Girls avoid me, Gays find me attractive. WTF!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
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I'm feeling really frustrated. I don't know why but something odd is happening to me which makes my self esteem drop to the bottom. Women in general just avoid me, they talk little and are very evasive.

I'm a 100% straight guy and when a gay guy compliments me i feel irritated and frustrated, not because im homophobic in any way (i respect sexual orientations) but because i wished the compliment would come from a woman, even a 4 or a 5.

When the compliment comes from a gay guy it feels like bad karma, bad luck, god (if you believe in those things ruling your life) or whatever is playing a trick on me. wtf did i do to deserve this?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Try not to think about it too much. I just go on about my business when gay guys try looking at me or try to fvcking flirt. If im walking down the street or if im walking past in a bar some guys will look at me with that gaze like girls do. I just turn my head and move along. Ive had guys walk by me and smirk with that same look Women do... and im like bro just fvckin keep it moving. Sometimes i feel like actually laughing because they do the exact same thing girls do and im thinking... lol damn man what a fag. IMO approach women you like and if gay guys compliment you, just nod your head and move on. I remember i was walking to my table at a bar i was with my friends. I see this dude staring at me... i walked passed him and i heard him say "mmm Damn!", I just got away from him and go flirt with the girls.

Just because girls arent complimenting you outright doesnt mean they dont find you attractive. Ive gotten a lot of outright compliments from Women but mostly they watch me from a far or a group of girls sitting together, I can tell they are looking at me but taking to each other. Gay guys tend to be straight out with it.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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When I know a gay dude is oogling me, or checking me out when I'm not looking, I'll say provocative things, you know, words that seem innocent, but have sexual overtones. If he follows up with direct sexual comments or Touches me, then I'll sue his as5, and the company he works for haha .) beat the weak with strength ,)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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This will happen more often if you are good looking/really attractive and have a masculine aura around you. nothing is more intimidating to hot girls than a good looks + high testosterone level (manly as fvck).

girls are not avoiding you but they are more intimidating by you because if you are good looking/masculine guy who walks like a fvcking Gorilla then they don't want to show you that they are interested/impressed because they are afraid sh!tless of getting rejected.

for gays and fags just don't think about it too much. if you can pull a Clint Eastwood look of fvck off then they will stop doing that **** to you.

In2theGame is spot on!


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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its the same deal for me, you just dont realize whats going on. it took my years to understand it. i thought women were creeped out by me.

for over a decade now ive done nothing with my spare time other than lifting weights and training in martial arts, and i guess i have that look now. young attractive women are intimidated by me and keep their guards up or pretend like they dont see me, older married women stuck in loveless marriages seem to love me, and most regular guys are afraid to look at me. in fact some of the men act worse than the women. when gay guys look at me, im fine with it, at least someone finds me attractive, thats how i see it.

i also been getting a lot of women who act as if they feel i think im too good for them immediately right off the start without ever even talking to me, and will go out of their way to ignore me, not look at me, some even look pissed off. they immediately assume i wont like them. these behaviors used to really bother me, but as time went on i realized these womens panties must be absolutely soaked for them to have to act this way. or at least thats what im going to tell myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
om1xr said:
if you are good looking/masculine guy who walks like a fvcking Gorilla then they don't want to show you that they are interested/impressed because they are afraid sh!tless of getting rejected
LOL I cant imagine walking around like a Gorilla but definitely agree that girls will be intimidated. Its difficult sometimes to stay serious and not laugh when these Gay men check you out, I dont want to smile or laugh bc then it gives the signal that your interested LOL. Just imagine.... You know how a Girl glances at you and looks away... Then innocently glances over at you again then looks away with a small smirk... Now imagine a damn Dude doing this.. How fvcking ridiculous. Just like the Michael Sam video when he got drafted... When his boyfriend began pouting and wiping his eyes just like a Woman would... It just looks so fcking ridiculous!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
It's still a compliment. Gay guys are very much into looks too. When I was younger and at my looks peak, I had more than my share of gay guys flirting with me. One trip to Vegas stands out in my mind...

I had met this HB8 Latina at a club. We were having drinks together at this bar nearby. This guy (who I didn't know was gay or bi, approached.)

Random guy: She has a nice a$s

Mike: Thanks

Random guy: You have a nice a$s too.

Mike: <WTF>. Umm thanks

The following night, I'm at the same bar with two new girls I met at the club.

Same guy: You're quite the pimp-eroni <smile>

Mike: how's that

Same guy: I saw you making out with two girls at once.

Mike and his girls: hahaha <It was true>

Same guy: So when are you gonna makeout with me?

