From a Babe to a Monster! Transformation of Women during Relationships


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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El Payaso said:
She was never a babe. She was always a monster. You were just blind to it. Read up on "female camouflage". It will enlighten you.

I looked this up online. Is this a book?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Mauser96 said:
Perhaps the best step you CAN take is to never marry anyone with a net worth and earning ability less than yours.
The second half of the sentence is redundant ;) How many single women with a high net worth do you know? Even if they make good money, they usually blow it on vacations, shoes and other stupid sh!t. The only kind of woman that is going to have a high net worth is a trust fund baby who's folks were smart enough to set up restrictive trusts. But that kind of woman is not good marriage material for a whole bunch of other reasons.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
foreverace87 said:
a) Have you ever noticed your woman's behavior getting drastically worse during a relationship?
b) Have you noticed that she started as a sweet angel who was available for your every need (physically and emotionally) and as time progressed she turned into a disrespectful raging monster that would say anything that came to her mind all while you maintained your temper and frame.
c) Have you noticed how most women enter a relationship with total passiveness and turn into aggressive dogs at the end of a relationship?

Maybe...or maybe NOT!


After several serious relationships, I have realized that when a girl starts dating me, she is super submissive, very respectful, and quite. She would overlook many stupid things I would do, forgive me many times, and still have hardcore sexx with me and respect me.

As the relationship progresses, these same "angels" begin to talk back, be more ready to fight, and more threatening. And REMEMBER this all happens while you maintain your full composure and frame. Yes they **** test you, but you continue to fight back. Finally when you break up with them, they TURN INTO MONSTERS. They become highly disrespectful, use vulgar language, threats, and move on like it is nothing. They say things you never imagined they would. They get PHYSICAL with you, trying to come at you like a raging bull. ( again, remember this is coming from a guy that is extremely dominant)

Can any of the DJs relate to this? Is this normal behavior? Why do they do this?What is the best way to prevent this from happening? The last thing I want to do is marry a woman that would turn into a MONSTER.

The only reasoning I can come up with is that they want to man handled but I dont want to go to jail.
I agree and this is why im avoiding another Long Term Relationship because its not just you, I have experienced this twice first hand in serious LTR's and i have seen the same with many of my friends. Its always the same sh*t, They start out great to the point you think that she's absolutely head over heels for you. Over time though, she slowly does a 180 and is a complete b*tch or becomes unappreciative of anything you do. kind of like saying "Eh, i got him already, nothing special anymore" and thus begin the problems as a "new" interest catches her eye until she finally says she needs space. I know this all too well. One of the bad things about it is her attitude turns around after years together and you have already invested loads of money and emotions into her. Then she wants to leave or wants a break and everything you've built up with her gets tossed out and your back to square one.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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In2theGame said:
I agree and this is why im avoiding another Long Term Relationship because its not just you, I have experienced this twice first hand in serious LTR's and i have seen the same with many of my friends. Its always the same sh*t, They start out great to the point you think that she's absolutely head over heels for you. Over time though, she slowly does a 180 and is a complete b*tch or becomes unappreciative of anything you do. kind of like saying "Eh, i got him already, nothing special anymore" and thus begin the problems as a "new" interest catches her eye until she finally says she needs space. I know this all too well. One of the bad things about it is her attitude turns around after years together and you have already invested loads of money and emotions into her. Then she wants to leave or wants a break and everything you've built up with her gets tossed out and your back to square one.
The more I read about this, it is becoming apparent that is more common than I thought. I wish there were DJ commandments to tackle this problem so that it doesn't happen to any DJs in the future.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
This one is simple, it's the wrong girls. I know the pattern of a fvcked up woman in all possible ways, because I have the pleasure (curse) of having a complete b!tch of a mother. Of course I used the opportunity to push every fvcking boundary possible and record emotional reactions and behavioral patterns, so I know exactly what to stay the fvck away from. Incidentally she follows exactly the pattern you present, super submissive at the start becoming increasingly dominating to the level of full out rage. Along the way is a serious string of emotional manipulation, disrespect, guilt tripping, drama, jealousy etc. It's in fact not your problem, she's the problem. Solution? Hit them in their deepest darkest hidden fear, abandonment. Run and never look back, irrespective of what she says.

Solution: If it's too good to be true it probably is. Overly submissive women scare the living sh!t out of me. AFC's are blind to what these women truly are, all they think about is how well it's going. So do the overly submissive women. However, neither part has learned how to deal with emotions and what love actually involves. The relationship is doomed to fail and both parts end up bitter and blaming each other, some do mental reconstruction and learn the lesson while others hit rock bottom in life.

This is the main reason I control my desire and don't fall easily for a girl, I make fvcking sure there's no major red flags. I want a woman, not a wreck to fix. The submissive girls with weird behavior patterns take any idiot nice enough to give her attention, just like the AFC. Usually they tend to find each other, then later the AFC's come here and whine about what a b!tch she was. Normally completely oblivious to the fact that they fvcked up equally as much, it's the good old blame game guys. Don't fall for it, walking away is not cowardice, it's having the courage to not give a sh!t and move on.

tl;dr She was never a babe in the first place, you got blinded by infatuation.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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Grewd said:
This one is simple, it's the wrong girls. I know the pattern of a fvcked up woman in all possible ways, because I have the pleasure (curse) of having a complete b!tch of a mother. Of course I used the opportunity to push every fvcking boundary possible and record emotional reactions and behavioral patterns, so I know exactly what to stay the fvck away from. Incidentally she follows exactly the pattern you present, super submissive at the start becoming increasingly dominating to the level of full out rage. Along the way is a serious string of emotional manipulation, disrespect, guilt tripping, drama, jealousy etc. It's in fact not your problem, she's the problem. Solution? Hit them in their deepest darkest hidden fear, abandonment. Run and never look back, irrespective of what she says.

- The strange thing is they don't give a **** when you do walk.

Solution: If it's too good to be true it probably is. Overly submissive women scare the living sh!t out of me. AFC's are blind to what these women truly are, all they think about is how well it's going. So do the overly submissive women. However, neither part has learned how to deal with emotions and what love actually involves. The relationship is doomed to fail and both parts end up bitter and blaming each other, some do mental reconstruction and learn the lesson while others hit rock bottom in life.

This is the main reason I control my desire and don't fall easily for a girl, I make fvcking sure there's no major red flags. I want a woman, not a wreck to fix. The submissive girls with weird behavior patterns take any idiot nice enough to give her attention, just like the AFC. Usually they tend to find each other, then later the AFC's come here and whine about what a b!tch she was. Normally completely oblivious to the fact that they fvcked up equally as much, it's the good old blame game guys. Don't fall for it, walking away is not cowardice, it's having the courage to not give a sh!t and move on.

tl;dr She was never a babe in the first place, you got blinded by infatuation.
Read the bold ten times if you have to.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Right, but they did turn into monsters before that? They become enraged because you hit their fear, and they don't know how to deal with it. Nobody becomes that pissed if they don't care, so obviously something is triggered. If they truly didn't give a single fvck they wouldn't have caused such a sh!tstorm.

Still the wrong girls.