Ganji Games: "A Last Ditch Effort To Get The Girl"


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
i say go with your gut, if YOU FEEL ganji games will show results they PROBABLY WILL. ganji is a good method to root out the intrest a girl has for you that she either keeps deep down and refuses to show or maybe she does show it somewhat you know its there but won't seal the deal with you.

And i will have to agree it only works on a girl you have a great relationship with already as a friend, i'm talking years of knowing her and have a well rounded and established foundation of friendship, understanding and all that good shyt.

ganji'ing some girl you hardley even know will only result of that girl saying "never liked the guy anyway"

a perfect situation for ganji is this. you know the girl likes you, you've been friends with her for lets say 4 years and things are great between you guys. You can talk about anything, and be on the phone for hours at a time. she may mention it be funny if we got together. and yet whenever you bring it up in all seriousness she gets quiet or doesn't really feel all that comfertable with the subject but you know its on her mind.. she never straight up said LJBF you guys are "just friends" by default by whatever means or circumstance that is your friendship with this girl. there's lots of a flirting lots of touching and oogly eye contact.. all signs of LETS GET IT DONE.

boom you ganji her in a situation that deep ganji games may only need to last days or even a week or two before you see immediate results. The hard part about this is actually applying the principle to her because you guys actually do really care about each other and it hurts you to know that your hurting her by not talking to her. But that's also the reason you need a good foundation of friendship before this game can begin.

so yeah just to clear up any confusion about the game there you go.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
yeah makes sense.

i've been doing it for about 2 weeks now but had no contact from her yet.. makes me start to think that its not working or realising she was never interested in the first place..

doesn't ganji games fall apart if she meets someone else during the time period when you're trying to ganji her though?

I anticipated in my absence in the past 2 weeks she might have met someone else so doesn't seem to even notice me being gone.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
pete101 said:
yeah makes sense.

i've been doing it for about 2 weeks now but had no contact from her yet.. makes me start to think that its not working or realising she was never interested in the first place..

doesn't ganji games fall apart if she meets someone else during the time period when you're trying to ganji her though?

I anticipated in my absence in the past 2 weeks she might have met someone else so doesn't seem to even notice me being gone.
not really, if she had intrest before she even moved onto the next she'd have to know about you first.

that's why ganji games only work on already established well rounded freindships.. call her up after another week or so.. if she seems cold to you chances are good that she was upset you left, if she is surprised to hear from you.. and ask so where have you been i missed you.. chances are again high that she was upset or at least taken off gaurd that you were gone try and push for something at this point "hey i wanna see you tnight"

if she answers and is completley normal and goes what's up! chances are high she never really cared.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
what you say makes absolutely perfect sense.

thing is that during the latter stages before i tried this ganji games stuff her interest level was going down i could see because i was acting too keen and almost solidifying my position as LJBF material. I then overheard her talking to someone on the phone which sounded like a guy she was interested in by the tone of her voice etc.

Thats why i assumed she mighta met someone else. I guess maybe you're right that she never really cared.. but having said that I only saw her like maybe once or twice a week and she'd only expect to see me once or twice a week at most. So if I've disappeared for 2 weeks but she didn't turn up anyway she won't know if i was gone or not. I guess it'll take just a bit longer.

If she does contact me I assume I'll just ignore it?

I read at the beginning of this thread that you can use moderate ganji games on girls you've known for about a month and established a friendship etc. I'm pretty much going down that route but its been 2 weeks now I don't really seem to care too much to be honest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
pete101 said:
what you say makes absolutely perfect sense.

thing is that during the latter stages before i tried this ganji games stuff her interest level was going down i could see because i was acting too keen and almost solidifying my position as LJBF material. I then overheard her talking to someone on the phone which sounded like a guy she was interested in by the tone of her voice etc.

Thats why i assumed she mighta met someone else. I guess maybe you're right that she never really cared.. but having said that I only saw her like maybe once or twice a week and she'd only expect to see me once or twice a week at most. So if I've disappeared for 2 weeks but she didn't turn up anyway she won't know if i was gone or not. I guess it'll take just a bit longer.

