Gays bringing e-harmony to its knees


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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This whole thing is fcked up on so many levels. How are gays allowed to SUE a straight dating site in the first place because they don't include gay options? Do Christians sue Jdate because it's only for Jews? Are whites successfully suing black dating sites because they discriminate against non-blacks? Aren't there a gazillions gay dating sites already? Why aren't straights suing gay dating sites for discrimination? People forget that there is such a thing as RATIONAL discrimination, such as for example, hiring only women to work as Hooters waitresses(and yes some moron of a dude sued Hooters for discrimination in hiring).

Now get this, eharmony already buckled and created a site for gay dating. That's not good enough, now they demand that it be more aggressively advertised. Now eharmony is in a settlement over this.

The firm also would establish a $2 million settlement fund, with about $500,000 set aside for gay, lesbian and bisexual Californians who can show they were harmed by eHarmony's policies.

The company did not admit wrongdoing.
So they didn't "admit" to wrongdoing, yet set aide millions of dollars for horrific sin of having a dating site for straights. So a gay person can claim they were somehow "harmed" by the policy and cash in big. How the hell one can get harmed by not being allowed to join eharmony takes more imagination than I possess.

I find this all disgusting. I have nothing, and I mean NOTHING against gays as individuals, but I hate the gay political movement with a passion. We often hear about how our freedoms are being taken away by government in the form of more surveillance and the patriot act. Yet where are the complaints about this type of freedom being taken away? This is nothing more than some angry gays trying to ram a social agenda down everyone's throats and force everyone to accept their way of life. Someone needs to tell these assh0les that people have a right to not love homosexuality or support it. Nobody is stopping them from creating as many gay dating sites as they please. So why use the courts to force straight sites to pay out money to gays for "harm"? Bunch of bullsh*t.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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How is this possible? Is eharmony a private service or public? Also, aren't there plenty of other dating sites that are exclusively for gays?

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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That’s weird. Here in the Netherlands there are also dating sites that are only for people with a college degree or higher. To me that is more discriminating than a dating site that is only for straights. You cannot specialize in everything.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2010
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ThunderMaverick said:
How is this possible? Is eharmony a private service or public? Also, aren't there plenty of other dating sites that are exclusively for gays?

That's what he said. That's why it's ridiculous.

I'm sick if this whole Gay sh1t too. I'm sick of all the political correctness they have forced upon us, and all of the attention their stupid little movement gets. I have nothing against people being gay, but i'm tired of hearing about them being "oppressed" everyday in the news

Sh1t, so they can get married? Big whoop! I can't marry my dog either, should I cry discrimination?

No one said getting married is anyone's right. Love who you wanna love, but marriage is the icing, not the cake. Gay's do not have ANY of their rights taken away

so sick of this crap I could puke


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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something I was told a few months ago regarding owning a company is this; expect to be sued. EVERYONE wants a piece of the action. Feminism, name it...people want their share. Now you see these lawsuits popping up because our system supports it. In reality, if it were legal for folks to outright steal money, people would find a way to do that.

Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
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Long Island, New York
These days I'm just tired of people who feel like their opinions should be seen and heard everywhere.
How can you sue a company that has certain requirements for you to join them ?

I predict in the future we'll see :
- fat/short woman suing modeling agencies
- very short/fat men suing the NBA


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Clever title. That website is sucking some serious **** right now.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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Ridiculous . . You know what fuels this? The immediate "apologizing." I just wish ONCE a company/person would just say "You know what. No. And I'm not sorry."

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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Phenomenal One said:
These days I'm just tired of people who feel like their opinions should be seen and heard everywhere.
How can you sue a company that has certain requirements for you to join them ?
Just to play Devil's Advocate: They're refusing a service to people based on their sexual orientation.

What if they owned a sandwich shop and refused to serve Latinos?

It's one thing to discourage service. It's another thing to flat out tell the world, "we will not serve gays." I'm not a legal expert by any stretch...but I think that's the definition of unconstitutional. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Like yeah, if you're Jewish, you can't get married at a catholic church. But e-harmony is a business. And that means, if I have the money to pay them, they should perform this service for me. Seems weird for a company to say, "I'll take this guy's money....but not yours."

I don't really care, but I heard about this months ago and found it interesting.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Mantis Toboggan said:
Just to play Devil's Advocate: They're refusing a service to people based on their sexual orientation.

What if they owned a sandwich shop and refused to serve Latinos?

It's one thing to discourage service. It's another thing to flat out tell the world, "we will not serve gays." I'm not a legal expert by any stretch...but I think that's the definition of unconstitutional. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Like yeah, if you're Jewish, you can't get married at a catholic church. But e-harmony is a business. And that means, if I have the money to pay them, they should perform this service for me. Seems weird for a company to say, "I'll take this guy's money....but not yours."

I don't really care, but I heard about this months ago and found it interesting.
Oh for christ sakes!!.................If I repair cars for a living and you bring a computer to me for repair and demand me to repair since you have the money................I say go fck yourself.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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There is something internally wrong with people who feel offended by silly stuff.... I would say these homos are the most insecure, low self esteem people on the planet.................which might explain their life style

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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logic1 said:
Oh for christ sakes!!.................If I repair cars for a living and you bring a computer to me for repair and demand me to repair since you have the money................I say go fck yourself.
Right. And you wouldn't bring a car to your dentist and ask him to fix it. Two different jobs. Bad analogy.

A better example is, if you repair cars for a living and you fix the car of a Catholic, but refuse to fix the car of a Jew. Is it right to deny individuals a service based on your own personal beliefs towards their group?

