Game of Thrones


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
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Northern CALI USA
I just can't seem to get into this series.... is there something wrong with me??

This is the one series everyone seems to have a consensus on its great. I think I am about 7 episodes in to the first season.... I admit there's certain interesting scenes and plot.. but it doesn't seem to have captivated me where I want to binge watch the episodes like I did with Dexter, Breaking Bad, Lost etc....

I will like watch an episode every 3 weeks or so..... Maybe its the whole medival alternate universe thing that throws me off? I prefer series/movies that are more real life oriented...

Sorry had to rant.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
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Stop watching tvshows and start working, you lazy bastard


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Man, I hate it too. I turned it on during HBO free preview weekends and ran it in the background, tried to sit and watch some of it. Will they EVER STFU and stop fing TALKING on and on and on like a GD soap opera? DO SOMETHING. Winter is coming? When, in a TRILLION YEARS? Is it EVER going to come? Read 100s of scifi and fantasy in my youth, I guess folks who haven't might find it original. One day they will do Wolfe's Book of the New Sun and bring good fantasy to screen, until then, meh. Let the flaming begin.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Reyaj said:
I just can't seem to get into this series.... is there something wrong with me??
No, that show sucks. I had a GF who tried to get me into it. I watched two episodes where nothing happened and people just talked about Winter coming. Boring as fvck. I also don't like shows or movies that take place in that kind of a setting. I'm much more interested in real life stuff such as autobiographies, documentaries, etc.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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I read all the books and watched a few seasons of the show. The show is pretty true to the books and it's a lot of character/plot building (a bit long for a show for some people, but some people love how indepth it is). I think the show is meant more so to follow the books as opposed to catering to entertaining it's audience (as the book is entertaining enough). Since the book is very detailed and descriptive and also involves a ton of plotting, strategizing, watching people rise, fall and die is what makes it one of the more realistic shows.

The show outlines how strong alliances fall apart due to a small slight, long winded betrayals, how different people prefer money/power/honor, importance of lineage, the path of rising to power with nothing, and losing power with everything. It's very detailed in the how things happen and many unexpected things happen which make for very interesting twists.

I wouldn't go in expecting a hollywood blockbuster of jam packed action, drama and romance, although it does contain all those.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Show is great in my opinion, I never read the books but I have seen every episode

the red wedding, where all the starks got murdered at a wedding setting blew me away.

The show is great at story and characters. I can't wait for the season this year. It's the only TV show I watch these days

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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I like it but things just keep dragging on way too long. The White Walker threat is a perfect example. The story hints at this threat from the very start: the walkers exist and they're coming to the civilized world, people don't know what's gonna hit them...

* At the end of the second season we finally see the motherfvckers, a whole horde marching through the snow, on their way to the civilized world. It was the very last scene of the season, a cliffhanger. Great, we had to wait a whole other year for season three so we could see how this cliffhanger would be continued.

* So the third season comes and the cliffhanger is not picked up. ANOTHER year of waiting till season four...

* at the end of episode 4, season 4, we see a baby getting picked up by a white walker, who brings the kid to some sort of home base and some kind of white walker priest type does some evil sh!t on the kid. Yaketee-yak, all very scary, the scene was quite brief and clearly another "hint" at the threat of the white walkers. As if the writer tells us: "Be prepared!,They're out there, doing evil sh!t They're a threat and the civilized world should be afraid, they're coming! Soon you will see it happen, oh loyal viewers, just wait and see!"

Well sh!t, Mr. Writer, that's exactly what you told us with that last scene from season 2, which aired OVER TWO FVCKING YEARS AGO!!! After all this time, we still get no continuation, you just keep throwing bones at us? By now, you can go fvck yourself with this whole storyline coz I don't even care anymore. The tension was built up and now it's fvcking gone coz you just waited too long with releasing it.

It's like a girl teasing and kino'ing you, getting you horny, then telling you that you can have sex with her in two years. Ummmm, bye-bye bytch, I won't even remember you in two years!

So yeah, this is just an example but the same principle goes for the show in it's totality.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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By the way, if you want a great story, great characters, great acting, great dialogue, plus get blown away by a scene even more than from the Red Wedding scene (so protect yourself from spoilers!), go watch Hannibal (the show).


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Danger said:
They were the best books I have ever read. Simply because heroes die and villains win (not always). It is the most realistic series I have ever read from a character development standpoint. It is also among the very best tv shows I have ever seen. I am always shocked at people who don't like it, but we all have our tastes.
There is a -great- TV show in there, just in need of massive editing, better script and timing. The setup for most scenes is very formulaic. as if each scene has to stand on its own, be a certain length, have a certain amount of lines, like an act in a play, and IMO that doesn't work on TV unless the intent is a soap opera. Scenes just way too long. They move too much of the plot by words and not enough by acting, facial expression, set pieces, visuals. Balance there seems to be 90-10 words/action, and would like to see at least 70-30. Also, there's not much humor or irony other than extreme sarcasm which gets tiresome, everything is played so straight. Admittedly I'm in the minority, lots of people love the show.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
The way Joffery the spoiled sh1t king acts is spot on to how real life spoiled sh1t kids act. I loved this part of the series because you won't see that anywhere else on TV, infact most TV is so sugar coated you won't see much of any reality. The only sticking point I have is that the feminists have gotten ahold on the shows direction now and they are starting to interject lots of gay characters and girl power. I believe the show will be ruined well before the finale.