If she does contact me I assume I'll just ignore it?

I read at the beginning of this thread that you can use moderate ganji games on girls you've known for about a month and established a friendship etc. I'm pretty much going down that route but its been 2 weeks now I don't really seem to care too much to be honest.
don't wanna leave you hanging, if she contacts you obviously pick up.. but act like nothing is wrong. if she arranged a meet with you go.. push for something if she acts like she's got you back in her web of lies or whatever ganji her again.

this works well if the girl did something that could be percived as disrespect but not really and then you just up and stop calling the girl.. i don't know your situation how well your established with this girl but it should work it the ganji games are played for a month or so and she doesn't give you the signals that she missed you.. bail and NEXT

just want to add a note.. if this girl is an attention who*re then IT WILL work.. because she will feel wtf the only person to pull the plug is me.. and you may get some ass outta her for a while before she decides she's done.. but hey at least you got something


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
this is kinda good and kinda bad. I have done this in my past and this is what happened. Alright I used to work with this chick and I knew her for a few months I told her I liked her and all, but she said she couldnt date anyone at the moment, so I took your advice and I ignored her. then I noticed

that she didnt give a s*it about me. so thats why I dont really agree. then there was this other girl that I knew and I basically did it to her then everytime I seen her she was all touchy with me haha. so this could and sometimes cant work. but its worth a try. =)


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
avrilishot said:
told her I liked her and all, but she said she couldnt date anyone at the moment, so I took your advice and I ignored her. then I noticed
that she didnt give a s*it about me. so thats why I dont really agree.
Please read the thread more carefully. We already said that Ganji doesn't work unless the girl has feelings for you to begin with.

If she doesn't like you, no amount of games will work.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
christz said:
don't wanna leave you hanging, if she contacts you obviously pick up.. but act like nothing is wrong. if she arranged a meet with you go.. push for something if she acts like she's got you back in her web of lies or whatever ganji her again.

this works well if the girl did something that could be percived as disrespect but not really and then you just up and stop calling the girl.. i don't know your situation how well your established with this girl but it should work it the ganji games are played for a month or so and she doesn't give you the signals that she missed you.. bail and NEXT

just want to add a note.. if this girl is an attention who*re then IT WILL work.. because she will feel wtf the only person to pull the plug is me.. and you may get some ass outta her for a while before she decides she's done.. but hey at least you got something
to update i been gone for about 3 weeks didn't hear a peep from her or anything. i returned this week to where we ususally bump into each other and she passed behind me in a hallway.. i didn't realise it was her and was checking her out from behind then she suddenly turned and goes 'Hey!!' then initiates a cheek-kiss so i comply.. i acted a bit standoffish she asked me how i was i said 'fine' then she goes 'whats up..??' because im usually more bouyant, i reply with 'nothing. everythings fine' then i turn away and say my goodbyes she just walks off in other direction.

fast forward to now saw her again but didn't say hi just kinda blanked her.. carried on what i was doing for next 10mins or so then she comes up to me looking a bit nervous and sticks her arm out trying to initiate another cheek-kiss which i comply but still acting standoffish not talkative etc.

she starts talking about something i look away and say something but she could tell i wasn't in the mood for talking so she says her goodbyes and i say 'see you.'

i assume this is the right way to play it if im playing these games?

im on the assumption there was no attraction in the first place because she didn't even take the time to wonder where i was or anything even though i disappeared for like 3 weeks! either shes met someone else during that period so she doesn't care about me that much i do feel kinda bad for being a bit cold towards her.

still haven't mastered that not interested vibe.. i just seem either angry or cold but i guess it gets the msg across cos its the exact opposite of my previous behaviour. am i doing everything right though ganji wise so far?

what do you suggest i say if she asks me next time 'why you acting funny with me?' or 'are you mad at me?'