Your analogy doesn't work. They're not saying "Why can't my Ford Mustang have a profile on E-harmony?" They're saying "How are you, in 2010, refusing to provide gays the same service you're providing to straight people."

Disagreeing with it is one thing. But their argument isn't illogical.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
speakeasy said:
NOTHING against gays as individuals, but I hate the gay political movement with a passion.

I very much agree. I was once part of a lawsuit, where the gay rights people just outright attacked a school religious club, because the religious club would not sign a statement that said they support homosexuality. The school said that no club could exist at school that was not pro-homosexual, even if it was only a religious doctrine, and no action was ever taken against gays. The religious club was vilified as hateful bigots and sued. After a long legal battle, the school lost, and the religious club remained.

Then, the exact same case happened again in San Francisco, with another chapter of the same school club. This time the gay rights people won, because the liberals own the 9th Circuit of the Federal Court System.

Right now, there is a divide in the law between the left coast and the rest of the country. Lawyers are petitioning the Supreme Court to take up the case. Until they do, and the gay rights people lose, it is now illegal on the West Coast of the United States for any state school student club to NOT support homosexuality.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Mantis Toboggan said:
Just to play Devil's Advocate: They're refusing a service to people based on their sexual orientation.

What if they owned a sandwich shop and refused to serve Latinos?
The Mormon church refuses wedding to some people based on sexual orientation. Should they be forced by the government to provide weddings to gays? I don't see how that's any different than the eharmony issue.

It's one thing to discourage service. It's another thing to flat out tell the world, "we will not serve gays." I'm not a legal expert by any stretch...but I think that's the definition of unconstitutional. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
It's a bizarre world we live in where if you make a site with the aim marrying men and women so they can start families, you are now the equivalent of a racist. This is why I hate the gay political movement with a passion. At one time gays simply wanted to be left alone. Now they've become brazen to the point that they want to use the law to force everyone to embrace them. They aren't suing gay sites that discriminate against straights. Why is that? Since they supposedly care so much about equality.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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My point being is you dont understand capitalism and a free society. I know you are one who thinks its unfair. Big brother must protect the ones who FEEL they are treated badly.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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logic1 said:
My point being is you dont understand capitalism and a free society. I know you are one who thinks its unfair. Big brother must protect the ones who FEEL they are treated badly.
Picking and choosing who you sell products to based around your own personal beliefs sounds like the opposite of capitalism and a free society.

speakeasy said:
The Mormon church refuses wedding to some people based on sexual orientation. Should they be forced by the government to provide weddings to gays? I don't see how that's any different than the eharmony issue.
It's a church. In regards to gay marriage, no religion is going to be forced to marry gays. Only the government would be. Which seems fair since gays pay taxes like anyone else.

They aren't suing gay sites that discriminate against straights. Why is that? Since they supposedly care so much about equality.
Well are these sites marketed towards gays or do these sites say "GAYS ONLY. STRAIGHTS NOT ALLOWED." Because if I'm reading correctly, that's what E-harmony does.

It's not so much a "gay political movement" that worries me. It's the notion that businesses (businesses...NOT churches) would be allowed to refuse service to people based on personal beliefs. That frightens me...because once it's okay to discriminate gays, who's next? Jews? Asians? Italians? I just don't want it to be me, man. I don't want to go to a chinese food place and hear, "Hey, we don't serve Italians. Get out." And by your rules, that would be okay. Because it seems you're saying that the government should let businesses deny service to people based on their racial, sexual, or religious beliefs.

At one time gays simply wanted to be left alone. Now they've become brazen to the point that they want to use the law to force everyone to embrace them.
Eh. I don't think you should have to hide who you are. Especially when you were born that way. Me and you...we grew up liking women, right? There was no decision...we didn't say "Hey, guys are kinda cute...but girls are cuter." We said "I like girls. This is what works for me." Gays were born liking men. They didn't choose it. So why should they hide it? Why should they be denied rights because they were born a certain way?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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E-HARMONY IS THE MOST COMPLAINED ABOUT SITE ,THEY DISCRIMINATE FOR ALL SORTS OF REASONS........thats how they can boast matching on 29 dimension levels. All they do is screen out the undesireables.

I assume their fear is that gay introduction will not be widely accepted on their site. One of the 400 plus qualifyng questions does hint at sexual preference (not sure if its still active) and this is the percipitator in the class action lawsuit.

Darwin dating, and a few others all target specific audiences........but they can not discriminate publicity.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Gays vs Church People reminds me of the show Whale Wars. Both sides are detestable, but one side is so disgusting that I have to side with the lesser of the two evils. Adam & Eve is kinda silly, but Adam & Steve is fvcking ridiculous.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
Bible_Belt said:
Gays vs Church People reminds me of the show Whale Wars. Both sides are detestable, but one side is so disgusting that I have to side with the lesser of the two evils. Adam & Eve is kinda silly, but Adam & Steve is fvcking ridiculous.
Hey, whatever God in whatever book that made Adam and Eve is the same God that made Adam and Steve.

Unless you woke up one day and made a conscious decision to be attracted to girls, how can you say that gays made a conscious decision to be attracted to guys? Your sexuality isn't a choice. If it were, most of these gay dudes probably would have chose to be normal and not be ostracized by society, right?

I always ask people in these discussions: Were you 50/50 on which sex you were attracted to? No? You've always liked women? So what makes you think they choose to like men. If anything, it's a genetic abnormality. But it's not a choice.