The point where the show jumped the shark was when the Hound was killed by the butch knight. Completely unrealistic and to see that the Stark girl didn't shed a tear for him ruined things entirely. The show was doing well up until that point.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
LiveFreeX said:
The only sticking point I have is that the feminists have gotten ahold on the shows direction now and they are starting to interject lots of gay characters and girl power. I believe the show will be ruined well before the finale.
For memory there was grrrrl power in the very first episode, the little girl at waist height was kicking some guys ass in a training session. I remember I almost quit then and there but I grit my teeth and stuck at it and enjoyed it for the most part. They should have just kept it as a fantasy for proles but instead they pozzed it up and layed the sodomy on thick. Weak and ineffectual men at every turn and upped the grrrrl power to keep the SWPL's interested. I haven't watched the last series and don't I think I will.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I don't think it's anywhere near as amazing as many people say, but I like watching it.

I don't really have a problem with the level of action. I can get pointless action from any random movie, and usually it's just pointless, drawn out, and full of shaky cam and crappy closeups. I'm one of the people lamenting the destruction of star trek by turning it into action movies when that's not the point.

LiveFreeX said:
The point where the show jumped the shark was when the Hound was killed by the butch knight. Completely unrealistic and to see that the Stark girl didn't shed a tear for him ruined things entirely. The show was doing well up until that point.
Yeah didn't buy that at all from the very start of the fight. I just knew where it was going to lead.

Never read the books so no clue if that's what really happened.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Die Hard said:
I like it but things just keep dragging on way too long. The White Walker threat is a perfect example. The story hints at this threat from the very start: the walkers exist and they're coming to the civilized world, people don't know what's gonna hit them...

* At the end of the second season we finally see the motherfvckers, a whole horde marching through the snow, on their way to the civilized world. It was the very last scene of the season, a cliffhanger. Great, we had to wait a whole other year for season three so we could see how this cliffhanger would be continued.

* So the third season comes and the cliffhanger is not picked up. ANOTHER year of waiting till season four...

* at the end of episode 4, season 4, we see a baby getting picked up by a white walker, who brings the kid to some sort of home base and some kind of white walker priest type does some evil sh!t on the kid. Yaketee-yak, all very scary, the scene was quite brief and clearly another "hint" at the threat of the white walkers. As if the writer tells us: "Be prepared!,They're out there, doing evil sh!t They're a threat and the civilized world should be afraid, they're coming! Soon you will see it happen, oh loyal viewers, just wait and see!"

Well sh!t, Mr. Writer, that's exactly what you told us with that last scene from season 2, which aired OVER TWO FVCKING YEARS AGO!!! After all this time, we still get no continuation, you just keep throwing bones at us? By now, you can go fvck yourself with this whole storyline coz I don't even care anymore. The tension was built up and now it's fvcking gone coz you just waited too long with releasing it.

It's like a girl teasing and kino'ing you, getting you horny, then telling you that you can have sex with her in two years. Ummmm, bye-bye bytch, I won't even remember you in two years!

So yeah, this is just an example but the same principle goes for the show in it's totality.
Yeah it sucked they didn't show the white walker battle, but at the same time I can see why

that would probably cost so many millions to show the battle, lets not forget that this is just a tv show, so the budget is probably limited


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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I live in Japan so the only way I see that is find pirated copies or by the streaming on Amazon.

Each season is $30.

Worth it?

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah Arya Stark is very annoying, I actually like the female dragon lady queen.

But in the world of games of throne Arya should have been killed a few seasons ago.

I think it's funny all the starks are almost dead, and they was the good guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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taiyuu_otoko said:
I live in Japan so the only way I see that is find pirated copies or by the streaming on Amazon. Each season is $30. Worth it?
If you haven't seen it, pick up the first season of Spartacus before buying GOT IMO. Just the first season, rest not so good.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
I was about to say that Spartacus crap is trash compared to GoT

he better of getting games of throne over investing in Spartacus I wouldn't waste my time with that series


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
John Snow and Tyrian lanister are really the only two reasons I watch the show now.

First guy banged a clingy, bossy, BPD and then spent the entire season trying to get away from her while she tried to kill him (Realistic). Second guy bangs prostitute, falls in love with her and she betrays him (Realistic). Also I like how they portray that one b1tch who was trying to bang Geoffrey as a power hungry gold digger (also Realistic). And finally Jamie Lanister pounding out his uber hot sister because with a sister like that... who wouldn't? :D

Kaliesy the Dragon Queen... eh... she's an alpha widow. The show is pretty spot on about relationship dynamics, the author must had his share of drama and relationships and has a better insight into most women then the average guy. I mean, you think the Dragon Queen and the Knight would end up together (as per Disneyland hollywood fantasy) but then you get to see true female nature when she picks the good looking bad boy over the b1tch ass one-itis orbiting knight.

I think the reason that most people are into this show is that its one of the rare shows on TV that portrays American women as they actually are instead of the fantasy that feminists want you to believe in. I've got to give that guy credit, the only TOUGH female in the series is also a border line bulldyke and has never been laid. At least they don't portray her as some dainty little smart ass b1tch who is always making quips and laying down one liners (ala. Star Wars Rebels). The myth of the super hot warrior female is unrealistic as hell and completely ruins TV... the hound was also my favorite character, I really thought a future 'love connection' was inevitable between he and arya stark... oh well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Fatal Jay said:
I was about to say that Spartacus crap is trash compared to GoT
he better of getting games of throne over investing in Spartacus I wouldn't waste my time with that series
The first season of Spartacus is one of the best shows ever on TV, can't say the same for any season of GOT. Of course the rest of Spartacus is not the same, but the first season? Doesn't get much better.