G/Fs parents hate me now... MUST READ!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Last Wednesday, Oct 5 2005

My g/fs parents and I were supposed to go to South Carolina to see my girl and my truck starts leaking oil and I couldn't go because I had started leaking oil from my truck.

Her parents were like: "Mike, we gon' bring back videos and pictures to show you when you get back, okay?" Yeah, everything was good at this point, maybe I should've listened.. I didn't

My girl used to send me letters from Basic Training saying
"Mike, I need to see you desperately"

"Mike, even if you have to get a rental car, please come see me, you have plenty of time"

"Even though I went thru hell to make it thru Basic training, what means more to me than the actual Graduation itself is you being there..."

then with that, me and my girl didn't really get a chance to spend much time together before she left for Basic training, so i jumped at the first opportunity to get my truck fixed so I could drive down there to see her... and I did just that.

Got the truck fixed. And i was on my way. It was raining DANGEROUSLY in these other cities, to the point where i thought I was gonna die. I spun out on the road from hydroplaning, I accidentally drove off road because I couldn't see past the rushing water in front of me. But still I kept going.

Because of the water, i got sidetracked and LOST for about 5 hours out of the way. I spent over 160 dollars on gas, causing me to go broke! Still I kept going.

I was supposed to be in the city where my girl and her family was at 2am, but I ended up getting there at 10am. AN 8 HOUR DIFFERENCE. I told her parents I was there and they seemed relectant to find me because they know this was the first time I had drove from my city ALONE, but I ran out of gas and i was broke.

STRIKE ONE- Her mom had to give me gas, and i could tell that she REALLY WAS PISSED OFF BY THIS. She INSTANTLY asked "Mike, when do you get paid?" Friday. (Which would be the day I got home) She put 25 dollars in my tank, and I told her I'd pay her back.

If i didn't have the money to put gas in my truck, where was i gonna sleep?

STRIKE TWO- I didn't have money for a hotel, so I planned to sleep in my truck, I brought my own pillow and blanket. But this made my g/f parents look down on me, and this pissed her dad off.

Thursday Afternoon, Oct 6 2005

I followed her parents to meet up with my girl. 3 LOONG months have passed since I saw her last, and we hugged each other like we NEEDED each other. I had on this custom made shirt that had our pictures all over it, I wore it for her and it got A LOT OF ATTENTION

STRIKE THREE- I stole the spotlight from her family and this pissed her mom off again. This day was Family Day and her mom wanted it to be only FAMILY. I was in the way.

I felt some bad tensions from her family when they started whispering amongst themselves and they would say sublimital things about me thinking I wouldn't catch on, I did but I pretended NOT TO.

Then we drove all over the city and I was still VERY SLEEPY because i had been up for over 24 hours. Crazy things that made no sense starting coming out of my mouth.

STRIKE FOUR- I probably made an ass out of myself. Whatever I said is now used against me. I didn't say anything OFFENSIVE, but I said things that obviously lacked COMMON SENSE.

day one was over...

STRIKE FIVE- I ended up sleeping in a McDonalds parking lot, and all my extra clothes were wet and didn't dry off so I wore the same thing I had on the previous day. Her family thought I was dirty (they kept this to themselves)...

STRIKE SIX- I still had no money, and we went out to eat twice at these buffet type restaurants. Guess who had to pay my way? My girl.. not that she minded, but I don't think her mom liked the idea that she had to pay for everything I did.

Well, the list goes on and on and on...

Just yesterday, my girl told me that her family doesn't like me anymore (they used to adore me). She also said that her mom told her "If you marry THAT boy, you will be on my sh*tlist forever. Tell him that you want nothing else to do with him, and move on." Her mom wants us to break up now because she doesn't think I'm good enough for her. My girl knows that I am. (She always run back to me because I'm so good to her)... her mom knew at one point that I was more than enough for her, but not now...

I did give her mom back the 25 dollars, but I don't think that changed anything...

