Girl that liked me at first all of a sudden ignores me. What did I do wrong?


New Member
Jun 5, 2010
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So I met this girl in a group of 3 friends on the way back home at the Syracuse vs Penn State football game last week. She's White, about 5 feet 6 inches, big ass nice breasts and has pretty green eyes. She looks about ~25 years old. I'm black, 6 feet 4 and I'm 20 years old. I didn't tell her my age though.

So we all are having beers and stuff on the train ride back to NYC she keeps talking about how beautiful and unique my name is(I have a really long Arabic name) and how cool/cute/tall I am and stuff. She even says my name 10 times in a row fast in different sensual tones of voice.

She says that she just got a new bike and she'd love to go bike riding with me, and she also mentions the Carribean day parade and says that we should go. We walk around Manhattan for a little bit she lays her head on my shoulder and I walk around with my arm around her shoulder for a bit and we eventually part ways.

So we exchange numbers and stuff and make plans to meet up Monday for the Carribean day parade.

Me: Hey it's (My Full Name) lol. We're still on for tomorrow right?
Her: (My Full Name)! How's it goin? Remind me what we said- bike ride ?
Me: You had mentioned the parade. But Im fine with a bike ride
Her: Hey babe I was running and now my phones about to die
Her: Yeah lets go to the parade
Me: Cool. We'll Meet at Grand Army Plaza at 12pm
Her: Ok Sounds good

Then next day morning

Her: Babe I can't go today I woke up with an infection in my eye from sleeping w my contacts :(
Her: I don't want (My Full Name) to see me like this
Me: Oh wow :( Get well soon babe. I bet your still beautiful even with the eye infection
Her: ;) thanks honey

Okay so she cancels. I kind of have some thoughts that this could be a lie because last time I asked CE did say that this was the oldest excuse in the book, but whatever. I'm assuming that it's the truth since I have no proof otherwise.

So about an hour later I send this

Me: Hey babe, do you have an instagram or facebook? (I did this for CE, so I could get you guys pics.)

No response.

The next day at about 11:00PM I send this

Me: Hey babe, how is your eye feeling?

No response

So can anybody tell me where I went wrong. It seems like shes going cold on me but I have no idea why. Or maybe I'm over thinking things and she just didn't notice I sent the text.


New Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Well yeah of course. We only met a few days ago. We're not even dating so I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was seeing other men. What I'm wondering is if she's lost interest in me and if so why


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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I pretty much had the same thing happen this past week. Everything was going fine and then she stops responding to texts altogether. I was dumb enough to send a third. Don't do that. Wait it out. If she contacts you fine, but do not contact her. Then see what find of reason/excuse she gives for being flakey. It could be any number of reasons, you'll go nuts trying to come up with an answer. Just wait it out and see other girls.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2013
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Its the east coast dude!! I lived back there in Brooklyn for a long while. Guys know how to talk and get girls real quick and it's a quick turnover as well because there is so much to choose from. You my friend got the New York blow off, where they vanish from the face of the planet on you!! She either **** teased you from the start/lead you on, reconsidered you, or had a better option within the 24 to 48 hrs after you met her. NY girls are oblivious to every con in the book when it comes to getting in her panties and guys are really assertive and over the top there. I found living in the city the best options were tourist chicks from Brazil, Japan and Europe who were in the city on 6 month or 1 yr visas. NYC and LA broads are hard sometimes as there is so much to choose from and they are bombarded everywhere they go with the materialism and status and the rich azzholes that run the towns.


Apr 9, 2013
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I remember going to NYC and only being able count the amount of hot girls I saw on one hand. Lol, a hot girl there is like a 5-6 down here.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
SirFratserlot]I remember going to NYC and only being able count the amount of hot girls I saw on one hand. Lol, a hot girl there is like a 5-6 down here.

Down where? Alabama? You hate northerners, because there is some fine azz in that city, some of the best in the world!! Of a couple million women in the region only 5? really? what are you gay? Yeah you'll get more blonde haired blue eyed all American girls down south as dumb as a brick ****house, up in the bigger northern cities you get more upscale, exotic, educated, beautiful, well dressed cultured women from all over the planet that are a challenge. Guess you dumb hick self didn't get any up in the big apple? LOL


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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koogiking said:
We walk around Manhattan for a little bit she lays her head on my shoulder and I walk around with my arm around her shoulder for a bit and we eventually part ways.
Why didn't you make a move?! You got this girl on your jock, she's leaning on your shoulder, kiss her. --- Mistake #1

Me: Hey it's (My Full Name) lol. We're still on for tomorrow right?

