Girl not replying..what to do with her? (though girl seems to like me)


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ey guys i need help on this girl whos not replying to my text. Usually ide next her...but i find no reason for her to ignore me..other than something mustve happened.

I say this because..i honestly believe i did most things right..and there was never any negative vibes from her. Heres our story


I opened her on a high note..she was giving STRONG IOI, asking for my name...and lots of info about me..laughing a lot at my jokes, etc.

I called her a week later..and set up a date. We did..and again...lots of laughs and fun!
( i made sure to call for the first date, even though its more custom to text in the philippines)

We say our goodbye's and she txts me, as soon as i leave:

Girl: Hey i had a great time with you...thanks for desert! and its my turn next time!

Me: Definitly..then added some inside jokes to which she laughed at.

A few days later..out of nowhere
she txts: Hey!!! guess what im passing by your school today! But yea..i know ur on vacation. Have fun on the remaining days of ur vacation!!!!! Go rob a bank already!! (inside joke)

Me: haha well ill need to kidnap my parter in crime first
Her: and who would that be?
Me: ohhh ive got someone in mind..hahaha! Ey! Ill catch up a lot of things in my hand right now...but ill calll you next week!
Her: For sure! Cant wait!

Another few days later

I call her, and say: hey...i need ur opinion getting a haircut in a bit...what style would suit me?

her: hahaha ur so funnyy and random!!! gives her suggestion...

After the haircut i text her
me: Hey i have to warn u...i got a really smashing hair cut..really nice!
in fact..u just might not be able to restrain urself the next time we meet up...
Her: hahhaa..cant wait to see it

Her: Hey its ur movie on HBO (oceans eleven-inside joke)

A day later

her: Hey DRUMERDUD!! im gona be pretty busy this week...hope i could somehow tell u with what...but i know ur busy as well. Well catch up soon aryt?
Me: ohhhh sounds interesting...for sure!
Her: more like seriouis..haha
Me: ohh okay..well i hope its not a bad type of serious...Anyways..ill see u soon! Just lme know when ur free! Mwah hugs..and pinch in the butt

Me: Ey..i just want to warn you..that i am in plans of kidnapping u this friday tell me...are up for this adventure?

no reply...

Me: (after 8 hours..thinking maybe shes in class)
yo! did u get my txt?

no reply.....

should i call?
what did i do wrong?
is something wrong?!

EDIT: its been three days now...


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like she might have gotten flighty. Hell I went down to Long Beach to catch up with some old friends of mine. They have a 21 year old sister who is very hot. We flirt a bit do some light kino. Then a mutual friend of ours shows up with his two roommates. She starts flirting with him and before you know it they are making out with each other like krazy. This dude acted like he was straight out of high school too (no sense of game) I mean I ain't number one when it comes to macking with the ladies, but still.
I wouldn't worry about it. Find others and proceed forward. Who the hell knows what happened.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Don't send followup texts after being ignored. This just makes you look needy and desperate. Think about it. She either got the text and decided she didn't want to talk to you and ignored you, or she is busy and didn't see it or her phone is dead. If it's the former, then contacting her a second time isn't going to magically make her want to respond. If it's the latter, then she'll read it when she gets the chance.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
hehe, from the first line I already noticed that you must also be Filipino...I guess you just have to wait for her to initiate contact, she must have things going on and is really busy, if you keep texting her, you might look desperate and it might really turn her off, but if you feel that she's not interested any more, just NEXT her


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dude. Calm down. You're fretting over nothing.

And what is... Mwah hugs..and pinch in the butt ?

If she doesn't reply, don't bombard her with burning questions to why she hasn't done so.


Divert your attention to other areas in life. Since you two aren't technically in a relationship, why aren't you talking to other women?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
1. Be patient. Do nothing. The ball is her court.

2. Improve yourself. This will attract more women like her in the future.

3. She doesn't owe you anything, so stop acting like she does.

4. Learn from the experience, and become better!
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
perfect example

i texted this chick happy b-day 2 weeks ago, she texted me yesterday night saying how she was sorry and asked when we would go out again... they always come running back..if they dont evalute urself maybe u ran her off or maybe she is psycho who knows possibilities are endless


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
i read some of your dialogue and you are showing too much interest... dont text her...wait till she texts back. if she don't text back after a week, tell her that you want to see her in person and hang out..if that doesn't work, that means she lost interest in you and its time to move on...

she might not be replying to you because she's sick of text messaging, she's prolly waiting for you to tell her that you want to see her

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, there are literally a bazillion things that could have possibly happened, there is no way of knowing and that's the it of it. Let's recap

1. she lost her phone
2. maybe she's testing to see if you're being needy?
3. she's dead
4. she got an STD

Who the F*ck knows, and quite frankly, there isn't too much you can do about it, the best you can do via telephone is NOT TO CONVEY neediness. Please read this article