From a Babe to a Monster! Transformation of Women during Relationships


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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a) Have you ever noticed your woman's behavior getting drastically worse during a relationship?
b) Have you noticed that she started as a sweet angel who was available for your every need (physically and emotionally) and as time progressed she turned into a disrespectful raging monster that would say anything that came to her mind all while you maintained your temper and frame.
c) Have you noticed how most women enter a relationship with total passiveness and turn into aggressive dogs at the end of a relationship?

Maybe...or maybe NOT!


After several serious relationships, I have realized that when a girl starts dating me, she is super submissive, very respectful, and quite. She would overlook many stupid things I would do, forgive me many times, and still have hardcore sexx with me and respect me.

As the relationship progresses, these same "angels" begin to talk back, be more ready to fight, and more threatening. And REMEMBER this all happens while you maintain your full composure and frame. Yes they **** test you, but you continue to fight back. Finally when you break up with them, they TURN INTO MONSTERS. They become highly disrespectful, use vulgar language, threats, and move on like it is nothing. They say things you never imagined they would. They get PHYSICAL with you, trying to come at you like a raging bull. ( again, remember this is coming from a guy that is extremely dominant)

Can any of the DJs relate to this? Is this normal behavior? Why do they do this?What is the best way to prevent this from happening? The last thing I want to do is marry a woman that would turn into a MONSTER.

The only reasoning I can come up with is that they want to man handled but I dont want to go to jail.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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The constant in this equation is you. Maybe you're not doing the right things to have a healthy relationship.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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That is true. But you cant always change to accommodate a woman. Yielding to her is asking for more of the same behavior she exhibits.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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They just dont fit with you. Who cares...
Plus theyre young....or just brainwashed by the Kardashian s or the bachelorette...

Or ur too much of a door mat.

Ive experienced such behavior...i literally walk away as it happens.

Sooner or later i get a sweet bored of it ....

So this is what i tell them.

Go grab a plate, throw it on the floor. Are you sorry you broke the plate, is the plate still broken? Do you understand?


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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Are there any precautions you can take to avoid jumping into a relationship with someone like that? Its hard to tell whether that person may turn into a wicked witch down the road

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I can relate to this and it baffles me. I've had it out with my current GF and outlined to her my concerns with a lot of the stuff the OP mentioned.
I dumped her but she asked to talk and after a week or so, agreed to work hard on her behaviour and she's doing extremely well and I couldn't be happier.
She wasn't violent or verbally aggressive, just b1tchy and being contrary for the sake of it. Ie: if I suggested anything or expressed an opinion about something, she'd immediately take an opposing view or just flat out reject my suggestion.
Sexually, she became a robot and when I dropped hints that I wasn't happy, she'd accuse me of being needy.
All this was transposed against the beginning of our relationship when she was a perfect little flower, eager to meet my every need and ensure I was blissfully happy and feeling wanted.
About a year in, I noticed the change from angel to demon. I put up with it for a few months because she assured me she still loved me and that my concerns were completely unjustified.
Eventually, after a particularly bad run of inexplicably bad behaviour, I dropped the A-bomb and eventually she came back to her old self.
It's been three months and the facade hasn't cracked....yet.
I've noticed the same pattern with previous GFs too and I think these women, when faced with finding out little things about me they didn't like, let their frustrations build to the point of outright hostility.
Women just don't seem to be able to maintain a compromising mindset and learn to accept a man's faults or perceived faults. At first they are blinded by newfound love but then give in to their inner *****.
Amazingly - after trying to apply relationship game and game in general (unsuccessfully), I was able to use reason and logic with my GF to make her see how unreasonable she was being. I also worked on a few things she didn't like about me.
But the one thing I learned from this and past experiences is that you don't have to put up sh1tty behaviour. You do have the power to walk away. That's every man's trump card.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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Walter White put it best "If you don't know who I am. Then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly." Know who you're dealing with before getting with them.

