Girl is cancelling our date...what should I do?


Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
I met this girl. we talked. we made plans first time. Then they fell through. Then we tried again. I asked her out for thid friday. She agreed. I told her are you sure? She said yes im sure. I said your not going to cancel this time? She said i just got this email from her AFTER i sent her an eamil stating the time and place. Here it is....

I would like you to meet me at the Hilton Garden Inn (lobby)in Ybor City, friday at 10:00pm. We can go from there to Ybor City to Platforms and La Cueva's where there will be some bands playing. LOADS OF FUN.
Let me know if this sounds interesting?"

Then she sends me this email today....

Is there any possible way you can do Saturday night? I really want to go out with you, its just Friday night is not good :( call me 813-854-6565


I was going to tell her I already have plans on saturday.

or Good luck to on your dating good bye!

Or ignore her.

Whats should i do?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
lol i just got this email from her AFTER i sent her an eamil stating the time and place.
lol, why the hell are you using email to set up dates? The phone takes less time, and within a few minutes, you can actually agree on a day to hook up. With email, she reads and responds at her own leisure which makes it slower than the phone.

The internet has caused the world to take a step backwards in social interaction.

Whats should i do?
Use the phone.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
She countered and gave you her phone number (which you also gave to us, thank you). Call her and accept if you're free. If the line is busy, she's talking to me asking what we plan on doing together on Friday. :p


Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score

Geez! Just give me advice! Email or phone..i dont care...whats my next CHESS move??? I dont want to blow this with this hot chick! SHould i ignore her and blow her off? She will be curious waht happend to me. Ori can say this...


I like you a lot---You agreed to meet me on friday and I was abiding by your
wishes. I canceled all my other engagements just for you.
I hope to see you at 10pm at the hilton lobby. I will be wearing a white
Holister shirt. If you dont show up. Then i will be very disappointed and I
will move on...... but its your choice.

Hope to see you there honey!



Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
I started to write a b1tch-slap of a response, but then intuition hit... This post reeks of the JCrew progeny of trolls.

If it's legit, go ask the general discussion board. There's more experts over there on questions like this.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Joshua75 said:
Geez! Just give me advice! Email or phone..i dont care...whats my next CHESS move??? ...
Alright, that's it... You're too wound up to make this work. Katie's mine now... What's her number? Oh yeah, 813-854-6....
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Joshua75 said:
Geez! Just give me advice! Email or phone..i dont care...whats my next CHESS move??? I dont want to blow this with this hot chick! SHould i ignore her and blow her off? She will be curious waht happend to me. Ori can say this...


I like you a lot---You agreed to meet me on friday and I was abiding by your
wishes. I canceled all my other engagements just for you.
I hope to see you at 10pm at the hilton lobby. I will be wearing a white
Holister shirt. If you dont show up. Then i will be very disappointed and I
will move on...... but its your choice.

Hope to see you there honey!

wtf dude? Why are you making a big deal of this? That's where you're chumping out at right there. If you want to see her on Saturday, see her. If not, take her out in a week or two if you're still interested. As long as she doesn't figure out that you're the one who put her phone number all over the internet, you should be fine.
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
My comments are in italics...


I like you a lot - there goes your value down the drain.

---You agreed to meet me on friday and I was abiding - who the hell still uses this word? are you trying to be some 18th century, english "nice guy"? by your
- there goes the ball to her court. she is now dominating the game. Josh tries to bring the ball to his side of the court... and the ball was stolen due to a stupid fumble... I canceled all my other engagements just for you. - i need you so i can liiiiiiiiivvvvve!!! sheesh!
I hope - hope?? man, can't you be a man? why not say, "i'll see you there" instead? hope means not being assertive. to see you at 10pm at the hilton lobby. I will be wearing a white
Holister shirt.
- got anything better to describe your "wardrobe"? If you dont show up. Then i will be very disappointed and I
will move on......
- do you really have to state this? and who's giving her the option if she can show up or not? why can't you be in control and just tell her to be there? plus, "I will move on..."? as if she needs to know this! man, that sounded like some $hit to me. it's like you're trying to make her guilty or something. not very manly. but its your choice. - again, you're the man. you should be the one making the decisions around here.

Hope to see you there honey! - there you go with that word again! say, "I'll see you." in a definitive manner instead.

My advice? She gave you her phone, didn't she? Well it means she wants you to CALL HER!

Hey, Francisco, what's her number again? 813-854-6something right? Hehehe!

Now, what to say when you finally do call her?

You: Hey, you already owe me two dates. Third time then you would be paying the penalties for a long time. I think Friday, 10PM should be a good time for you to pay your dues.
She: Haha! Sorry 'bout that. I would love to go out with you but I just can't this Friday. I'm expecting a headache or something (with the way you talk and your "wardrobe"), maybe an amputation. How about Saturday?
You: Well, the head is very much like the stomach - it hurts when there's nothing there. Nope, I still think Friday would be much better. I have plans for Saturday. You don't expect me to be bumming around like a loser doing nothing on a Saturday night, right? Wait, did you mention you're not doing anything on Saturday night? Bummer... Must be boring being you. Why don't you just move your headache or something on Saturday so you have something to mind then?
She: Hahahaha! (provided of course that she has a sense of humor and you can deliver the lines well) OK. I'll do that.
You: Great! details details. blah blah. I'll see you then. Bye. (Don't go beyond 5 minutes! Hang-up!)

in case she said...

