Girls fooling around - Changes mind?

Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
The past days I've fooled around with two girls. One at a club, then she gave me my phone number. Asked her out. After like four days I invited her out, and she said it was bad timing cause she was busy. I didn't bother answering. Then I thought, hey let's give it a go. So I said we could hang out this week. Her response: "I don't think we should meet at all". lol

The other I fooled around with, and she was into it. Thought there would be more fooling around so I sent her a message but she was "very busy".

So what's that about? I know I'm good at making out and stuff, and I haven't been contacting them more than asking them out.

Do girl sometimes just make out with a guy with no intention of taking it further? I mean come on, nothing more?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
64 and bar girls are meant to bang them that same nght. Not to be e changing numbers
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
That explains a lot. I've pretty much only found girls at parties.

On a funny note. Last weekend a Vietnamese girl went up to me, kissed me and we made out. There was this black guy behind her looking funnily at me. Then she left. He said "Did ya just kiss that girl? Do you know her?"

I replied: "I think I may know her, not sure though. Why?"

"I just kissed that girl too!"

Then we talk about how unreliable girls can be, and then she walks past us and a bunch of guys try to get the drunk girl to drink more then they go to the dance floor holding around each other and she was walking zig zag. The black dude and I got to know each other quite well though and we became good friends :)


Where do you find real girls and women?