Getting a Girl Who has a boyfriend


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Ok, basically there's a girl who is interested in me and has invested a lot our relationship, has started going out with another boy (Quite a player). We get on really well, loads of flirting, private jokes, we have fun together etc. But we're not actually friends and only acquaintances.

I resultantly forgot about her and began ignoring her. Yet she still throws out signs of interest in me, even though I have killed most of my attention towards her.

So the question is, how can I get her for myself?
Information needed to know:
They are completely different personalities and I think unsuited for each other
We're all teenagers

I have a feeling I'm just going to have to put her on the back burner and focus on other girls, unless someone can come up with a good idea.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
CaptainJ said:
...So the question is, how can I get her for myself?.

STEP 1: one get that idea out of your head
STEP 2: Accept that she is a ho and treat her as such.. you dont want her to yourself... just hit and run..
STEP 3: Go get 3 new plates to spin


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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DonGorgon said:
STEP 1: one get that idea out of your head
STEP 2: Accept that she is a ho and treat her as such.. you dont want her to yourself... just hit and run..
STEP 3: Go get 3 new plates to spin
Brilliant advice, consider her forgotten. No point trying to pursue attention *****s. Continuing this indifference will likely make her more interested, but I'll not let her ever bull**** me again.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
The solution is to become the player's wingman, so you can learn a little game from him and thank him for doing you a favor getting another ho out of your way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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A lot of posters here have posted some pretty self-detrimental advice.

You do NOT have to completely forget about her, you can still be a friend, and remain on good terms, and there are certain advantages that come with that.

The problem with this forum is that so many people here have a "me vs the girl vs the world" kind of mentality. You have to realize that you're all on the same team. The former way of thinking often leads to bitterness and an inability to create real, unique interactions with women that are amazing and enjoyable for both of you.

The reason why seduction "gurus" have pushed the idea of being "bail-happy" and running from non-ideal situations, such as these is because they are insecure, and the majority of males they preach to, are insecure.

They bail and "forget that ho" because rather than facing situations which may rock their boat a little, they avoid it all together. Which is quite a cowardly thing to do. If you can remain a close friend and keep the attraction there despite being in a situation where you are exposed to jealousy and insecurities eating you alive, you are exercising a tougher emotional health, becoming less and less insecure, and more and more ok with yourself, the way you are.

The advice given by the other posters DOES WORK, but on such a shallow level. They teach you to avoid situations that bring out your insecurities, I'm suggesting you deal with your insecurities like a man.

Don't get me wrong, under no circumstance supplicate or sacrifice your own happiness and well being to keep anyone else happy. Do not spend too much time on her, and fully internalize the idea that you are there to have fun with her WITHOUT seeking results. But also, use your brain a little and don't follow what you read on these boards blindly.

One more thing, if you can frame yourself as the chilled, fun loving guy that makes her happy but at the same time is a bit of a challenge, someone who didn't RUN AWAY when she had a boyfriend, then further down the track, perhaps when she has broken up with her boyfriend, the conditions may be right for a relationship between you two. Or she may even introduce you to her hot friends.

That's all i have to say on the matter, cheerios.



Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
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Belle Vernon, PA
This is weird. 2 days ago, I was in this exact situation. I met a girl I like, but she has a boyfriend. Now I didn't know this at first, so I flirted with her as if she was single. She ended up liking me.

Fast forward a few days, one of her friends tell me she has a bf but he is an ass and treats her badly (not abusive, just not caring or anything). I asked the girl I'm interested in about it, and she said pretty much the same thing. The very next day, she called me saying they broke up. So I guess I succeeded, but I think luck was half the battle.

I got lucky that she wasn't happy in the relationship, so you gotta find out if this girl is happy with him. If she is, then game over. If not, try some indirect flirting with her. Build her attraction as if she was single. Then just let the cards fall as they may.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2009
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Well, if you really want to get the girl, there are lots of BF destroying tactics out there that you can Google.

Basically, you want her to question her relationship with the guy and get her to bring up bad stuff about him. Don't bad mouth him directly though, as that will only get her defensive. Always take the side of the BF, like "Oh, your BF's such a great guy, I'm sure he does special things for you all the time." If the girl is in a rocky relationship, she will start to bring up all the bad things about him, and you can put yourself in the good category.

Also, up the kino. You can flirt, banter, have in-jokes with plenty of girls, but that's all still within LJBF. I flirt with my female friends all the time. If you really want to take this relationship to a more sexual level, start amping up the kino. If she responds positively to your escalating touch, you know that she wants you more than just a friend, and you can proceed from there.

Anyway, not advocating taking girls with BFs, but if you feel you have more value to offer than the jerk she's seeing, I say it's fair game.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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Originally Posted by DonGorgon
STEP 1: one get that idea out of your head
STEP 2: Accept that she is a ho and treat her as such.. you dont want her to yourself... just hit and run..
STEP 3: Go get 3 new plates to spin

Brilliant advice, consider her forgotten. No point trying to pursue attention *****s. Continuing this indifference will likely make her more interested, but I'll not let her ever bull**** me again
he didn't say ignore her... he said treat her like a hoe

you want to date this chick right??

answer me honstly

have you tried sticking your penis in her vagina??


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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The reason I said it was brilliant advice, because it is advice perfect for the situation. During the time it looked like we might have been able to hook up, she just kept doing things to make me jealous or gain more control, like getting off with other boys she had low interest level for - coincidently, that's how she ended up with this guy. And so basically I'm annoyed and tired at her bull**** attention seeking attempts, so the best thing to do is forget her and focus on other girls. Maybe down the line she might realise she lost out, and try again, but i don't really care.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Oakland, California
what happened to class? taking another man's girl is low. she may be a ho and may be willing to cheat but do u wanna be the **** wad she cheats with?

if you really insist on this one chik, even though theres tons of girls NOT in relationships around, just have sex with her dont get in too deep


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
nubian-knight said:
what happened to class? taking another man's girl is low. she may be a ho and may be willing to cheat but do u wanna be the **** wad she cheats with?

if you really insist on this one chik, even though theres tons of girls NOT in relationships around, just have sex with her dont get in too deep



Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
nubian-knight said:
what happened to class? taking another man's girl is low. she may be a ho and may be willing to cheat but do u wanna be the **** wad she cheats with?

if you really insist on this one chik, even though theres tons of girls NOT in relationships around, just have sex with her dont get in too deep
I agree, which is why I'm forgetting about her. Trust me, I don't insist on this one chick.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
What you do with her is your buisness however she won't be good for an LTR. FB at best. I recommend keeping up ignoring her and throwing out your strongest game possible (so you know for sure). As for having her to yourself. just get that out of your head man. All though you may feel they are unsuited for each other, keep in mind she didn't have the inner strength to dump his ass before trying to hook up with you. Surely you must have asked yourself why if they are so unsuited for each other are they still together?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Some people have gotten the wrong idea here, probably because i described it badly. But it was when she was single that it looked like we were going to hook up and start going out. However, she tried to make me feel jealous by getting off with other guys (I remember the first time she did this, we made eye contact a few times whilst she was making out, and she even smiled at me lol).

My bad luck that one of the guys she made out with on New years eve fancied her and asked her out.

She hasn't even started going out with this new boy yet though, but will soon. Just to clear it up, I'm not stealing anyone's girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
My question is, with all the single girls out there, why settle for a girl with a boyfriend?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah dude just move on. She has a boyfriend.
There are millions of other girls out there.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Not worth it from my expereince....