Some girls do change personality, but most of the time they're already like this before you get with them. They're just predators posing as a house pet. Makes you wonder why that HB 8 is sitting by herself.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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Greasy Pig said:
I can relate to this and it baffles me. I've had it out with my current GF and outlined to her my concerns with a lot of the stuff the OP mentioned.
I dumped her but she asked to talk and after a week or so, agreed to work hard on her behaviour and she's doing extremely well and I couldn't be happier.
She wasn't violent or verbally aggressive, just b1tchy and being contrary for the sake of it. Ie: if I suggested anything or expressed an opinion about something, she'd immediately take an opposing view or just flat out reject my suggestion.
Sexually, she became a robot and when I dropped hints that I wasn't happy, she'd accuse me of being needy.
All this was transposed against the beginning of our relationship when she was a perfect little flower, eager to meet my every need and ensure I was blissfully happy and feeling wanted.
About a year in, I noticed the change from angel to demon. I put up with it for a few months because she assured me she still loved me and that my concerns were completely unjustified.
Eventually, after a particularly bad run of inexplicably bad behaviour, I dropped the A-bomb and eventually she came back to her old self.
It's been three months and the facade hasn't cracked....yet.
I've noticed the same pattern with previous GFs too and I think these women, when faced with finding out little things about me they didn't like, let their frustrations build to the point of outright hostility.
Women just don't seem to be able to maintain a compromising mindset and learn to accept a man's faults or perceived faults. At first they are blinded by newfound love but then give in to their inner *****.
Amazingly - after trying to apply relationship game and game in general (unsuccessfully), I was able to use reason and logic with my GF to make her see how unreasonable she was being. I also worked on a few things she didn't like about me.
But the one thing I learned from this and past experiences is that you don't have to put up sh1tty behaviour. You do have the power to walk away. That's every man's trump card.
Two points

a) Yes, they definitely use the "love" concept to justify their fvcked up behavior. I have seen this trend in the past.

b) What do you mean by dropping the A-Bomb, did you break up with her?


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
When they lose attraction for you(for whatever reason, not always - or even usually - your fault), they get like this. In my ltr experience the manifestation of this loss of attraction does not always reach the level of blatant, daily disrespect. the severity of the disrespect has to do with the character of the woman. The girls I date(with a few exceptions) don't really stick around long enough for things to get THAT bad re: behavior in my face. They just start cheating, or I break up with them after (relatively) minor fights because I can see the writing on the wall. I have no doubt that if the girls were truly hostile characters in that they manifested their hostility through fighting rather than cheating then they would inevitably get like how you described eventually.

Its the CHANGE in behavior that is the real UNIVERSAL warning that there is a problem, not the severity of the change. For some girls picking a fight out of the blue, one time, is a sign that your relationship is dead in the water.
You know that reminds me, I have noticed that when women start fighting with me and I just brush it off, they step and get more rowdy. At one instant, I had to grab a girl and hold her against the wall and tell her to STOP! Guess what? The fights stopped and everything went back to normal.
In some ways I feel that they are testing you to see if you are still the man you say you are. Leaving or walking away instantly may be a premature decision. However, the CHANGE in behavior is the BIGGEST sign that she is getting ready to come at you, so arm yourself.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Agree with OP, I too have seen this.

Women start out on their best behavior trying to reel in a man. Once they get to a point that they are pretty sure they have him, the bad behavior comes out. I think they fake it at the start of a relationship but the nanosecond they no longer think they have to fake it, the real woman emerges.

This is why it's so important to always keep them on their toes. This isn't a tip from me, it's general knowledge in our community. Even when a man marries a woman and are married for a long time, the man can maybe loosen it up a little bit but he can never drop it 100% and go to or back to being a submissive AFC. The woman must always know that the man wants her but doesn't need her.

It's funny too when they will start to call you controlling, not because you are controlling them but because you are not letting them control you and it frustrates the cr@p out of them.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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logicallefty said:
Agree with OP, I too have seen this.

Women start out on their best behavior trying to reel in a man. Once they get to a point that they are pretty sure they have him, the bad behavior comes out. I think they fake it at the start of a relationship but the nanosecond they no longer think they have to fake it, the real woman emerges.

This is why it's so important to always keep them on their toes. This isn't a tip from me, it's general knowledge in our community. Even when a man marries a woman and are married for a long time, the man can maybe loosen it up a little bit but he can never drop it 100% and go to or back to being a submissive AFC. The woman must always know that the man wants her but doesn't need her.

It's funny too when they will start to call you controlling, not because you are controlling them but because you are not letting them control you and it frustrates the cr@p out of them.[/QUOTE]

^ THAT right there is why I dropped most of my ex's. You start asking yourself she called me controlling, am I really like that? FACK NO! Its maintaining your frame. Next to you know , you are EJECTING!

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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foreverace87 said:
Two points

a) Yes, they definitely b) What do you mean by dropping the A-Bomb, did you break up with her?
Yes. I told her every man has his breaking point and I'd reached mine.
She was extremely calm at first but then wanted to talk about it.
I gave her a long list of demands (some of them outlandish) and she agreed to them all.
I made the point of saying that I wasn't demanding she change into someone she wasn't, I just wanted her to again be the sweet, doting attentive woman I knew she was capable of being because she'd shown those traits before.
She asked me to do some things as well and with murual effort, we're in a pretty good place now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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a) Have you ever noticed your woman's behaviour getting drastically worse during a relationship?
b) Have you noticed that she started as a sweet angel who was available for your every need (physically and emotionally) and as time progressed she turned into a disrespectful raging monster that would say anything that came to her mind all while you maintained your temper and frame.
c) Have you noticed how most women enter a relationship with total passiveness and turn into aggressive dogs at the end of a relationship?

