Girl giving mixed signals about going out


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Ok here is the story. I had oneitis for a girl. Was circling the drain of going into friend zone. Found this site and started to crawl out of the friend zone. Anyway I had a crush on this girl for awile like a year, but she had a boyfriend. She broke up with him and she was bitter with him. He wouldnt leave her alone it was kinda bad. Anyway the other nite she invited me over for a movie, it started off like we were just friends then I escalated. By the end she was lying on top of me watching movie. She walks me out to the car and there she grabs me, I turn her around and kiss her. She made pretty passionate not just a peck on the lips. Fast forward to 3 days later she goes " I know something you dont know"( rather playfully) I say "what" she goes " there is a reason we aren going out" and then turns her back to me and walks away with a stern look on her face. I am like wtf? ( not to her). Then I talk about it with her alittle and she says she isnt going out with me cuz she isnt ready for a relationship because of her last one she isnt ready to commit. I highly doubt thats a legitamate reason. THen right as I am leaving she says "saturday was good" ( day we made out and such). Anyway I am still going to homecoming with this girl and she means alot to me. What went wrong? and how can I salvage this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
1. She just wants to feel wanted since she has doesnt have a boyfriend anymore.
2. She still may have feelings for him which is why she doesn't want to go out with you.
3. She is just a hor/attention hor
4. She really does feel its too soon for another relationship.

Whatever the reason is... This is what I would do. Try to continue making out with her and see other women at the same time. If she will make out with you but, not go out with you. Why not game her and other women. Try escalating things with her. Or just ignore her and move on until she comes back wanting you.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Well She doesnt feel for her old bf, she wont pick up when he calls and she avoids him.
She could be an attention hore, never really thought about that, never struck me as one.
She isnt a hor cuz I go to a christian school and no one is a hor, unlike how movies portray christain girls in skimpy uniforms.

Hmm... Guess I will just see how the dance goes then pursue other girls from there.

Thanks for the replies


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Meh, even if you get her you're just the rebound guy which means it won't last anyway.

Once her emotions stabilize she'll begin thinking about what she really wants and you'll be out the door and out of her life no care from her at all.

So remember this for the future if eventually you think you've turned it around and you two have sex for a while and all that and she suddenly doesn't talk to you or hangout with you anymore and gives no good explanation for it at all.

As for what went wrong I'd say she probably wanted you to take her back in the house and fvck her or fvck her right there in the car but you dropped the ball.