Mistake #2 asking if your still on for tmmrw night. Assume the sale. Your showing her your weak inner game & lack of confidence.

Her: (My Full Name)! How's it goin? Remind me what we said- bike ride ?
Me: You had mentioned the parade. But Im fine with a bike ride
Mistake #3 - supplicating. Why are you all about whatever she wants? Be a man & tell her what you want to do & ask her to join.

Me: Cool. We'll Meet at Grand Army Plaza at 12pm
This was good, you took control & assert yourself. Now have this attitude with every part of the interaction with women you meet.

Her: Babe I can't go today I woke up with an infection in my eye from sleeping w my contacts :(
Her: I don't want (My Full Name) to see me like this
Most likely she didn't have an eye infection. However, this is a fairly common tactic women use early on, even when they LIKE the guy. They flake on purpose & see how he reacts.

If you simply said "no worries, get better." --- then left her alone, I bet you she would've hit you up in a couple days and been open to hanging out.

Me: Oh wow :( Get well soon babe. I bet your still beautiful even with the eye infection
Her: ;) thanks honey
Mistake #4 and cringe worthy. Why are you calling her babe & complimenting her? She just flaked on you & your rewarding her by telling her she's beautiful? You don't pet a dog & give him a biscuit when he shiats on the rug.

Me: Hey babe, do you have an instagram or facebook? (I did this for CE, so I could get you guys pics.)
Regardless of who/why you did this, it was a mistake. Your again rewarding her poor behavior by giving her more attention.

The next day at about 11:00PM I send this

Me: Hey babe, how is your eye feeling?
Mistake #5, Wow... just wow. Again your giving milk away for free, so why should she bother paying?

So can anybody tell me where I went wrong. It seems like shes going cold on me but I have no idea why. Or maybe I'm over thinking things and she just didn't notice I sent the text.
Your young, so its good to get real life experience & learn from your mistakes.

I highlighted where you went wrong above & there were several mistakes.

This is a perfect example of a girl being attracted to you, but you not having sufficient game to take that attraction anywhere.

Remember never reward women with attention, when they don't deserve it. What you basically did was reinforce her bad behavior, by giving her more attention after she flaked.

And that's predictable as a newbie, because you had a fear of losing her & your plan to save it, actually pushed her further away.

She's got low interest now, so put a fork in it & go meet new women. If she does get back to you eventually, don't reply right away. And once you do, don't ask her out either. Treat her like she's treating you...... a back up at best.



New Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Actually about Mistake #2. The plans weren't really set in place. She had just loosely mentioned it, but we hadn't said when we were going or where we were going or anything like that. I had to hit her up to confirm it


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
The all too common "blur". It's safe to say your princess is in another castle.

She said no already and you tried to negotiate it. Not good. She knows she has you. Indifference would've been super effective, if she still has a genuine interest in you.

But, she's getting off on your attention while she's in chambers with me. All because you invested more into her than she did into you. Now going ghost is the best thing that is for you since your betatude showed quite a bit. Judge nismo's ruling.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
Yeah these NYC girls are all like this. These h0es not ltr material. All they about is looking good, Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags and other designer sh1t, looking for attention. Even these black broads are like that( i'm black living in Brooklyn). Trying to stunt with their fake designer bags and sh1t. I don't even bother approaching at all. The only game I can run is social circle game. Nothing else, Especially since I don't have instant attraction looks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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youngmack said:
Yeah these NYC girls are all like this. These h0es not ltr material. All they about is looking good, Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags and other designer sh1t, looking for attention. Even these black broads are like that( i'm black living in Brooklyn). Trying to stunt with their fake designer bags and sh1t. I don't even bother approaching at all. The only game I can run is social circle game. Nothing else, Especially since I don't have instant attraction looks.
This. The OP's description of her makes her even seem like trouble. I would envision this b!itch giving you constant sh!t tests, branch swinging, flaking, etc. if you were actually able to form this into a relationship. Good thing you never invested any time with her.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Do NOT contact her again. Please.
A flake with no counter offer is a brush off. Accept it and move on.
Even now you're still trying to make excuses for her but these bytches are attached to their phones 24-7, so she definitely got your messages.
There is nothing here worth pursuing. If she gets back in touch, start from square one and use the tips given above.
Do NOT contact her again.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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youngmack said:
Yeah these NYC girls are all like this. These h0es not ltr material. All they about is looking good, Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags and other designer sh1t, looking for attention. Even these black broads are like that( i'm black living in Brooklyn). Trying to stunt with their fake designer bags and sh1t. I don't even bother approaching at all. The only game I can run is social circle game. Nothing else, Especially since I don't have instant attraction looks.