She: Sorry, I really can't this Friday.
You: Tsk! Too bad for you, then. I was planning on doing something fun. I guess you would have to talk to my secretary to set the new date. But not this Saturday please. I'll be out partying so hard, If you'll know it you'd be envious. Tuesday, 8PM would be better. But it'll just be over coffee so that if you turn out to be a freak, I can easily bolt out and tell you that I have work very early the next day. Ayt?


Hey, no offense meant. Just giving it to ya, bro.

One last thing. Are you trying to have a James Bond-Suave effect on this girl? Coz that thing is still faaaaaaar... Y'have to have years of experience to be that.

Pis yow!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds like she wants to out with you. Although she said she was busy Friday night, she did make a counter-offer (with digits, lol) for Saturday. Because of the counter-offer interest level indicator, set something up for Saturday, but at YOUR TIMEFRAME (because you're busy other times, right?).

If there's one thing I've learned on this board which has served me well, it's not to write like this:

I like you a lot---You agreed to meet me on friday and I was abiding by your
wishes. I canceled all my other engagements just for you.
I hope to see you at 10pm at the hilton lobby. I will be wearing a white
Holister shirt. If you dont show up. Then i will be very disappointed and I
will move on...... but its your choice.

Hope to see you there honey!

Maybe this:
I'll see you Friday. Meet me at 10PM in the lobby of the Hilton.

You know what each other looks like, so no need to describe your shirt or anything. Keep it short, and don't spill your thoughts (or guts).....

Notice that there is no "asking" to it. Tell her to be there. And yes, it is the thing to do and she won't freak out when you put it to her this way. Gone is the 'but baby you're sooo special' sentiments like "abiding", "your wishes", I canceled for you", "I'll be disappointed". Screw all of that. Each one is a step down the ladder in her eyes.

Look, she is already on the verge of cancelling you right on out, so may as well use her for practice. Yeah, that can be seen as a low way to look at it, but given that potent (in a bad way) email you sent, there is nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Give this board a good read, pick out what you think may work for you, grab your balls and just go for it. You just may be surprised beyond belief......

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
red_headed_stepchild said:
lol. I feel sorry for that poor girl right about now. She's probably wondering why all kinds of random weirdos are calling her.
I'm not random, Katie knows Francisco! :D

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
ThePhoenixProject said:
My comments are in italics...


I like you a lot - there goes your value down the drain.

---You agreed to meet me on friday and I was abiding - who the hell still uses this word? are you trying to be some 18th century, english "nice guy"? by your
- there goes the ball to her court. she is now dominating the game. Josh tries to bring the ball to his side of the court... and the ball was stolen due to a stupid fumble... I canceled all my other engagements just for you. - i need you so i can liiiiiiiiivvvvve!!! sheesh!
I hope - hope?? man, can't you be a man? why not say, "i'll see you there" instead? hope means not being assertive. to see you at 10pm at the hilton lobby. I will be wearing a white
Holister shirt.
- got anything better to describe your "wardrobe"? If you dont show up. Then i will be very disappointed and I
will move on......
- do you really have to state this? and who's giving her the option if she can show up or not? why can't you be in control and just tell her to be there? plus, "I will move on..."? as if she needs to know this! man, that sounded like some $hit to me. it's like you're trying to make her guilty or something. not very manly. but its your choice. - again, you're the man. you should be the one making the decisions around here.

Hope to see you there honey! - there you go with that word again! say, "I'll see you." in a definitive manner instead.
:up: Stick around mate, even though this douche probably was trolling.

P.S Katie loves it up the poop.


Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
I finally sent her this email a few days ago..with no reply...


No. I already have plans on Saturday. We agreed to meet on friday---that was the decision. I will meet you at Ybor garden hilton at 10:00pm in the lobby. I like you a lot and I want to see you.

If you dont show up....I will be very hurt!

See you there!


Well, should i go to tampa to see if she meets me there? I havent heard from her. I think maybe not. Otherwise she would have responded to me. Or..she would have thought i took the lead and may show up tonight. I dont know what to do. I have called her and didnt leave any messages.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, she's already out with Francisco. Don't bother trying to call. I told you to use the phone instead of email.

This post reeks of the JCrew progeny of trolls.
Yeah I know. It's like a bad fart that keeps lingering in the air. But this thread's pretty funny!

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Joshua75 said:
Well, should i go to tampa to see if she meets me there?
Too late, I'm already meeting her tonight in Orlando and she's driving out here to meet me.


Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
"I have other plans for Saturday Night. Let's try for another time when you're not so busy"


Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hot Time!

I actually blew off that 22 yr old last night...and instead met an older hot chick at this resort ---we went out for oysters and beer, then we took her 2006 corvette(she let me drive) 120 mph down I-75 to the beach, had incredible sex ----and I got home at 3am!

Whatever happened to that girl I blew off------who knows-----who cares.

I drove a hot vette and got laid by a hot chick anyway.

Cherish the fun times.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Joshua75 said:
I actually blew off that 22 yr old last night...and instead met an older hot chick at this resort ---we went out for oysters and beer, then we took her 2006 corvette(she let me drive) 120 mph down I-75 to the beach, had incredible sex ----and I got home at 3am!

Whatever happened to that girl I blew off------who knows-----who cares.

I drove a hot vette and got laid by a hot chick anyway.

Cherish the fun times.
What's her number?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
I didn't know it was already troll season, but I should've figured seeing that its summer and some 'tards have nothing better to do.

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