girl when blank on the phone (first post btw)

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hey.. been reading this board for nearly a year now, because quite frankly like most guys on this board.. God didn't offer me the gift of being the smoothest guy when it comes to women. :p

Learned a lot by reading and trying different tactits actually, haven't gone too bad.. but I'd like some feedback on a phone conversation I had last night.

I'm 16 she's 15.. She admitted she likes me, even admitted that the last week she couldn't get me off her head.

Up to the point..

Yeah were talking on msn (no comments please on this one please!! I'm aware a lot of you are against, but look we're still teens, everyone spends time chatting on msn at this age.. plus I'm not on msn all day and we don't talk everyday on msn). This girl loves phone conversations, I'm not much of a phone guy since most of the times there's no real point in talking on the phone anyway, but I let her gimme a call once or twice a month. :D

Well most of the times *I* was the one who used to go blank on the phone but never had any REAL problems since she was always a talkative person and kept the conversation going.. thus I became more comfortable at the end and had fun talking on the phone. So I just gave her a call last night without any real thought, didn't have any convos planned :p just to goof around. Maybe that was a bad decision though.. being that she had gone blank a couple times and she even admitted while talking on the phone (you really got me tonight.. I have no clue what to say back). I didn't really lose my cool.. I joked about it but the convo did last as long and didn't go as smooth like other times.

My question it something *I* have done wrong or was it just because she likes me and sees me as a cooler guy than her. :p

I really dont know what to think and its been bugging me why she would go blank last night.. usually I'm the one who does that. Maybe I goofed around too much and had no real point in the convo.

Anyways..thanks..any comments??

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
It doesn't seem like you have any real game plan here. You're calling her "just to chat?" That sounds like you're asking to be LJBFed. I know when you're young just knowing that a girl is into you carries you a long way. You get happy about that fact, and sometimes don't really go on to the next step. You don't realize that you still have a lot of work to do.

Give it a break for a few days. On tuesday or wednesday call her and ask her out on friday night.

And what's this "let her call you once or twice a month" mess? How long have you known this girl is into you? You gotta strike when the iron's hot man. If a girl come's out and TELLS you she's into you, the next move is yours, and you make it immediately!

Her: I think I like you
You: Then I think we need to go out on friday and talk more about that

If you've been waiting months you'd better hope you haven't already messed this thing up.

So, call her in a few days, ask her out for friday or saturday night. Check back here and let us know how it goes.

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
The Forms said:
It doesn't seem like you have any real game plan here. You're calling her "just to chat?" That sounds like you're asking to be LJBFed.
Hmm you're probably right there, but the truth is I wasn't THAT keen on it myself either. Like I said this girl loves to talk on the phone and she's been moaning for a while now that we don't talk on the phone often and I'm always looking for excuses not to talk to her. So there wasn't much going on last night and since it's been a while for a phone conversation that I'd just get it over with till next week. :p

The Forms said:
I know when you're young just knowing that a girl is into you carries you a long way. You get happy about that fact, and sometimes don't really go on to the next step. You don't realize that you still have a lot of work to do.
Heh I know man... being young not having much experience with the female gender and then having a girl admitting she is into you makes you feel like you actually achieved a goal :p I do have a lot of work to do to get this thing to the next level - at least I did the hard part though. Heh.

The Forms said:
Give it a break for a few days. On tuesday or wednesday call her and ask her out on friday night.
Yeah will do man. My instict and the DJ lessons are preventing me from talking to her again the next day anyways.. wasn't really planning to. Guess I did learn a few things from this site. :D You guys own!

The Flames said:
And what's this "let her call you once or twice a month" mess? How long have you known this girl is into you? You gotta strike when the iron's hot man. If a girl come's out and TELLS you she's into you, the next move is yours, and you make it immediately!
I wasn't dead serious about the "twice a month" deal. I don't overthink it too much, I do what I feel comfortable with for the most part. The once or twice a month comment was meant for the *long* phone know it's like calling each other just for the sake of talking without any real point. And as I said I'm not a big fan of that which is why I keep it to a minimum. The longest has been 2 hours on the phone but the convos went real smoothly with lots of laughs and me playing with her emotions :p . Just last night it didn't go too well and it's been bugging me since then. :S

As for how long she's been into me I have no ****ing clue to be frank. Known her for 6 months nearly and we were just talking friendly.. she had a bf when I met her and she used to ***** and moan at me everytime they had a fight.. but I cut it off real quick, I told her I didn't care about her bf and I wasn't a psychologist. After they broke up she's been giving me signs of interest (very open and direct at times.. which is kind of unusual if a girl likes you more than a friend) and when we had a fight a few days ago she started crying and just said it that she's interested in me. So I'd say Ive known it for about a week, but it was awkward at that time to do any moves.

I will be making my move pretty soon. I think if she waited 6 months she can wait probably another week. :p

So there's a few more info on the situation.. I realize it is wayyy too complicated and you would tell me to go meet other females. The deal is I clicked with this one though and she is different from the rest to me personally, so I wouldn't want to next her if I haven't screwed up yet. Just the phone thing has been bugging me and I just don't get it.. :S

Also I posted this in the wrong section.. I re-posted it in the high school forum.

You can lock/move either thread..

smooth guy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
any other comments as to why this happened? still confused...

A bit more feedback would be helpful since I haven't talked to her yet and need to know where I'm heading...I'm a player :p