I was like "Great, we're engaged and ready to marry... NOW how am I suppose to ask for your hand in marriage?"

My girl said "It's not up to my mother, it's up to me. Don't ask her nothing like that. Don't worry about anything, she doesn't have to see you again...

Man, I don't know what to do now... doesn't a girl get her greatest infleunce from her MOTHER? I need advice...


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
First off, LOL. That's a pretty funny story.

Because it's so funny, if you guys ever end up together, you'll look back and laugh at how much of a mess you were at that time in your life. Granted, it's nice to have your G/Fs parents like you, but it's not a requisite in a relationship. I also don't think that one weekend or whatever ruined her parents' perceptions of you-- when I hear that story I feel more sympathetic than anything else.... the truth is they probably didn't like you for a while and this was the straw that broke their back. If you really aren't that inept, there opinions of you will change.

PS you may want to ditch the t-shirt with pictures of yourselves on it.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
I think the parents are wrong because it is obvious you genuinely care for her. Though i can also see where they are coming from, they are worried that in the event of marriage, u will not be able to look after the girl properly.

Actions speak louder than words buddy, get yourself together and her parents will change their mind.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
What my gf's parents think of me she's said doesn't matter to her. They like me actually even though they didn't like her ex she dated for many years. That's why she mentioned it in the first place... they never liked any of her exes so she's surprised they like me.

I don't know in general if a girl cares what her parents think but i don't think so... unless they're really really close. If she loves you she's gonna stick with you regardless.

I wouldn't do anything special... stay with the girl and if she's happy and you stop wearing goofy shirts and sleeping in your truck like some hobo they'll warm up to you.

Oh, and don't "ask for hand in marriage." so weak.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I definately can't say that I blame you for what you did. You hadn't seen your gf in a long time, and you did all that you could possibly do to see her.

When it comes down to raw survival, doesn't it give you a feeling of strength when you have no money and do what you need to for survival? I've been there before, and it made me feel more like a man. The fact that you've proven that you can take care of yourself no matter how bad the situation is.

As for your gf's parents' perception of you, fvck 'em. If your gf is the only one who appreciates the sacrifice you made to be with her, that's all that matters.

As for the shirt, let's not be too judgemental about it. We have no clue what it looks like.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Dude, I have to say, that was pretty damned brave of you. You got waylaid and still managed to make it.

Her parents just don't know the whole story. All they saw was some dirty-looking guy turning up late and not having any money, so they're pissed.

Don't piss them off anymore, wait for them to see the "real you", and they'll forgive. It'll also make a pretty funny family story.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
oh my god...

i would like to thank all of you for setting me straight like that!

i have been feeling like sh!t ever since she told me that her parents stopped liking me. I seem to think that if the girl's parents don't like you, then the relationship is doomed. I guess I picked that up from TV or somewhere. Or maybe if my parents didn't like HER, she wouldn't like me anymore..

but yeah man, i love her so much (i never go overboard with that to her by the way)

I just hope that I can undo whatever the hell i did to her parents. They should understand that I will struggle to keep their daughter happy, no matter the cost!

and i don't have that shirt of us anymore. My girlloved it SO MUCH that she wanted to keep it for herself. I only wore it for that occasion so I let her have it.

She started AIT today (Advanced Individual Training), and I seldom think that she may cheat on me. I have myself under control for the most part, but i still think that she may "wander off"... in actuality, she probably wouldn't unless i ultimately pissed her off. But in the military, there are a lot of slick-mouth talking guys that fvck people's girlfriend's/ fiancee's/ wives' all the time.

In Basic Training, my girl was a CHARLIE..

Now in AIT, her platoon are called MIKES... and MIKE is my name.

She got saved and baptized in the army and she attends church out there every sunday, or should i say everyday because her MOS job is a Chaplin's Assistant (some church like job).

Everybody on post knows EXACTLY WHO I AM because my girl talked about me to EVERYONE, even the DRILL SARGEANTS and COMMANDERS! She takes my pictures with her everywhere she goes and she wears a dogtag with our picture together around her neck.

