Girl at work gives me her number.. I didn't ask for it


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
There's this girl at my workplace whose full of herself, still young. Thinks she's a 10, really only a 7. She thinks every guy that she comes across wants her bad. Well she acts 'slutty' towards every guy she meets.

I was chatting to her and out of the blue she writes on a piece of paper 'I'm too shy to ask for your number, so here's mine'. WTF??

Reason I'm not flattered is because she did it in full view of the other people in work (mostly guys). Guys asked me afterwards and patted me on the shoulder (stud).

I'm thinking this girl is some sort of mental case, what do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
Well! She certainly is an aggressive little minx, isn't she!:eek:

Looks like she's picked you to be the "Flavor of the Week", you can either condem her as a tramp:nono: OR hop on the express train to EZZY SEX land!:moon:

The chick sounds a little nutty:crazy: but maybe you like that sort of thing?

Naturally she'll only boff you till a NEW guy hits her radar then she'll be gone like a cool breeze:yes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
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definately means she's interested. happens to me very rarely like that, but i do end up being a little less interested in them because of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Don't touch it. I just went through a similar situation at work and it ruined my job. I ended up quitting.

Don't date women at work unless they are super chill and this bytch sounds like a complete cu.nt.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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omega05 said:
she's a mental case because she gave you her number? really?
No she's a mental case because:
"Thinks she's a 10, really only a 7. She thinks every guy that she comes across wants her bad. Well she acts 'slutty' towards every guy she meets."


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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zekko said:
No she's a mental case because:
"Thinks she's a 10, really only a 7. She thinks every guy that she comes across wants her bad. Well she acts 'slutty' towards every guy she meets."
lol, almost every average girl thinks she's hotter than she really is because they always have guys hitting on them. Doesn't make her a nut case.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
lol, almost every average girl thinks she's hotter than she really is because they always have guys hitting on them. Doesn't make her a nut case.
so true.

the_wanderer if u want sex, well u got ur 7 and her number. give her a call, take her out and who knows what can happen.. just chill.
it's ur decision. the girl is telling that she wants to go out with u by giving u her number. u do the rest.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
I dunno

because see, there's something off with this.

It's too aggressive and showboating (have nothing against females initiating btw).

I found out today that half of the guys in my work are pursuing her and some of them were the ones who witnessed this 'event' unfold. There was one particular guy I think that she liked but found out that he was too old (young looking chap).

I feel that I'm being used as bait so that the other men will back off or maybe she's trying to get back at the other I mentioned.

She seems nutty to me sorry.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I've read countless posts from well-respected members of this site, that a woman who gives you her number, has LOW interest. We're only looking for high interest from the start. We're buying girls "as is," not building interest. Building interest will not work long-term on a girl who is not interested from the start, hence the 70% divorce rate.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
not always.

ive had girls give me their numbers simply due to being high IL. sometimes their interest will be so high, that (regardless of why you choose not to) when you dont ask for their number, they give it on their own.

not to say some girls DONT have ulterior motives... but those kind of blanket rules can be self limiting.

i.e. thinking a girl for sure has low interest because she gave you her number. when in reality... it can very well be that she digs you so much she WANTS you to have her number.

but in your case wanderer, more important is the issue of her being a co-worker. its hard to date a co-worker because you end up having to see eachother all the time... during better or worse. often leads to gossip and drama in the workplace. these kind of situations can lead to more trouble than theyre worth. especially when she starts jocking on other guys in front of you.

in my experience a girl thats overly flirty with all the guys at work... you can slay it but dont expect much more out of her. and if you do, be prepared to possibly see her jump another guys bones, or become crazy/aggressive about being your GF all the sudden.



Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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fertileTurtle said:
Don't touch it. I just went through a similar situation at work and it ruined my job. I ended up quitting.
I can attest to this. I dated a girl at work, it didn't work out, ruined my job and made it hell having to work with her for a few months till i got over her. What made it really bad is that she worked in the same department as me so we were feet from each other every friggin day.

It is tough to resist women I wouldn't blame you if you don't listen. I probably would (and have) dated other girls from my job...but they work in different departments :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Ok i just had a similar situation. i met this girl at a party, surprised her with some great flirting and a few negs. On my scale this girl is an 8 or so. She stood out as the hottest girl at the party. After a while my friend called me over (emergency), so I didnt get her number.

She friends me on facebook. I am a sophomore in college so being on facebook chat is a normal thing. She IMs me out of the blue this sunday night asking how my weekend was.

Im like hmm, lets see how this goes. The girl asks ME for my number!!! WHAT??

I was so shocked i just gave it to her and she goes "Ill text you about partying this weekend...byeee" and peaces out.

So I think its a good thing. She has a high enough interest level to ask my number. You should do the same.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
sorry am not diving in. From my friends past experiences dating co-workers is a pain.

Second, I find this girls behavior annoying. Like I said she really thinks that every thing around the office revolves around her little world. She even mentions to co-workers how she has a hard time keeping the men off when she's also encouraging the behavior by overtly flirting with them.

There's something about overtly narcissistic women that really puts me off.

I also don't find her attractive while the men in my workplace are drooling over her. She's 'attractive' because she's 'pimped' up on most days-heavy makeup, hair always styled and figure hugging clothes(one time she wore a really short skirt to work). She looks like a guy to me.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
just for the fun of it, I can post a pic lolz see how you guys rate her (wait I might get banned). Or pm me 4 pics hahahaha.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2008
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Poonani Maker said:
I've read countless posts from well-respected members of this site, that a woman who gives you her number, has LOW interest. We're only looking for high interest from the start. We're buying girls "as is," not building interest. Building interest will not work long-term on a girl who is not interested from the start, hence the 70% divorce rate.
I disagree. I think it really depends on the situation.

Sometimes girls will ask for a guy's number with some other agenda in mind- say wants to meet new people or expand her social life. The guy will immediately assume she's hitting on him; and when they find out she wasn't, they come running back to SS to tell everyone that you should never let a girl give you her number without you asking.

But then there's the other case where the girl actually has a high interest level. Why do I say this? Because a girl recently asked for my number, and my room-mate just revealed to me that she thought I was cute. I make sure I initiate the contact, so it's pretty much the same thing as me getting her number.

There's a lot of good advice on this forum, but you can't fall into the "everything is black and white" trap. Girls cannot be solved with such simple formulae


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
After the first 5 posts I realized nobody is giving this guy the simple advice he needs, which is:

This girl think she's better than she is so this is how your going to work it.

When you see her at work just work by with a smile and some confident eye contact. Next time you see her do the same thing, if you want you can throw in a "I'll hit you up sometime soon".

Then your not really going to hit this girl up too soon, what your going to is live your life for a few days and by doing this you will almost be ego-checking this girl who thinks she's the hot sh!t. You'll have her thinking about you, then somewhere soon but not too soon give her a call


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
the_wanderer said:
I was chatting to her and out of the blue she writes on a piece of paper 'I'm too shy to ask for your number, so here's mine'. WTF??

Reason I'm not flattered is because she did it in full view of the other people in work (mostly guys).
She is a PLAYER.
Their social surroundings are their playground. Office space suits it well.
Dont expect a romance.
If you play it really cool you might even score. But you have to tease/play her like hell - basically reject her in a funny way until she drags you to bed.

She is a player she needs a notch - any sigh of interest from the victim and he is history. Thats the difference between dude players who need to fcuk in order to score and gal playas who are OK with ego stroke to "score".