Girl I never met but have known for 9 years...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hey.. again.

It's been a long time since I last posted. I've been through a lot. Those of you might remember me when I posted about an asian woman paying for my ticket to visit her over seas. - I have posted a reply.

Anyway to the real topic.

Ive known this girl for a long time. I was like 19 (I'm 28 now) and she was 17 (she's 25 now I think) and we would talk on the phone quite a lot and chat online often. I would ask to meet with her many times but she was a very private person and probably didn't trust me or something. She also told me it was because I never had a job and no goals, otherwise she would of met me. I didn't have any appeal to her I guess.

We stopped talking to each other eventually, maybe a year. Spoke again briefly about life, my new gf, new job (was a really good job too). Then we lost contact again and spoke a few months later (not sure) and I told her I was engaged and in America. Again, lost contact, this time 2 years (after I didn't end up moving to America).

-- Before I go on, I want to tell everyone that I've been through a lot during this time. I was depressed and was seeing a psychologist for a year and now group therapy which is really helping. Plus work too. So before you start asking "Why are you meeting online girls?" or "Just meet a girl in real life and bang them." - Well theres your answer why. I don't even intend to go meet any women at this stage. This situation is a little different.

Back to the story... Recently I texted her, because I was really just curious what was going on with her life. She replied (later I found out she had deleted my number) and I called after a few texts. She did not answer and told me her ex just walked in (i call bs on that) and told me to call tomorrow night. I never did and 2 days later she drunk texted me "wAAkke upppPp". I did not reply. The next evening I called her and we ended up talking for an hour (was not my plan) - I told her I was in America for a while and was engaged. toward the end of the call I suggested "We known each other for a long time. I think it's time to catch up for real." she replied "Yeah for sure, I think so too." and we joked how she owed me a milkshake for me spending an hour on the phone to her. We didn't set a date because we are both busy and decided we will arrange a date soon (I guess that's for me to decide).

I plan to call her tonight (Wednesday night) and arrange to meet her in the city (where I work - she lives not far from the city) in the evening after work on Thursday.

My questions:

1. Is it too late to call the night before a possible date? She might have plans already? I am thinking maybe I should of arranged it yesterday (Tuesday) but I didn't wanna sound to desperate as we just spoke on Sunday. She knows I work everyday and am really busy.

2. Would this whole situation of knowing her for 9 years automatically put me in the friend zone? (I believe I now have appeal that I once did not have. I have a good job in the office and am making something of myself that she's never seen before - To her I was a loser with no goals - But now that I've lived in another state for 4 years, been over seas to live and travelled, got engaged, then moved back (where she lives and I am originally from) she seems a lot more interested. On the phone she kept saying wow and "you been through so much and did so many things. Its exciting!" She really enjoyed all my stories from my travels. -- Would this change the way she looks at me? I'm sure she's interested otherwise she wouldn't agree to meet.

3. Is meeting after work appropriate? I never had any after work dates to be honest, because half my life was messed up that I've never had a real job and opportunities like this.


I work everyday including the weekends. So it wouldn't make a difference when we meet? I just have a feeling she might say no because it's probably the last thing she wants to do after work. It's easy for me because I work IN the city so I just come out and meet her down the street. She lives near too so I dunno. I haven't really been interested at all in dates after everything I went through. But to be honest I looking forward to finally meeting someone I've known for so long face to face (even if it's just as friends - hooking up would just be a bonus. I don't care either way.)

Sorry for the long post. Please any replies are welcome.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
You should really stop talking to online girls and pull some in real life.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
I was hoping I would just get some opinions instead of people telling me what to do. I'm not banging anyone because I have only just got my life together recently coming from depression. I've been through a lot since the last time I spoke to her.

And I am not talking to online girls. Not even really talking to any for that matter. I am not trying to pull any chicks these days, I am building my life back up and working hard. This just happened to happen out of the blue and wanted some positive opinions to what you can answer about my questions, not negatives.

The point here is, that I have known her for so many years and really didn't plan on catching up but we just finally decided we should meet. I've only got about 6 hours left before I decided to call.

Any OTHER opinions please :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
LoneWolf said:
I was hoping I would just get some opinions instead of people telling me what to do. I'm not banging anyone because I have only just got my life together recently coming from depression. I've been through a lot since the last time I spoke to her.

And I am not talking to online girls. Not even really talking to any for that matter. I am not trying to pull any chicks these days, I am building my life back up and working hard. This just happened to happen out of the blue and wanted some positive opinions to what you can answer about my questions, not negatives.

The point here is, that I have known her for so many years and really didn't plan on catching up but we just finally decided we should meet. I've only got about 6 hours left before I decided to call.

Any OTHER opinions please :)
If she turns down your offer for Thursday you should just delete her number and move on.


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
if she aint demanded a meeting within a VERY few months, (at the most) there's nothing between you, as far as she is concerned. forget it. She's been thru a dozen men by now and that's a very bad sign.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Just go for it. What have you to lose?

Try, make the attempt, let us know how it goes, win or lose.

If she turns it down, then you're in the same place you'd be had you not asked at all. If she declines Thursday, but offers a counter day to meet, go for it, otherwise, just tell her to give you a call when she knows when she's free - in other words, let her make the choice - most likely there's no interest if she doesn't offer a counter-offer.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
LoneWolf said:
wanted some positive opinions to what you can answer about my questions, not negatives.
Sorry, that's like saying "tell me what's positive about being in a pit up to my neck in elephant sh*t." Not a whole lot to say.

You're obsessing over this woman because you've got nothing else on your plate at this time. Unless you had cancer or severe burns or something there's really no reason to not be out there like a dog trying to get laid.

Start out with the desperate fatties if you've been out of the game. Then when you can bang them no problem move up to more attractive chicks. This one is a no-go and you're going to be disappointed.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Sorry, that's like saying "tell me what's positive about being in a pit up to my neck in elephant sh*t." Not a whole lot to say.

You're obsessing over this woman because you've got nothing else on your plate at this time. Unless you had cancer or severe burns or something there's really no reason to not be out there like a dog trying to get laid.

Start out with the desperate fatties if you've been out of the game. Then when you can bang them no problem move up to more attractive chicks. This one is a no-go and you're going to be disappointed.
What are you talking about? I never said I was looking for women. There IS no plate. I just happened to get back in touch with her... I'm not obsessed. I am very comfortable being single. I was just asking for honest answers to my questions.

This board seems to be filled with horny guys who just think of fuking all the time. I am just going to hang out with her, no plans on boning. If it comes to that then great but it's not my initial plan to meet her and fuk her. God some people on here are idiots.