She told me that she is patient and is waiting on me. And she really wants to marry me due to love, plus the money will grow if i am her dependant. What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
HAHA, I love the way you wrote MUST READ, so you can get more views.

Regardless of what these other guys say....that shirt idea was GREAT! I applaude you for thinking of that. I can guarentee that these guys, who are telling you that the shirt thing is a bad idea, haven't been in a serious LTR.

I NEED to know where/what website you got this custom shirt from. I was thinking of getting a nice looking plain white button down shirt from Marshall's or TJmax and do the same.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
eh up mate,

your doing fine dont worry, like desdinova said, you did well to make a big sacrifice... your cash, your dignity, your warmth all just to be with her!

what you do need to do though is actually show her parents your not a loser, and you are able to be responible, and cope with a marrage... do this by,
if youve got your own place invite them both round for dinner, get a cook book and find a really posh dish youve never heard of, somthing nice and tasty.
practice cooking it until its perfected... when you can cook it good enough, invite them around!
tell them you have somthing very important to tell them, and you would like to do it over dinner,
if they say no, tell them you insist!

its very important they both hear what you have to say, so your going to prepare a meal and talk over the meal!

-have a bottle of nice wine
-make your home clean, smelling good, attractive.
-make them feel like they are speacial to be in your company

over the meal, you must explain that this is an apology , yes thats right, tell them its an apology for such an appualling display that time!

your making it up to them, cooking them a meal and apologising...

this will do a few things;

-they will respect you for having the decency to apologise
-they will recognise the effort you have gone too to MAKE THINGS RIGHT
-hey, they see you can cook.

so invite them around for a meal, have a good time with them, good music, good conversation, good wine! and apologise for your behaviour that week, that by bringing them around for dinner you hope to make things right, then make a toast for a good future...

just think what they will be saying to each other on the way home...
do you think they would respect you, and like you, if you did that for them...??? of course they will!!!!

just a suggestion mate!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
hey y'all

about that shirt, i got it done in a local mall. along with that, i bought her a white bear, then i bought the bear a voice (it's really my voice when she squeezes it), i bought the bear an army uniform.

also, i bought a dogtag and i put it around the bears neck. on the dogtag, it's me and her as a picture.

I had our picture specially grafted into a BIG ASS "I Love You" Card.

I was really creative y'all...

I know my girl will probably value it more when i am away from her rather than when she FIRST got it.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Originally posted by the_great_gaia
hey y'all

about that shirt, i got it done in a local mall. along with that, i bought her a white bear, then i bought the bear a voice (it's really my voice when she squeezes it), i bought the bear an army uniform.

also, i bought a dogtag and i put it around the bears neck. on the dogtag, it's me and her as a picture.

I had our picture specially grafted into a BIG ASS "I Love You" Card.


...I don't even know what to say to that...

If she likes it, I guess...but seriously...that's kinda over the top, don't you think? Read the bible, brother...



Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
read the bible?

what are you talking about? I AM THE BIBLE!

There's nothing wrong with buying your soon-to-be-wife a BIG ASS "I Love You" Card, if she's been gone to Basic Training and the last time you seen or spoke to her was in 3 months.

I appreciate single people giving me advice, but I would really like to hear from people that are actually in a SERIOUS LTR.

Thank You, and I am in support of Sosuave.com developing a LTR Forum because it is greatly needed. All of these "DJs" will end up in a relationship and they're gonna be tired of fvcking different bytches all the time. They'll want to give their all to a special girl.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by catch

what you do need to do though is actually show her parents your not a loser, and you are able to be responible, and cope with a marrage... do this by,
if youve got your own place invite them both round for dinner, get a cook book and find a really posh dish youve never heard of, somthing nice and tasty.
practice cooking it until its perfected... when you can cook it good enough, invite them around!

Uh, if you're not supposed to supplicate to the chick why the hell should you supplicate to her parents?