Mike: <Starts tounging the brunette girl until he leaves>

The point of the story was I never got pissed off at the guy. I took the compliments and laughed the rest off.

*I know the difference between some AMOG straight guy just being a dik and an actual bi or gay guy being aggressively flirty. He was definitely the later.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You are probably just young, and it really is a compliment if gay men like you. They not only judge you, but can read through your masks (the way girls see through other girls makeup).

Also, know that men are being bombarded with estrogen-mimicking chemicals in the form of pesticides, vaccines, prescription meds, antibiotics, GMO foods, PCB's, BPA, plastic residues, and phytoestrogens in unfermented soy (tofu gives you man boobs).

Go on a 2 day cleansing fast and eliminate all of these things and other chemicals in your environment (avoiding the microwave), this will increase your testosterone.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
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Have you seen American Pie The Wedding?

Stiffler goes into the gay club and gets guys hitting on him, hilarious.
Guys do all the running, mainly. So why is it a shock when a gay guy hits on you.
I rarely see many girls out like us fellas gaming. Im sure it happens, but not as much as guys. Your job as a guy is to know that. To expect that. Women are strange and flakey. And when they really like you, they're even more flakey and strange, thats just how it is.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
one bi guy (whatever that is, for me its hetero or homo nothing more) even said that looking into my eyes he could see i had problems with women, and that he sensed i'm a bitter and sour kind of person.

he just kept hitting on me until i told him to **** off.

this is really weird and awkward guys, i dont really know what more to say. some of you guys takes this lightly and with a smile but i take my masculinity very seriously and it frustrates me that i attract the wrong kind of attention. i'm trying very hard here to improve myself here.

i dont dress gay, i dont talk gay, i dont act like one. but this one ****er could see through me, but how????
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Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
The sunny side of the street.
In2theGame said:
Try not to think about it too much. I just go on about my business when gay guys try looking at me or try to fvcking flirt. If im walking down the street or if im walking past in a bar some guys will look at me with that gaze like girls do. I just turn my head and move along. Ive had guys walk by me and smirk with that same look Women do... and im like bro just fvckin keep it moving. Sometimes i feel like actually laughing because they do the exact same thing girls do and im thinking... lol damn man what a fag. IMO approach women you like and if gay guys compliment you, just nod your head and move on. I remember i was walking to my table at a bar i was with my friends. I see this dude staring at me... i walked passed him and i heard him say "mmm Damn!", I just got away from him and go flirt with the girls.

Just because girls arent complimenting you outright doesnt mean they dont find you attractive. Ive gotten a lot of outright compliments from Women but mostly they watch me from a far or a group of girls sitting together, I can tell they are looking at me but taking to each other. Gay guys tend to be straight out with it.
Pretty much this. In fact I've had this exact situation happen not too long ago. I take it as a compliment if I get hit up by a gay guy. I simply turn them down. And more often than not, that's the end of it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
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808 said:
Pretty much this. In fact I've had this exact situation happen not too long ago. I take it as a compliment if I get hit up by a gay guy. I simply turn them down. And more often than not, that's the end of it.
808 what if a ***** tells you dont have a manly face, that you look like a narcissistic and perfectionist kind of person and that only suits gays how would you react?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
om1xr said:
This will happen more often if you are good looking/really attractive and have a masculine aura around you. nothing is more intimidating to hot girls than a good looks + high testosterone level (manly as fvck).

girls are not avoiding you but they are more intimidating by you because if you are good looking/masculine guy who walks like a fvcking Gorilla then they don't want to show you that they are interested/impressed because they are afraid sh!tless of getting rejected.

for gays and fags just don't think about it too much. if you can pull a Clint Eastwood look of fvck off then they will stop doing that **** to you.

In2theGame is spot on!
10000% this. I noticed this because I lived this. When I was 17/18 i was only 140lbs very skinny and got approached all the time, dressed well, well groomed, etc.

now that im 205 lbs, pretty lean, muscle is easy to see, girls look at me and stare but rarely approach me anymore. its a catch 22, because you are attracting women, a lot of them, but if YOU dont make the move then you are screwed. So if you are just one of those shy big guys, the game is harder for you. thats my 0.02.

I used to be pretty shy, now if i go up to girls they respond well. found that quite interesting.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Gay guys will fuk anything. That's why I don't think anything of their flirting.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Girls avoid me, Gays find me attractive. WTF!!!

Ask a close straight male friend if you come across as gay. It's the only plausible explanation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Having said that, girls who wanna blow your brains out will ignore you too. Happens all the time.

A lot of women with BFs avoid me altogether because they know they can't trust themselves.