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
pete101 said:
to update i been gone for about 3 weeks didn't hear a peep from her or anything. i returned this week to where we ususally bump into each other and she passed behind me in a hallway.. i didn't realise it was her and was checking her out from behind then she suddenly turned and goes 'Hey!!' then initiates a cheek-kiss so i comply.. i acted a bit standoffish she asked me how i was i said 'fine' then she goes 'whats up..??' because im usually more bouyant, i reply with 'nothing. everythings fine' then i turn away and say my goodbyes she just walks off in other direction.

fast forward to now saw her again but didn't say hi just kinda blanked her.. carried on what i was doing for next 10mins or so then she comes up to me looking a bit nervous and sticks her arm out trying to initiate another cheek-kiss which i comply but still acting standoffish not talkative etc.

she starts talking about something i look away and say something but she could tell i wasn't in the mood for talking so she says her goodbyes and i say 'see you.'

i assume this is the right way to play it if im playing these games?

im on the assumption there was no attraction in the first place because she didn't even take the time to wonder where i was or anything even though i disappeared for like 3 weeks! either shes met someone else during that period so she doesn't care about me that much i do feel kinda bad for being a bit cold towards her.

still haven't mastered that not interested vibe.. i just seem either angry or cold but i guess it gets the msg across cos its the exact opposite of my previous behaviour. am i doing everything right though ganji wise so far?

what do you suggest i say if she asks me next time 'why you acting funny with me?' or 'are you mad at me?'
if she ask's you why you acting funny then she's obviously intrested in your emotional state. Somebody who doesn't care wouldn't ask those type of questions.. or if they did it would be a oh.. that sucks attitude.

depending on your attitude, and how standoffish you acted i would have to say you gave her the message of why you bothering me. remember she initated contact with you, and then even came back to conversate.

somebody who really didn't care would just give a shout out MAYBE talk for a minute or two and leave. i'd say give her a call


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
christz said:
if she ask's you why you acting funny then she's obviously intrested in your emotional state. Somebody who doesn't care wouldn't ask those type of questions.. or if they did it would be a oh.. that sucks attitude.

depending on your attitude, and how standoffish you acted i would have to say you gave her the message of why you bothering me. remember she initated contact with you, and then even came back to conversate.

somebody who really didn't care would just give a shout out MAYBE talk for a minute or two and leave. i'd say give her a call
she inititated contact with me but i was standoffish.. i reckon what you said about me giving the vibe of 'why you bothering me' sounds about right.. or its a 'im angry and upset with you (but you don't know why)' im finding it difficult trying to fine tune this 'im not interested anymore' vibe with her. i guess i should be more moderate with the ganji and talk for a bit then drift off then go?

the thing is she only stops for a few mins to chat and leaves so its kind of like i have to be ready to leave the conversation straight away before she does.

she initiate contact with me cos unfortunately i've been LJBF'd over the past 3 months so its kind of a natural thing for her to come up to me. shes obviously wondering why im acting upset with her but like you said i'm probably going down the route of 'never liked him anyway'.

i'll probably bump into her again this week.. how do you reckon i should play it?

i guess less standoffish than last week but still try to act uninterested and leave before she does.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
so on AIM should I block the chick i'm ganjiing so she can't see that i'm on or should i show her that i'm on but just act as if i'm afk and pretty much blow her off?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Just act like you lost interest and moved on. Don't go out of your way to block her, or she might catch on that you are playing a game. If she messages you just ignore her and log off.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
the thing is, she LJBF'd me and now i think she's blocking me (we used to be REALLY close) because it's so awkward. so i should still just log off when she messages me?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
I think it's too late then. Ganji probably works better when you think your getting close to LJBF territory, and then you flip the script on them and Ganji them. If she's already LJBF'ed you and it's akward Ganji won't help, it's just going to make you look like you got turned down and now you are sulking.

...Now that's not to say you shouldn't cut contact, b/c I think you should still ganji, but this is going to take time, and I don't think you can recover from this if she gave you the dreaded LJBF and is now blocking you on AIM.

