Girl isn't allowed to date??


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
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lol, so this chick who I was planning on askin out tells me that she cant date until she's 16. [16 in May]

What can I do to date her/take her out? Like any ideas to do more stuffs with her and not technically 'Date'?

This is literally the one thing I've run into that gives me troubles, so any advice is welcomed.



Don Juan
Dec 2, 2006
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Forget her.

If you try to take her out anywhere, it will most likely end up being in a friend environment. You may be able to get her alone, but she isnt allowed to date, so subconciously, she isnt going to see it as a date. She will probably to like you as a friend. Simple solution. Hold back a bit, don't ignore her, but don't go out of your way to talk to her. Keep things sexual and funny when you do talk though, then when May rolls around ask her out again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I was in this situation a few years ago. I'd say Fvck that. BUT May really isn't that far away so my advice to you would be maintain contact minimally so that she doesn't think you just turned into an azz but don't fall into the friendzone. Game other girls and have fun then if you still are feeling this girl in May go for it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
A lot of girls i know had parents that wouldn't let them date till they were 16. See how she acts around you i mean I was making out with the girl when i was in that situation so i know she was really feeling me.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
This calls for a victory tune!!!

Well, a woman who'll kiss on the very first date
Is usually a hussy
And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out
Is anything but fussy
But a woman who'll wait till the third time around
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground
She's the girl he's glad he's found
She's his Shipoopi

Shipoopi! Shipoopi, Shipoopi
The girl who's hard to get!
Shipoopi. Shipoopi, Shipoopi
But you can win her yet.

Walk her once just to raise the curtain
Then you walk around twice and make for certain
Once more in the flower garden
She will never get sore if you beg her pardon

Do re me fa so la si
Do si la sol fa mi re do

Squeeze her once, when she isn't lookin'
If you get a squeeze back that's fancy cookin'
Once more for a pepper-upper
She will never get sore on her way to supper

Do re me fa sol la si
Do si do

Now little ol' Sal was a no-gal
As anyone could see
Lookit her now, she's a go-gal
Who only goes for me

Squeeze her once when she isn't lookin'
If you get a squeeze back, that's fancy cookin'
Once more for a pepper-upper
She will never get sore on her way to supper

Do re me fa sol la si
Do si do

Shipoopi, Shipoopi, Shipoopi
The girl who's hard to get
Shipoopi. Shipoopi, Shipoopi
But you can win her yet




nice name

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
but my real advice is... go out like a normal date, but not call it a date.

how old are you first?

just tell her if you can take her out for a 'hang out session', instead of a 'date'


if you aren't repulsive (really, no offense), and if you are well liked by adults (mainly parents of girls)... get on nice casual clothes and then ask her parents if you can take her out when and where. the girl doesn't have to be with you, or she can... but i'd rather surprise the girl with the good news. DO THIS ONLY IF YOU'RE CERTAIN SHE WANTS TO GO OUT WITH YOU!

it's not guaranteed that they'll say yes, but if you look fresh and look like someone who has his act together... like someone who's successful... they're likely to believe what they see, then what they hear from their daughter.

don't ask them if you can take her to 'lookout point' or something... not even a movie... not a place they'll suspect you guys will be all kissy-kissy with each other. keep the first date a casual one.

Brian McGee

Don Juan
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
D4rKn3sS said:
Thats female excuse number #412. "I'm not allowed"
Correct. If she really wanted to go out somewhere with you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Brian McGee said:
Correct. If she really wanted to go out somewhere with you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way.
i'm sorry, but...

don't believe this bull****... if she wants to decline -- fine, if she she wants to date you... she'll accept a date...

but what happens when you don't even bother asking?

if you make up stupid ass excuses why you shouldn't even bother trying... you'll NEVER find a date.


face it... not all girls will want to go on a date with you! quit hiding from rejection and go for it.

you'll eventually get numb from rejection... so it's not a big deal.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Darkness and Brian Mcgee : U guys have no credibility with me anymore forever. don't go around spewing bullsh!t outta your mouths especially when u don't know what you're talking about

Actually i just found out through a mutual friend of hers and mine that she's planning on asking me to the sadie hawkins dance this saturday and that shes trying to go to my youth group's lock-in. [like a sleep-over but clean lol]

im 17, shes turning 16, both are juniors in highschool
Last edited:

Brian McGee

Don Juan
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
Shapoopie said:
Darkness and Brian Mcgee : U guys have no credibility with me anymore forever. don't go around spewing bullsh!t outta your mouths especially when u don't know what you're talking about

Actually i just found out through a mutual friend of hers and mine that she's planning on asking me to the sadie hawkins dance this saturday and that shes trying to go to my youth group's lock-in. [like a sleep-over but clean lol]

im 17, shes turning 16, both are juniors in highschool
Wow you found out via a friend of hers that she's going to ask you out. You really know your stuff. Sounds to me like she isn't going to let her parents stand in the way and wants to date you.. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID.

In case you can't read my above post (and it's pretty clear you can't judging by your response) here's a nice summary: "If she wanted you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way."

I was 100% correct, so don't try and accuse me of bull****ting you.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Brian McGee said:
D4rKn3sS said:
Thats female excuse number #412. "I'm not allowed"
Correct. If she really wanted to go out somewhere with you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way.
either... you suck at english... or you have no idea what you're talking about and throwing out ****ty advice.


seems to be both.

Brian McGee said:
Wow you found out via a friend of hers that she's going to ask you out. You really know your stuff. Sounds to me like she isn't going to let her parents stand in the way and wants to date you.. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID.

In case you can't read my above post (and it's pretty clear you can't judging by your response) here's a nice summary: "If she wanted you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way."

I was 100% correct, so don't try and accuse me of bull****ting you.
you were 100% wrong.

your "Correct. If she really wanted to go out somewhere with you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way." was NOT advice... it was agreeing with "Thats female excuse number #412. 'I'm not allowed'"

it's sad that you seriously felt you had to lie and cover up your mistake.

Brian McGee

Don Juan
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
k, first of all that is female excuse number #412, if you think that 90% of the girls who say that are serious, then you have a lot to learn.

Second, my post agreed with that, then elaborated slightly further as to why he shouldn't believe that bullcrap.

But, fortunately for him, this girl wasn't completely bull****ting, she seemed a bit uncertain at first but now seems keen. Once again, I'll repeat my post for the people who are a little slow on the uptake:

"Correct. If she really wanted to go out somewhere with you, she wouldn't let her parents stand in the way."

This is basically saying, screw her, dont go waiting for her until she decides she's old enough to date. If she wants you, she'll make the decision as Shapoopie had already placed the ball in her court. And she did make the decision.

I still fail to see where I'm wrong, and I can't elaborate/evaluate my post any further for you. If you're too absorbed with the thought that you won for once in your life and you can't let go of that, then that's okay. I completely understand.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
I wasn't trying to create all this mischief. I'm just saying that it is the 412th most popular excuse for not dating a man. Like number #43 "I'm afraid of getting hurt"

If she says "My parents won't allow it" Then respect her parents decision and wait. Patience is a virtue, and an attractive one at that.