Two things happen to result in problems A-C:

1) The man of the house does not maintain his own frame and becomes a doormat.
2) He's not giving her hard enough orgasms; therefore she get's frustrated.

The key to successful relationships; find a woman who is not a mental crazy, who is going to age well and is going to keep herself in good knick.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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Don't disregard a return of sorts to that stage when you two were dating as an indication that things are about to implode - more specifically, the mounting excuses. Near the end of mine, I started to get complaints about increasing depression, more emphasis was placed on never ending drama between her, her mother, and her brothers, and growing fear of her mom suffering a stroke kept her physically away from me for longer and longer stretches. As is typically the case, each of these carried a solid amount of plausible deniability, so calling BS wasn't exactly possible. I knew it couldn't be saved, but my libido just wasn't having it. "Til the bitter end"..


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Zapp Brannigan said:
Some girls do change personality, but most of the time they're already like this before you get with them. They're just predators posing as a house pet. Makes you wonder why that HB 8 is sitting by herself.

Always date a girl long enough to see their real personality come out. They can't hide their real selves for that long.

This is why it's important to date many many women to get yourself educated on their behavior.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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First of all, men who understand women never argue with them. They will draw whatever is frustrating the woman out of her by letting her talk and talk and eventually when she's gotten it out, she'll be content. If a woman is unable or unwilling to talk about it, the man needs to eject from the interaction and tell the woman to get in touch with him when she's ready to be loving, respectful, and polite. The less you tolerate, the less she'll do it.

Also, remember: options = instability. The best way to both maintain your frame and keep a woman in line is to always have options. She's counting on you not being able to cut her loose after she uses her femininity and sex appeal to draw you in, but there's nothing that will tame her faster than the fear of the prize walking away from her.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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Courts routinely do not uphold otherwise valid prenuptial agreements anymore. Be forewarned.

The only thing you can really do is make sure to prove that your fiancée has notice of the prenup from the beginning of the engagement, has adequate independent counsel to advise her, and get updated proof of notice repeatedly before the marriage. Afford her no wiggle room.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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This is why you SCREEN THEM LIKE CRAZY for a good 2-3 months at least, before you get into a LTR. Watch out for any red flags, and make sure that she is a girl who in the long run if going to maintain herself both physically and mentally. Make sure she eats healthy and works out so that she doesnt start to get fat during the relationship. Screen her for craziness...girls are good at hiding this, but the longer you spend time with her, the more you'll be able to see any cracks in this facade.

Once you are dating her, the battle is nowhere near over. You need to maintain your frame as a DJ constantly and work hard to keep up the relationship. If she loses attraction or fvcks up the relationship, it is NEVER her fault, even if it is. Girls will always blame you and use that as rationale to leave you or treat you badly or cheat on you


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2013
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Mauser96 said:
There has been alot of great input here already, I will try and add more, in bold.

1. It is amazing how some of your comments mirror mine. Like you said..coincidence? HELL NO!

2. As you mentioned, you CANNOT let them get bored. They must be continuously engaged, or THEY will engage YOU and if you hesitate, guess what you just fvcked yourself!

3. This point is HUGE! They say they have moved on, but its more like a total front. If you and your ex break up, you will often notice that she begins to EXCESSIVELY post on her facebook, things like pictures, comments to draw in orbiters, just "more activity" in general, this is a way for her to show that she is moving on but in fact it is all a front. She is reassuring herself that she has moved on but in reality she is rationalizing her behavior to suit her mindset.

4. More points that I will take from Mauser and reemphasize
a) You cannot control anyone EXCEPT yourself. I controlled my frame for more than 5 months after a breakup and just recently lost control for an hour and a text conversation with her turned into a train wreck. Don't lose yourself!

b) If you are gonna get married, marry someone that makes just as much or more than you. She should add to your life, not TAKE!

c) Do not marry a single mom. Trust me guys, I dated one and this is the most painful experience I have had. DO NOT DO IT! DO NOT DO IT! DO NOT DO IT!

d)Dont be a fvcking WHITE KNIGHT! And dont save A HOE! I have done both. Its like mixing salt into fvcking milk and trying to pretend its taste good when you drink it. Get real.

Mauser, thanks for your words man! THAT WAS EPIC!

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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She was never a babe. She was always a monster. You were just blind to it. Read up on "female camouflage". It will enlighten you.