Getting back out there after LTR


New Member
Nov 2, 2014
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Hey guys,

I just came out of a 2 year relationship. When I came in I had a rotation of other girls I was talking to. This girl made it worth giving up the whole Don Juan lifestyle at least when I met her. And now let's just say it's dead in the water. I'm a college student, I'm sharper looking by far than when I met her, and I had great success with women in the past. But I'm abso****inglutely paralyzed on what to do. I go to a community college where there isn't much of a social scene, and that's about it so far. I have a good major but my life is kind of mundane other than college, gym and friends. And those classes are CS classes so there aren't any (attractive) girls.

What's the first step? Do I need to go and get a part time job so I can take girls on dates? Do I Facebook chat girls? I'm really confused and lost, all I know is I want to get back into the swing of things. My girlfriend acts like she wants me back but her actions say otherwise.

Help me, you're my only hope.


New Member
Nov 2, 2014
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I came here for the same reason, 15 yr marriage over in July. Like you I had a few jitters about getting back in the "swing of things" It seems as time goes by I am returning to my old self. Have been practicing approaching ladies and seem to be getting positive vibes from most I strike a conversation with. There is much good reading here and other "red pill" sites. Most of the advice seems solid to me. Just take your time, do some reading and thinking then try to put some of the things you learn here to the test.

By the way be sure to look at "the no contact challenge" very important for your health!