Girlfriend Too Attached?


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
I have been dating my girlfriend for about 9 months now...we enjoy each other's company very much...we're very compatible. She lives about 3/4 mile away from me, so we spend a lot of time together. As much as I love her, and love spending time with her though, she is not the only part of my'm 24 years old, and there's certain nights where I just wanna hang out with my roommates and play poker, watch sports, etc. I always tell her that if she wants to do this with me, I would love it, but I know sports aren't her number one interest, so she usually doesn't.

On these nights sometimes though, I feel like she kind of guilt trips me when I choose to just stay at home and don't come spend the night at her place. I can sense her mood change when I tell her I'm just gonna relax at my place for the night, like she's becoming sad and says things along the line of how whenever she is free she always comes and sleeps at my place, but every time I'm free, I don't always stay at her place.

So tonight, something similar happened, where I went to her place for dinner, and she had class, so I went home to do laundry, watch some basketball, and relax...but not before she asked me to come back after and spend the night, leveraging it with the dinner she cooked me. I told her I just wanted to relax, and immediately saw her mood change, like she was disappointed in me. So I really drove home the point again about not giving me a hard time when I just wanna lay low at home. We spend 5 days a week together, we've only been dating 9 months, and are not a married couple....

Am I missing something, or is there a better way I should be handling this? Thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
She wants to be with you, you're doing well.

It's crucial that you keep doing the things you like and have time for yourself and your friends. If you dilute yourself into a relationship, you'll feel empty and bored.