I'm not saying this isn't true or not, but this mindset is pure beta bro.

Your making excuses for why you can't bag up this byatches, instead of figuring out ways to game them.

Step your game up to another level & you will start getting these girls.



New Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Okay so she responded saying that her eye was okay. Then she asked if I was busy this weekend. I said that I was free Friday and Saturday. Sunday I have work.

So it looks like we're going to plan something out for the weekend.

What is a good idea for a date? I really want to go and get drinks but like I said before I'm 20 and depending on the place I go that can lead to a disaster since I'm technically not legal and I have to use my friends expired ID card


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Pimp-sicle said:
Why didn't you make a move?! You got this girl on your jock, she's leaning on your shoulder, kiss her. --- Mistake #1

Mistake #2 asking if your still on for tmmrw night. Assume the sale. Your showing her your weak inner game & lack of confidence.

Mistake #3 - supplicating. Why are you all about whatever she wants? Be a man & tell her what you want to do & ask her to join.

This was good, you took control & assert yourself. Now have this attitude with every part of the interaction with women you meet.

Most likely she didn't have an eye infection. However, this is a fairly common tactic women use early on, even when they LIKE the guy. They flake on purpose & see how he reacts.

If you simply said "no worries, get better." --- then left her alone, I bet you she would've hit you up in a couple days and been open to hanging out.

Mistake #4 and cringe worthy. Why are you calling her babe & complimenting her? She just flaked on you & your rewarding her by telling her she's beautiful? You don't pet a dog & give him a biscuit when he shiats on the rug.

Regardless of who/why you did this, it was a mistake. Your again rewarding her poor behavior by giving her more attention.

Mistake #5, Wow... just wow. Again your giving milk away for free, so why should she bother paying?

Your young, so its good to get real life experience & learn from your mistakes.

I highlighted where you went wrong above & there were several mistakes.

This is a perfect example of a girl being attracted to you, but you not having sufficient game to take that attraction anywhere.

Remember never reward women with attention, when they don't deserve it. What you basically did was reinforce her bad behavior, by giving her more attention after she flaked.

And that's predictable as a newbie, because you had a fear of losing her & your plan to save it, actually pushed her further away.

She's got low interest now, so put a fork in it & go meet new women. If she does get back to you eventually, don't reply right away. And once you do, don't ask her out either. Treat her like she's treating you...... a back up at best.


This is spot on...

So many kiss soon enough...letting her direct stuff and gasp calling her babe......another guy swooped in and banged her most likely and odds are he ain't calling her babe...this is some strange chick you just met...

Be sexually aggressive quickly and show no signs of attachment early on....and definitely no pet names...

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
NEVER kiss a woman's ass and all your dating troubles will simplify and melt away. The dating world is more simple than we like to give it credit for. Men fall for female manipulations to get attention and ego boosts.. so they allow themselves to believe lines like: "Things are complicated". :crackup:

NO.. its never complicated --> Either a woman wants to f*ck your brains out OR she doesn't.

If a woman won't follow your lead, make herself available, act responsive, etc.. she isn't interested.

For this reason, a man should NEVER feel the need to chase, pander, apologize or negotiate to attract or keep a woman's interest. None of those behaviors make a woman wet. If you even have the urge to participate in such beta fag behavior.. then you lost the game a long time ago.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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Babe I can't go today I woke up with an infection in my eye from sleeping w my contacts
yeah thats bs. i wear contacts so i can tell you thats minor. a little redeye woudnt stop her from seeing you if she wanted.


Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
If they like you, theres no bs. A girl that had high interest in me still went on a date with me when she was sick. She got me sick though :(


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
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Brooklyn, NY
SirFratserlot said:
I remember going to NYC and only being able count the amount of hot girls I saw on one hand. Lol, a hot girl there is like a 5-6 down here.

What.. ?

Anyway- this chick just wasn't that attracted to you, or she met someone else that she was more attracted to. Chalk it up to the game and move on.