Girl who works at the plasma donation center


New Member
Dec 30, 2019
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Okay, so i am currently here donating plasma (ya, pathetic, I know. I am poor right now), at the time of writing this, anyway (most likely, not the time of my posting this, as I have to try to type with one hand, so it surely will take a while).

There is this one girl who works here at the plasma place, who is pretty cute.
She is Filipina, but she doesn’t speak tagalog at all…
I DO speak some tagalog, and many of the workers there are Filipino, so I entertain myself while I’m here, by speaking to them in tagalog.

But this girl is like the only one who doesn’t speak it, even though she’s Filipina. I kind of made a joke about that to one of the other girls who works there, one of the last times i was there.

So i was called over to my bed just now, to begin the donation, and she was there. She said something to me and i didn’t hear her, and then she said “oh, I was just trying to greet you in tagalog.”
And a few seconds later, she said “maybe we can practice [tagalog] together” I can’t remember if she said “can practice…” or “should practice…” I dunno if this makes a difference).

And then she was asking me about what apps are good for learning languages.

Then, like a minute later, I said my favorite phrase in tagalog to her, and she said ,”wow, that’s like the longest thing i ever heard”… and she said “i think you are way ahead of me”. I was trying (maybe too hard) to play it cool, i said “you’ll get there”.

Then i told her that i was studying Chinese at college (this is true, whether it matters or not), and she started talking about Chinese culture, and how China seems to be so reserved, and that that is why they have this whole sexual sub- culture, and that is why… because they’re so repressed in publc. Then she said “Filipinos are just not like that at all– repressed like that, in comparison to the rest of asia.” and during the time she was saying this, I found myself wondering if she was doing it on purpose.

She just happened to start saying all of this, without any prompting by me (and of course i realize now that i could have totally helped out the situation by throwing little teases in there, like the ones i think Dcd presented here before, such as when a girl says “I get off at 7” and you say “i can help you get off”… but i just wasn’t ready for her to just start talking to me like this, and so i couldn’t think of hiw to try to start teasing her.)
She’s usually a little bit colder, or more “business”
I was really kind of feeling like she WAS doing this on purpose (like purposely trying to mention about sex, albeit in a subtle way), maybe to see how i would respond?)

I wanted to say something to her like “ya, maybe we can practice tagalog together sometime, we should exchange numbers”; but I just wasn’t certain that she was really sending these kinds of signals… that’s why I’m hoping that i explained enough of it here, so that maybe someone could tell “ye” or “ne”.

I know I’ll feel like an ass going in there from now on, if ended up misreading the situation, and i try to show my interest, and she wasn’t at all implying anything by what she was saying.

What would be a good way for me to lead into getting her #, so that it’s not like some needy wussbag making her the prize and ASKING for her #?

Or did i already miss my chance for this, when she said that (“we should practice together”), and i didn’t do anything (i didn’t know what to say).

Am I right here, as far as picking up on these ‘cues/clues’, that she was dropping hints for me…
(As i said before, i am slow on the uptake with a lot of this.. i guess one day i will have unlearned these ‘limitations’)

I mean i dunno… i know I’m going to see her again– if not the next time I go in there, the time after that–… but have i already blown my chance, since I already missed her first ‘clues’, if these were indeed clues, (i just am not certain they were, and i don’t want to make an ass out of myself, especially when I have to keep going there and seeing her, if she rejects me.)?

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Nothing wrong with donating plasma. Back in college, my 'donation's' supplemented my habit for dates, drinking/club money etc...

I guess that times have changed. It was decades ago for me, but back then, there weren't any attractive phlebotomist's. I'd imagine that the rate has gone up as well.

If you like her, you can start from scratch (rather than following up on her previous words)
Let's say that the rate now is $35.00 per donation.
You could jokingly say... "I just became $35.00 richer. I'd take you to Las Vegas and live it up, but your folks might not approve. I guess you'll have to join me for a drink instead."


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Am I right here, as far as picking up on these ‘cues/clues’, that she was dropping hints for me…
she is initiating.
she is waiting for you to man-up.