Girlfriends been around in the past, should I worry?


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
So I find out my girlfriend was a slvt and didn't really respect herself a few years ago. She told me how she got ****ed by two guys after each other and what not and she never respected herself but now she's changed. I always can't believe that since people are always like Once a cheater always a cheater or once a slvt always a slvt in their inner-self. What do you guys think of this? She kept saying it hurt for her to bring it up and stuff but idk cause I tell her I Love You and she says shes happy and im the best bf ever, yet she never says it back? I hate that I say it and never hear it back. Makes me just wanna stop already.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
I believe the once a cheater always a cheater, lying becomes easier and easier every time you do it, until the point where people lie about everything. I'm not so sure if I believe once a slvt always one. If I were you I'd try not to worry about it, one of the most loyal girls I ever dated was the biggest skank before I dated her. And the prudest chick I've ever dated was probably the one I trusted the least, if you worry about it, it won't matter, you'll just squeeze tighter and cause a fight. that's my 2c though, as for the I love you...i got nothing


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
I don't worry about it. I give women one chance -- and if they blow it by cheating on me, or by lying to me then I just stop acknowledging that she exists.

Before I date a woman at all, I kind of get a feel for what kind of woman she is. If you stop and pay attention to how a woman carries herself, you really can get an idea of if she loves to get out and get some **** every chance she has, or if she is more reserved.

And I NEVER date any woman who has cheated on a boyfriend to sleep with me. I might bang them, but I won't date them. If she was capable of cheating on her boyfriend whom she was telling me she loved so much two weeks ago, but is now sleeping with me --- Then she is certainly capable of doing it again.

I don't give them a reason, or even let them know that I caught them. I just don't answer my phone or my door. I delete them off messenger, and if I see them in public, I just pretend that I don't see them and cannot hear them.
The closest thing a woman will ever feel to having balls stomped, is being ignored. Women hate that ****.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
I had an opposite situation from yours in which she didn't tell me her past at all or played it like she had a boring life. Pretty much all you have to rely on is how behaves when she is with you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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montybrown said:
She kept saying it hurt for her to bring it up and stuff but idk cause I tell her I Love You and she says shes happy and im the best bf ever, yet she never says it back? I hate that I say it and never hear it back. Makes me just wanna stop already.
First off, stop saying I love you. A man should never be the first one to utter those words to a woman.

Secondly, don't believe what she tells you. Always pay attention to a woman's actions and not her words. Women are very good at telling guys what they want to hear but backing it up is another story all together.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
One mans ho is another mans housewife/girlfriend..

Just be glad she is giving you a turn and have as much fun as you can for as long as you can... cause it will all end eventually and it will be the next mans turn...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
DJDamage speaks words of wisdom.

Trust not a woman's words but her actions.

"I've changed since then" usually translates to "I hope you buy into what I'm telling you, because I'm not all too sure myself if I've changed."

Women who change don't need to tell people these things. They portray it in their actions.

I've dated women before who have been scandalous in the past and guess what-- they were for the most part scandalous again in the end. Not to say that I didn't have some good times with these women, but in the end they reverted back to what they were before.

It doesn't matter what they say, they'll manipulate you in devilish ways you can't even imagine. I've had one of my ex's tell me she loved me again and was going to change (she wanted to have sex that night), just to see her slut it up a few days later. Thankfully, I was on to her game the whole time and didn't let my emotions get in the way.

It sounds to be like you're falling into that role of emotional tampon who a girl doesn't really love, but she holds on to because there is really nothing else. If she's not returning your love with something better, I'd stop giving it to her.

There is no need to call off your relationship over the past, but tread carefully and realize that if you give them an inch, they'll take a foot; and most likely some other guy's d!ck.