Girlfriend Cried And Left After Sex!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Um, the law is written on my baseball bat.

I'm sorry you hate women for rejecting you, but that's not how a DJ handles himself. You should find some women you actually like, instead of settling for fatties.
Mar 2, 2009
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Iamnotacrook said:
Um, the law is written on my baseball bat.

I'm sorry you hate women for rejecting you, but that's not how a DJ handles himself. You should find some women you actually like, instead of settling for fatties.

are you retarded? those are all incorrect moronic assumptions you just made.

You are such a b1tch, it can be seen in the way you reply.

Learn the game, then you will be allowed to discuss it you chump

I didn't even bring you up before or know who the hell you are, but your unprovoked hatred on me is a classic example of a p*ssified CHUMP hating on a man who GETS IT when it comes to women.

why don't you just shut up and stop looking like an ignorant hatefilled AFC


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Portland, OR
I agree. There's nothing AFC about being open and honest about such things. Being able to tell the truth and still get what you want is more Don Juan than lying to a girl about her being the only one so that she will sleep with you.

To each his own, but let's not attack each other just because some people are okay with misleading and lying to women to have sex with them and others have taken a more honorable approach.

Little Italy

Don Juan
Apr 2, 2009
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yo personally, after she just left and cried and stuff, i wouldn't drop her just yet, she probably feels like a slut, hang out with her again, when it seems like a time that would probably end up with sex, don't have it. Make her feel like more than a sex doll. That's just what i would do though.
Mar 2, 2009
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actually I called Iamnotacrook an AFC because of the insane hatred he's posting up about me caused by jealousy that a chump would have over a playaaaa


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
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Iamnotacrook said:
No, that's what a worthless piece of trash liar does.
Woman lie and manipulate constantly- its second nature to them. The vast majority have no sense of honor or integrity. Its no more wrong to lie to a woman then it is to steal from a thief.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Don't apologize to a woman for being a man, eatgel. heck, dont apologize to a woman for ANYTHING.

iamnotacrook should be banned for trolling.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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Iamnotacrook said:
^^ Why is this guy jocking me so hard?
why are you trolling?
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
thank GOD the real players have come to my defense, I was getting sick and tired defending myself from this absolute CHUMP of a loser

thank you pirahna and aenigma


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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TLP. Still letting em get to you eh? You told ole boy right the first time. You didn't have to back down.

Truth be known, most women only want to suspect you are seeing other girls, they don't want to know for a fact. If most decent women know for a fact you are seeing someone else, they will leave you. The more class and self respect she has the more this is true. But the hint of competition? That just makes the game sweeter when they win you. You never admit to sleeping with someone else. You can use code words like dating, or went out with,but you never admit to actually having sex with different women. This is my experience, both doing it this way and not doing it this way. One is crass and the other is fun for her. Lie to her, its what she wants.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Warrior74 said:
Truth be known, most women only want to suspect you are seeing other girls, they don't want to know for a fact. If most decent women know for a fact you are seeing someone else, they will leave you. The more class and self respect she has the more this is true. But the hint of competition? That just makes the game sweeter when they win you. You never admit to sleeping with someone else. You can use code words like dating, or went out with,but you never admit to actually having sex with different women. This is my experience, both doing it this way and not doing it this way. One is crass and the other is fun for her. Lie to her, its what she wants.
That is Bible worthy.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
EATGEL, read this and take it seriously, you need to back up off of this girl and ease your way out of it now. At 18 you have no concept of what an LTR is, and at 17 and a virgin, she most definitely doesn't either. You're playing with fire here - danger and delight grow from the same vine. This girl could very easily own you at a very early age - 'accidental' pregnancy, deep emotional investment (as is with every virgin), should could very easily call rape on you and you'd lose by default since she's so young. Sex offender is a lifetime sentence in that you have to register forever.

The reason you, and most young men, struggle with spinning plates is exactly because you think an LTR is your only option. It's what you've been sold your whole life from early adolescence, so a monogamous GF is a goal state (kind of a pre-marriage). Non-exclusive dating (not necessarily ƒucking) is a foreign concept to you. Read Plate Theory for a more complete outline.

That said, and as straight as I can be with you, ease out of this situation, do not abruptly NEXT her. Once you do so, reassess where you are in life. Are you in college? If not, why? It's time you focus on your direction. Once you've established this in a positive, constructive way women will want to be associated with that ambition. Women are a by-product of a Man's ambition, passion success and drive in his own interests. Women should only ever be a compliment to a Man's life, NEVER the focus of it. Build it and they will come.

