un-repeated nice guys are, well, nice. I quoted pook, explain to them why they suck. But those mother fckers are proud to be champs, they even have champ bible, and champ self help manuals, everything on how to be a nice guy, even what gifts to buy, and how to make original bad poetry. Fck that!

Sht, check out this quote by Remarque, I googled it, I couldn't find it - "Women love helpless men. It is their intimate secret."

Did he write it, or did the champs made it up? It don't matter.

I discovered sosuave in 2006. I was 25 at that time, and I got fired from work on by birthday. I don't remember particulars, but when I come home I went on computer and find ebook by David D. Consumed it, and then find Book of Pook, and then this site.

How did you come across sosuave?