Gaming sober


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score

I have been gaming sober for the past 1 year ...

And I realized that I have been getting tons of benefits from it... :)

a) I remember a lot of things: I remember their smiles, the texture of their hair, their smile, the color of their eyes, their voice, the things they talk about, which gives me enough data to help understand women better and know what to talk about with them in future interactions ...

b) My confidence seems genuine. I approach any chick (hot or not so hot) in a day light without any influence of drugs or alcohol, and girl sometimes ask me, are you a "drug dealer" ... I say, i am not but I used to be ... and then, they smile and continue with the interactions (only interested girls do that) ...

c) I am more stable: I used to remember having "mood swings" before. As a result, some day, I would perform, but after a while, I would get bored and just stop approaching. Now, as i always game "sober", my mood has been stable, i notice, and as a result, i approach every day, at least 5 times a week. I even approach and talk with chicks on weekends (Sun and Sat) :)

d) Women don't care if you are sober: They really do not care if I am only drinking "coke" while they are sipping wine/beers! The focus would be totally on the interaction (playing pool, rockclimbing, cycling, etc) and stimulating conversations (about travels, good places to hang around, and good things of gaming sober, etc) ...

e) Helps improve my game: Overall, when i improve all these aspects of game, over time, i feel that i am more smooth with the interactions. I know/understand when they are trying to give me bull****, and also know how to react to them (I do not repeat the same mistakes again becuase i learnt a valuable information from my last encounter, etc) ... and I remember how they reacted to my offer, and instantly know if they are into me or not just based on their "body" language alone...

Besides improving my love life, gaming sober has also made me a person with an positive outlook, who never fails to smile :) and joke about small things and socialize with everyone - guards, janitors, old women, children, old men, people on the line, bus, etc ... anyone!

How about you guys? Have you tried gaming sober? Did you notice any positive benefits? Please share :) Thanks ...

She makes you weak in the knees.

But she won't give you the time of day.

Here is how to get her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Not so post communist state in Europe
Its all in the mindset I think . Not to bring you down, more power to you and it certainly has loads of benefits as you described ! Nowadays however I have quite a positive outlook and people notice that. They also comment that they never see me sad or some **** like I'm always all smiles and stuff --> they do not know whenever I am already drunk or not because I'm happy and all giggles regardless.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score

I have been gaming sober for the past 1 year ...

And I realized that I have been getting tons of benefits from it... :)

a) I remember a lot of things: I remember their smiles, the texture of their hair, their smile, the color of their eyes, their voice, the things they talk about, which gives me enough data to help understand women better and know what to talk about with them in future interactions ...

b) My confidence seems genuine. I approach any chick (hot or not so hot) in a day light without any influence of drugs or alcohol, and girl sometimes ask me, are you a "drug dealer" ... I say, i am not but I used to be ... and then, they smile and continue with the interactions (only interested girls do that) ...

c) I am more stable: I used to remember having "mood swings" before. As a result, some day, I would perform, but after a while, I would get bored and just stop approaching. Now, as i always game "sober", my mood has been stable, i notice, and as a result, i approach every day, at least 5 times a week. I even approach and talk with chicks on weekends (Sun and Sat) :)

d) Women don't care if you are sober: They really do not care if I am only drinking "coke" while they are sipping wine/beers! The focus would be totally on the interaction (playing pool, rockclimbing, cycling, etc) and stimulating conversations (about travels, good places to hang around, and good things of gaming sober, etc) ...

e) Helps improve my game: Overall, when i improve all these aspects of game, over time, i feel that i am more smooth with the interactions. I know/understand when they are trying to give me bull****, and also know how to react to them (I do not repeat the same mistakes again becuase i learnt a valuable information from my last encounter, etc) ... and I remember how they reacted to my offer, and instantly know if they are into me or not just based on their "body" language alone...

Besides improving my love life, gaming sober has also made me a person with an positive outlook, who never fails to smile :) and joke about small things and socialize with everyone - guards, janitors, old women, children, old men, people on the line, bus, etc ... anyone!

How about you guys? Have you tried gaming sober? Did you notice any positive benefits? Please share :) Thanks ...
Great post; And timely as personally I've just decided to quit alcohol for good.

I agree with the other poster who says it depends on the individual, as alcohol affects people differently. For me alcohol started to affect me differently in my thirties.. Really the hangovers were different. I would get the "fear", horrible emotional hangovers with a sense of dread. and the energy suck was different. even having a couple of wines now, I can feel it the next day. I've had periods that I completly stopped drinking, just been tired of it......and then started again (society, wine fan) so it's possible that these periods of total abstinence lowered my tolerance level...

