Generating massive attraction in a few minutes


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Ok David DeAngelo talked about this alot, how the hell does he do it?

There is this person im after. She has shown some interest in me on the first day of school. then it sorta faded away, then i talked to her once again (yes I talked to her before) and told her that she was pretty cool and that maybe we could hang out some time in school. I asked for her email, and then asked her if she knew any guitarists around as I was starting a band. And she told me her bf does. Now, I sort of ignored her for a few days. Then I searched the school and found that she really was the one for me. So I talked to her once, and used my unique "how to attract online" methods. And the next day, she was like smiling everytime she saw me, and even watched a one-on-one bball game that I was playing with another person. I mentioned that we could meet at break time and she could watch the match, and she did. And even though I lost (hey, the guy was good) , she came up to me later, and told me I played a good game. I joined her the next day for lunch, but we didnt talk that much at all. Now, im guessing shes not serious about her bf, or atleast, she likes others as well. I just wanna know what to do from then, she sort of opened up when I told her she looked hot, once online. So am I doing good so far? what now? She is sort of showing some interest in another 3rd guy, who seems to be resonding correctly even though he doesnt mean it... Ok what now?

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
First of all, DeAngelo's idea of "attraction isn't a choice" is bullsh1t. That's not to say that DeAngelo is a hack, but don't take that little line of his seriously.

As far as the girl goes, she may just be an attention *****. Then again, maybe not. But you know what? Either way, your plan should be the same: just ask her if she wants to chill. If she's receptive, great. If she's vague or unenthusiastic, next her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
strike while the iron is hot.

and if it isnt hot enough.. fire it up :D


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
"fire it up"

Yes thats my question, how do I get her physically attracted or whatever you guys call it, just triggering lots of attraction. I know she has a bf and all, but she seems to be sort of hanging out and talking to other guys and stuff. So she might not be that serious about him. Once again, same question.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Sean O said:
First of all, DeAngelo's idea of "attraction isn't a choice" is bullsh1t.
I guess you don't know whats going on when your actually gaming a girl. "Attraction isn't a choice" is litterally correct, attraction is a emotional state a girl can't logically say "I won't be attracted to that guy" because if he pumps that emotional state of "Attraction" she is going to be attracted regardless.

Now you seem to be hesitating, one thing you must realize and I always tend to do is take all BF things as a **** test and just ignore it. I've literally been in school walking arm in arm with a girl as she walks me to class and she just blurts out "I miss my BF" I simply ignore her.

Now as I said above with attraction being a emotional state, it can come and go as quick as lightning. It's really up to you to escalate it, pump that attraction state and build some connection. You should be escalating meanwhile. What you have to realize a girl isn't going to escalate anything she is going to wait for you to start it up.

I personally think you got this in the bag it's just try not to make any major **** ups, like saying she is hot which is supplicating and I wouldn't really do that but hey you can still get this girl. Another thing is don't make it boring if it ends up being boring she will leave and find someone else to make her have fun.

Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah you doing good.

Now all you need to do is get her number and be different from all the other geeks that chat online all day. When you call just talk to her, I promise if she likes you she gon laugh at yo jokes and start up new conversations when it gets quiet.

Tell her stuff like:
"you need to go head n break up wit yo boyfriend cuz Im feeling you"
be like "if i was over there right now what would we be doing"

But you must get her NUMBER, its just better cuz I aint neva got a girl online stuff.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
There's a few things I just gotta say.
Get her number. I mean email? Who the **** asks for e-mail? Maybe It's just me but e-mail seems so afc. At least if not the number get a SN because you're actually conversing.
Also you said she's the one. I almost guarantee there is more than just her. I know from real life. There have been quite a few girls I have said are the one but it's impossible because there is more than one of them. Please don't say the one. Something along the lines of "someone I'd really like to get to know" would be better.
Also you said she brought up her boyfriend when you were talking to her. If she brought it up all casual like without any hesitation shhe may be thinking of you as a friend. I could also be wrong but I'm just saying watch out because i don't want you getting beat up (Or putting someone in the hospital depending on how big you are). then again if you're positive she's not serious with her bf anymore then I say go for it. Just don't fall in love too fast and try to hard because I don't wan't you getting heartbroken. B/C being heartbroken is a mother****er.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Quoted: "she brought up her boyfriend when you were talking to her. If she brought it up all casual like without any hesitation shhe may be thinking of you as a friend."

Yea, but after talking to her online,(I already mentioned to you guys that im gifted in attraction online).So after doing what I was good at, The next day she was like smiling and stuff to me, and stuff. Honestly, I see her with her girlfriends more than her bf. And in the break time, we always divide the gym (yes we can get there) into two halfs, one half is mini soccer, and the other is basketball. Her bf i always playing bball then. While she plays soccer. And I only notice contact with them for like 10 minutes or so. Though if you ask her about her bf, she'll go all crazy and prove you wrong, "Ofcourse not! Im serious about him!" But thats not how it looks, though.

Soniq's got this awesome technique, im guessing it could just be the thing. But I was thinking. There is this guy, who is just a friend, but they're like hanging out alot with each other. That guy is also a good friend of mine, and told me hes after someone else. Should I try to join them casually when they're talking ,or should I just start once hes gone? I can do both. Im guessing she thinks of me as "a pretty cool guy" we haven't really started being real friends yet, Im guessing thats still good.

Keep em comin.

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Distant Light said:
I guess you don't know whats going on when your actually gaming a girl. "Attraction isn't a choice" is litterally correct, attraction is a emotional state a girl can't logically say "I won't be attracted to that guy" because if he pumps that emotional state of "Attraction" she is going to be attracted regardless.
Of course I know that once a girl feels attraction for someone, she can't control those feelings. I should have been more specific before. DeAngelo tells people that attraction isn't a choice as if they can make ANY girl attracted to them (even against their will) simply by using those sappy DJ techniques that he talks about a lot like C+F and neg-hitting and the like. THIS is the bullsh1t I was referring to, as there are some girls who simply won't be able to feel attraction for you, no matter how alpha you act or no matter how many times you use push-pull. And it's no different for us guys, either. I'd be willing to be that each and every one of us has, at least once in our lives, met a girl who we could tell was a great catch, but for whatever reason we just weren't attracted to her. Why should it be any different for girls' attraction for guys? Attraction is attraction, no matter who's feeling it for whom.