Put yourself in her shoes - You came onto until the point her interest dropped and it became akward, then she LJBF'ed you thinking in her mind that you would disappear if she did this. She is expecting you to disappear now... she wants you to disappear now...

What you should have done instead is ganji while things where still good between you two - leave on a high note. And you only do this if your foward progress with her is continually met with resistance.

It is almost like you are walking towards the edge of a cliff. When you reach the edge, take a step back and ganji, instead of walking forward over the edge. She will anticipate that you will walk over the edge, that's when you surprise her with ganji.

I had a friend who liked a girl he had known for awhile. They would flirt and carry on, and he was continually met with resistance. She would show up flirt with him, yet, she would leave the bar with other guys, and he could never escalate the relationship. So instead of confessing his love for her he ganjied like no other. He cut complete contact for 6 months. He got all the "are you mad?" voicemails, etc. - but he didn't budge.

Finally they ran into each other, (btw he told her had been really busy the last few months) and a couple weeks later, she confessed that she was madly in love with him. He had complete control to set the boundaries of the relationship.

Now keep in mind he didn't think constantly about this girl for 6 months. He moved on with his life knowing that the only chance he had was by cutting contact. That's why ganji is a last ditch effort.
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juice veteran

Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
looking back i can see where i subconsciously ganjied a chick after the dreaded LJBF's in march 2003 and she called me in jan 2004! wasnt interested so didnt pursue it though. But then i screwed up with another chick and got LJBF again on tuesday...

...i aint sweating it I'll run ganji as she had massive IL at first. I'll see other chicks in the meantime (tomorrow to be precise), pratice my DJ skills and make sure i never stray into LJBF terriotry again.

thanks for the inights gentlemen.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Hey, these Ganji Games, are you really sure that it works?

Here's my situation. I was dating this chick named Te Te (Tessa) and she totally won me over and our relationship was extremely good. I wasn't AFC or anything, I played everything by the book and I was good at it.

All of a sudden, she tells me that one month before I met her that she and her ex boyfriend had sex for the last time (yea right), and that he intentionally got her pregnant and she broke up with me. This was last Saturday. But before that actual saturday, she was being so distant. So I knew something was wrong with her. All she says now is that I'm confusing her, and she even asked me for my advice on what to do about her ex-boyfriend (soon to be babydaddy), and her unborn child (she's like 8 weeks). Pretty much, I told her to go back to him and have his child and to forget about my feelings and that we'll be like brother and sister from here on out. Then I asked if she was gonna follow my advice, she said "No. Bye!"

I pretty much see that she doesn't want me anymore but she doesn't want me to have anyone else either (have her cake and eat it too). And I already see that I shouldn't be with anyone with these types of issues, so I don't want to be back with her. But she scorned me, and I want my revenge, I want her to burn her, I want her to be thirsty for my attention. I want to Ganji her, I just need some advice about Ganji. When it is all said and done, I will leave her alone for good ultimately, I just want to rape her imagination with curious and anxious thoughts of me. Please help!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Also, we talked on the phone for the last time yesterday. Well, thru text messages and stuff. Early in the day, she called me but I didn't answer my phone and she sends a text message saying "Oh, you don't answer your phone no more? Thats wassup!" and then I called her and was like "I couldn't hear the phone over my radio, boo!!" and she was like "Yea, right, whatever!!" I'm like, "Where in the hell did the concern come from?"

Anyway, everytime I tell myself to go a week without talking to her PERIOD, she usually winds up texting me that exact day saying stuff like "I see that you're still mad at me" (I'll say "I'm not mad at you at all") or shel'll be like "What are you doing?" and my dumbass will reply (I know she's so bored in school so she's only texting me to entertain time loss in class). I really like this girl, but I also know that there can't be anything between us.. nothing will work, but i can't walk away without her being damn-near obsessed with me from ganji. I have to show her that you can't screw me. I was so good to her.

juice veteran

Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
^ whoa get the hell out of there! but to hurt her employ ganji and move up other chicks, might not be good for the baby though...