Gaming sober VS gaming drunk
I notice a huge difference. I game better sober, there is no doubt. and I normally don't drop my standards. I'm more coherent and I feel like the experience is more real.

Gaming drunk, again like the other poster said it's an individual thing....but lately for me taking alcohol has been like taking a valium or something. I feel I have this heaviness on me and it's slows me down. I actually feel that I've been drugged and it's affecting my neurotransmitters. I went out the weekend....drank. Went to a club. Felt so drugged that I didn't feel like approaching anyone because of the "effort". I zoned in on a fattie.....easy prey. Lowered my standards which I would never have done sober. A married fattie who in the end made me work for it......well a lot of LMR......even said to me "you're not been frank with me. why are you going for me there's better looking girls here" she was right....I wasn't been frank or genuine.....I was going for her because I couldn't be bothered making what seemed like an effort to game the better looking ones. I was drugged.

I've decided to quit for good as I wish to stay in my normal state. I much prefer being there and feel more confident and authentic and I believe this is normally the vibe I give out.

But drunk, I'm not in my normal state and hungover I'm not in my normal state, so that's a lot of time not being me and trying to get back into state.

I can relate a lot to your benifits that you've stated. Totally agree.

A question: did you quit drinking a year ago or only when you're gaming?

Cheat days? for me the cheat days are out now. Just not enjoying it anymore.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Its all in the mindset I think . Not to bring you down, more power to you and it certainly has loads of benefits as you described ! Nowadays however I have quite a positive outlook and people notice that. They also comment that they never see me sad or some **** like I'm always all smiles and stuff --> they do not know whenever I am already drunk or not because I'm happy and all giggles regardless.
Mindset is all ... i agree ...

But, i needed genuine experience. After quitting alcohol and hitting on streets on a regular basis, in 1 and 1/2 years, i achieved 100 times more than what i had never accomplished in my previous 10 years. I went outside of my own country, for the first time, i went to trekking, again the first time, and learnt how to drive (yes, in my place not many people drive), learned how to swim in the sea (our is landlocked country), and so many other stuffs that is ONLY achievable when the DRIVE is more than the fear/obstacles that are along the way.

Before, i used to give in...

Today, i face the challenge head on and question it and try to subside my doubt by challenging it ... and JUST DOING IT :) ...

For me, I have to say ... I feel more genuine ... it's not fake... :)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
I hate gaming drunk, it doesn't work, I have no idea what im doing lol.
Lol ... i hate gaming druck, because i do not remember what happened during the encounter with that chick ... and i will never have any idea what i was doing ... ;)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
A question: did you quit drinking a year ago or only when you're gaming?
Thanks for your response ... I totally understand what you are up to and going through ... :)

It is almost 2 years now. I think i quit alcohol just when i started to game... i was doing some research on "gaming sober" and found a couple of posts that highlighted what i wrote in my posts... But to be honest, i never thought about "gaming sober" while i was drinking because I never thought like that ....

After i formally decided to quit, i felt i had more time to improve my life. I started to join the gym, watched YouTube videos on street pickups, and read tips and books shared on this site. Also, i am in my early 30s, and maybe i started to realize that my time is slowly getting past me and i must do something to enjoy my life to the fullest. That's when i started "meditation" in the morning (i do it in my room), go to the gym every week, and then, also slowly apply what i had learnt on DJ Bible ...

To be honest, i have also stopped ejaculation or watching PORN (no-fap revolution) ... and have gone 6 months without emission/masturbation! LOL ... After 2-3 months, i got my first lay in the broad day light with a Chinese chick ... she was cute ... :)

But i have to say if i had not quit alcohol, i would never had replaced it with all the good stuffs that there is out there WAITING for you... definitely, it was ONLY after quitting alcohol that i GENUINELY improved my life ...

What about you? Were you gaming while drunk too? Would you stick to it? Maybe, "gaming sober" combined with "No-fapping" would give you all the energy to weed out all the bad stuffs that has been hanging in your life ... once and for ever ... reply :)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Cheat days? for me the cheat days are out now. Just not enjoying it anymore.
When it comes to alcohol, drugs, and harmful substance, i never cheat on myself ... although i might cheat on my gfs ... because gfs come and go, but you are constant :)


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
As a general rule, I never go out to meet them sober. I'm not a big drinker, but I do smoke weed daily. I personally find women much more pleasurable and easier to charm whilst under the cast of a nice buzz.
I thought you spent like 2-3 hours in the gym daily? and you smoke weed daily? you don't lose motivation?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Lol ... i hate gaming druck, because i do not remember what happened during the encounter with that chick ... and i will never have any idea what i was doing ... ;)
Haha yes! I usually don't get drunk that often but when I do I barley drink anything and I'm already in the can. Talking to girls? Lol I know for a fact I embarrass myself.