Girlfriend trouble


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
So my girlfriend had a bunch of stuff in her room from a guy named Casey, a guy she cheated on me 2 years ago but he went into service and left and thats why she kept all his stuff in her room. But then she accepted me back because when she had all of his things he found out he was a player and a drinker, etc. So she didn't want him. So now 2 years later, apparently Casey's girlfriend finds out about my girlfriend and how he wanted to be with her and such so she goes over to her house and starts *****ing at her and was like "My boyfriend is your ex?" and my girlfriend says "NO!" then she says "Then why is all of Casey's stuff here at your house and his car?!" then my g/f says "Because I was left with it, I didn't know what to do with it and I didn't want to just dump it and be responsible for it" So then she ended up boxing it all up and putting it outside the house and now both Casey and his Girlfriend are outside of my Girlfriends house picking all the things up. I told my girlfriend that It's sickening because of all this **** that is happening and was wondering should I just break up with her? What if you were in my situation? I was acting stupid and while she claims he was outside the house I said I was going to come over to confront him for when he tried to steal my girlfriend two years ago and she begged me not to come over because she had it all under control. I live 10 minutes away from her so I didn't care to drive there, this happened about 8:45 or so at night. This has been my girlfriend of 4 years and It's eating a hole in me dealing with this. Do normal relationships have this **** in it? I know her cousins probably look at me as "wow who is this guy I thought she was with me ohhh its a guy she cheated on him with" I know if I were to just dump her and find a new G/F she could do the same **** anyway when some guy wants to be with her and what not.
Last edited:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by unistork
So my girlfriend had a bunch of stuff in her room from a guy named Casey, a guy she cheated on me 2 years ago but he went into service and left and thats why she kept all his stuff in her room. But then she accepted me back because when she had all of his things he found out he was a player and a drinker, etc
Your hor cheated on you and then "SHE" accepted you back??? HUH??????? Are you a pvssy?? Or do you have a pvssy??

You are a hor lover and a chump to the Nth degree to take a woman who has been pkucked abd fvcked by her ex pimp while you were her current pimp!!! FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Speak english next time, ok? faggot? Or don't reply at all asshat. you're the molochocho. biatch. Is your life that bad that you're 41 years old and posting here?Do me a favor and get the f*ck out of my thread. At least I'm happy I'm not an old mother****er like you and having problems that have to post here.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by unistork
Speak english next time, ok?
How about your check your grammar too. Oh, and did you ever hear about paragraphs?

I'd have gladly read through your posts if it wasn't for the fact that I would need a whole Tylenol bottle for that.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I had to use those harsh words to wake you up!!!!! Now that you awake you can telll us WHY you took her back or as u stated SHE took you back???? She has sperm from another dude in her blood stream and in her mouth yet you were compelled to love this --- why??? Im baffled as to why you want her????????????????

She is a walking sperm bank!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by unistork
Shut up noob. Reply to me when you have more then 20 posts.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Edit that first post with decent grammar and paragraphs and I'll still gladly read through it.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
No. He wanted to be with her and she was interested but then she found out how he was a player, alcoholic, clubber, everything she didn't want in a guy when he left for the military. And she did this because I beat her ass and treated her like CRAP calling her things like "fatf*ck", "fatass" "no guy would want to be with your fatass" etc. So she found this guy who she thought was the same like ME but he could treat her better. But I'm not a clubber, drinker, cheater, etc. So when she found out he did all that, she hated it and that's why she ended up wanting to be back with me. WHY DID I TAKE HER BACK? Because I was with her for 2 years (now 4 years) but back then 2 years and I didn't want it to be all thrown away and I was in love with her. When you are in love with somebody, you can't just say OK I never want to see you again. They will always have a place in your heart if it's true love.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by unistork
... a guy she cheated on me 2 years ago but he went into service and left and thats why she kept all his stuff in her room. But then she accepted me back
She cheated on you meaning she got filled with the dudes sperm in all of her bodily orifices!!!

Am I missing something here???


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
ok well it shouldnt matter as hard as it is to accept, the fact she even thought about leaving you for another guy or whatnot should be enough of a reason to dump her. I one time left a girl for even considering it she said he didnt like her but she wanted him basicly i was like ok bye b!atch.. Just accept it you NEED to break it off with her even though 4 years is a long time people dont just change... She "found out he was a player" what if he had not been she would be with him right now. Thats enough of a reality check to say hey I CAN do way better then this dumb broad. Find another women and end it. You are a man, dont take her ****. :cheer:


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
How do you

"...I was in love with her. When you are in love with somebody, you can't just say OK I never want to see you again. They will always have a place in your heart if it's true love."

When you

"I beat her ass and treated her like CRAP calling her things like "fatf*ck", "fatass" "no guy would want to be with your fatass" etc...."

am i missing something?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by unistork
And she did this because I beat her ass
It's obvious you're a bigger man than all of us. We aren't fit to offer you advice on here. :rolleyes:

If you still want it, first thing you need to do is learn to CALM THE F*CK DOWN.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by unistork
...she cheated on me 2 years ago...... But then she accepted me back because when she had all of his things he found out he was a player and a drinker, etc.
Let me get this straight, SHE CHEATS, and then accepts YOU back.:confused:

As for your trouble, I woldn't give it a second thought. She made the mess, she needs to clean it up and resolve it.....LEAVE IT ALONE.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Unistork, you have a very complex social situation that you've developed over many many years, hip deep in quicksand if you ask me. You have come to this site and explained a few details hoping that the sage advice of the highly experienced will be able to provide a fix or a solution to your problem. When you asked "what would you do if you were in my situation" I asked myself "Who, for the love of god, would put up with a situation like that?." It's extremely negative, pulling you down, and doing nothing to make you more satisfied with life.

However, you're so sucked into it at this point that PRL's advice came across as an insult when it was actually true. Not that you're a pvssy, but that your perspective is warped around the situation, not a birds eye view of the **** storm you're in like it should be. Very typical when emotions run high between two people. I've never been in a relationship with a woman that would have stayed with me if I laid a hand on her. Disagreements are part of relationships, cheating and beating are least not a healthy one.

The extent of the BS you have to deal with from women is directly related to exactly how much you, as a man, are willing to put up with. The more you let them get away with the less they respect you. Once respect falls to zero they cheat, use, and play games.

Also, once respect falls to zero it's very very hard to get it back. From my experience a girl wont cheat on a man that she respects, likes, and his doing his job in the relationship to keep here interest in him high (mystery, adventure, changes of scene). Especially if she had a good upbringing.

However since you beat your women chances are you'll be stuck with head cases like this for the rest of your natural life.

My only advice woudl be to get the hell out of this one, clean up yoru act, and learn hwo to screen crazy women for something of a better quality.