G/F (of sorts) makes request to wear condom


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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I used to date this chick briefly when I was working in the bush, there was a small town nearest camp which was still 2 hours away but in the camps we call these women "Campies" because they don't work at the camp but they choose to live there, it's always done through a channel of a relationship because she needs a room to sleep in on camp.

Due to the nature of the scheduling in the camp you have 2 shifts of people, one on and one off with like 6 hours in between the buses and each trade is on a different schedule so there's not 10 buses at once.

So you'd see the guys leave, the Campies hang around for 6 hours and then latch onto an entire new shift of guys, these women would essentially live double lives lol it was ridiculous and they were all great actors you'd never believe it if you didnt just see it with your own eyes


Feb 14, 2024
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Maybe need trip to the clinc soon...

Preferably a neurological one, to discover which parts of your brain are misfiring, and I say this with love. As others have pointed out, her having BPD(or something similar)and wanting you to NOT wear a rubber are textbook dealbreakers. Get rid of this broad, and never look back, TODAY!!!


Feb 14, 2024
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I used to date this chick briefly when I was working in the bush, there was a small town nearest camp which was still 2 hours away but in the camps we call these women "Campies" because they don't work at the camp but they choose to live there, it's always done through a channel of a relationship because she needs a room to sleep in on camp.

Due to the nature of the scheduling in the camp you have 2 shifts of people, one on and one off with like 6 hours in between the buses and each trade is on a different schedule so there's not 10 buses at once.

So you'd see the guys leave, the Campies hang around for 6 hours and then latch onto an entire new shift of guys, these women would essentially live double lives lol it was ridiculous and they were all great actors you'd never believe it if you didnt just see it with your own eyes
Was this in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Amazon, Australia, Sumatra... Where exactly?


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Yeah I've gone no contact couple of days ago.

Whirlwind tbh amd mainly in a negative way over time.

Re the condom. It was very half hearted put a condom on as I don't want to smell of it around people. Tbh she is scatty as fu.. so who knows. But weird thing to suddenly say. Ultimately doesn't matter now.

I just laughed and said no, pushed her down and did it. Guess possibly of std though, so need to go in fir test really.

We had sex several times after and she didn't mention condoms again.

Bad ad it is, and illl get attacked for this :D... she's going through menapause... so no danger om pregnancy front.

Another woman I was seeing for 18 months (once a week) is coming over, so overall no big deal.

I feel sorry for the bpd woman, horrible upbringing, no kids, looks body started to fade. Drinks too much. Can't imagine what goes on in her head.

As I said I played some dark triad moves, and it worked but in short term. Amazing how women respond to this sh1t. Nuts.tbh she probably dtsrted sleeping with blokes after that as she previously clearly stated in several conversations about other people doing stuff in previous relationships (not related to us) and her doing back as if they can she can.

Good riddance :)
You should really go for a full panel STD test.