You've just dodged a bullet. Too many young men become tar-pitted early in life for exactly the LTR / Monogamy as a goal mentality you - maybe unconsciously - subscribe to. Nothing kills a Man's drive, aspirations and ambitions in life like a woman he's accountable to. Not because they're all evil witches plotting your downfall for their own gain, but because the best of your own character will want to be responsible for her continued happiness at the cost of your own achievements.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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Bro I gotta agree with KontrollerX on this. You shouldn't apologize, but what you should have done if she said she felt slutty or whatever is calm her down a bit and comfort her.

If you did everything with good ethics, which you did, then there is never a need to apologize. That said, you don't have to be cold about it either. There is a balance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
she cried and left after the sex... because she really wasn't as ready as she thought she was to have the sex.
apparently, she really valued her virginity more than she even knew...and didn't realize until too late.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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tragedy said:
sounds like you raped her

if she does something like leave and don't say a word, it's logical you don't know what's wrong? you wanna know the solution? Ask her... You're not afc for asking, you are if she's crying about some stupid **** like she thinks she's ugly and you try to cheer her up.

Thats the sign of an AW, best thing to do is counter by doing the same stuff or to bail...

like if she's going like:

her: I'm not good enough for you! boehoe!!
You: Maybe you should make me some dinner, that will score you extra points! (if she gets angry about it :p well then she's just a drag anyway and she'll never be pleased)

her: I'm too fat!!
You: :yes: Uhu! ... ... ... ... oops I mean you aren't :eek:!

If she says: you suck in bed
you: :O we got so much in common!! We must be like soulmates, but then sexually! <3

Here are the don'ts: (SO DO NOT SAY THIS)
her: my brother died
you: ... You had a brother?
you: Meh you win some you lose some...


Her: my dog got ran over by a car and the driver bailed *cries*
you: was it a small brown chiwawa
her: Yes!
You: *blush* I HAVE NEVER seen it in my life, STOP ACCUSING Me, you *yelling now, while pointing at her* Wh*re from BABYLON!!! *Runs for it*
her: *confused*


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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penkitten said:
she cried and left after the sex... because she really wasn't as ready as she thought she was to have the sex.
apparently, she really valued her virginity more than she even knew...and didn't realize until too late.
You really need to read what you wrote here pen with this music playing in the background:



Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
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The World
She is only 17 btw.
There lies your problem. Welcome to the dating world.

Until you start dating real women (28+ yrs old) you will always have this problem.

Teenage girls and even college girls are insecure, mental and hysterical.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
oh Gosh, you heros are lame!

Friggin the girl has issues. She knew you took her clothes off, she knew you wanted her because she knows she is hot and was being a tease. She ran out to make stupid drama and to test you. Friggin she is trouble and probably a nut. I wouldn't risk having sex with her. Probably an alcoholic on top of it.

Don't slam this guy for trying to get her *****, you are a gash if you bash him, seriously. He didn't friggin give her a date rape drug. Practically every woman has been "molested" when she was asleep, they are friggin hot, and alpha guys just want some..

In my opinion, this girl is going to be a drama queen and control freak if you are not careful.

If you really want her -- don't apologize, just ignore her. She should apologize to you for making you feel bad about being a man.

I'd get a different girl, she kinda insulted you by crying. What dj would want to deal with a girl crying after sex? She should be crying in joy after a good banging - tell her that to get her in line!!!



Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
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I couldn't possibly read any replies before responding...

eatgel said:
I took her to my house, she said she was tired and sleepy so she went to my bed to lie down.
I'm really confused as to why you're confused... She's tired and wanted to take a nap... pretty simple, right???

eatgel said:
Well I undressed her little by little and started to have sex with her.
Wow, so... saying that you're tired and sleepy is now code for "Let's have sex"?

eatgel said:
After the intercourse she just started to " CRY " I was just in utter shock! I was like wtf did I do wrong ?
Seriously?? You don't get it??? Here you go, in your own words:

eatgel said:
I took her to my house, she said she was tired and sleepy so she went to my bed to lie down.
eatgel said:
Well I undressed her little by little and started to have sex with her.
Are you still confused??? SHE DID NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX! She says she's tired... and you say, "So what? I want what I want, and I'll take it at your expense. I'm a selfish pr!ck and I don't care about your feelings."

AND SHE'S A BIGGER IDIOT FOR LETTING YOU!!! Now she's going to play the victim card... "wahh... he made me have sex with him when I didn't want to. He USED me. He DIDN'T CARE how I felt." Of course, she's not going to say, "I didn't do A DAMN thing to STOP him."

She should have wailed on you to prove her point, so I'm not sure why she's crying, unless she's so SCARED of you for whatever reason that she went along with it. If it were me, your "boys" would have gotten a visit from the "Foot Fairy".

After this incident she was probably regretting the decision to sleep with you at all. I mean, she says it hurts, and you say 'Wait a few minutes'? Are you seriously that selfish? You care more about your gratification than her pain??

Sounds you both are too young and dumb to be doing what you're doing. Try not to make any babies.