Friendzone story with a different ending


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
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Good day one and all, ladies and gents!

Boy, been a while since I last posted. Social life really takes away from your internet posting time, I tell you.

Anyway, this time I'm not looking for advice, or necessarily posting it either, though someone might be able to take something away from this. I'm just in a good mood, and figured someone might like to hear a oneitis-friendzone-misery -story, with the right amount of growth and learning, and an ending that differs from the usual.

And old thread I made, and the only one actually. Didn't remember it existed, until I ran into it from my old bookmarks by chance a month ago or so. Figured I'd come back with a sequel, though chances are nobody's going to read all of this anyway. Who knows, onward.

The gal that other thread is about was not in fact interested. We had a bit of fun later that year, but we came to a conclusion that we're better off as friends, and left it at that. I was fine with it, too. I really liked her as a friend, so at least I didn't lose that with my dignity and hopes for a life together.

After I was through the self pity and the complimentary bottle of whiskey, I got up, brushed my clothes, and went on my way. I started making a lot of friends, started expanding my social circle at a speed never experienced before, started a lot of hobbies, got a great job, started eating and dressing even better than before, and generally just kept evolving beyond my old self.

As you all know, this would of course result in a lot of women suddenly jumping out from the hedges, and things were great. Dates, friends, job and a social life which left little time for anything else, all the while hanging out with the girl I originally wanted to be with as friends.

Things kept moving forwards like this for 6-8 months, though I still wasn't seriously dating anyone. Then, somewhat out of the woods, I ended up sleeping with the woman who had given me so much grief in the oh so distant past. Whoops. I had noticed our chemistry clicking, but for me she was still just a friend, and I had no intention of it ever becoming everything else, but at the end of it all, we decided to be friends with benefits. No strings, no pressure, just fun times between two good friends.

"Cool", though I. "I get to enjoy our amazing chemistry when just hanging out, plus I get sex, while still being able to do whatever I want with other women. This couldn't have gone better!"

So we kept going like this for a while, about two months maybe. Towards the end of November of last year, I realized that we were suddenly spending more time together than ever, and most of the time, things related to sex, or things often associated with relationships.

"What the hell" said I to myself. "What is this broad up to now, I wonder".

One night after about four hours of foreplay (apparently I'm quite good at it, plus I like it), she said to me, and I quote:

"I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you now"

Knowing better this time around, I knew this was the time to blow the whistle. I sat her down, and told her that we would now return to being just friends with absolutely no benefits or healthcare. I knew I wasn't going to able keep going like this forever without eventually developing new feelings for her, so I figured it would be better to stop here while I would still be able to steer away without too much trouble.

She was quite pissed at first, being basically at the point where I would have drowned had I tried oral on her, but I figured she'd get over it, and I have to put myself before her needs. Bad news was, since we weren't at my place or her place, we had to drive home together the next day.

But we got to talking during the drive, and I again explained my position to her and why it's better to stop here and go on our separate ways, since I knew I was looking for a relationship instead of just sex, whereas she was merely after the sex.

Or so I though. Turns out, while spectating my growth from the sidelines, she had started to develop feelings for me instead, and the friends with benefits deal was her way of trying to mask it. Which is what I thought at some point, but ignored because, well, I didn't really care, or want to care.

After the car ride, we started at her aparment at about 17:00, and finished at my place at 03:00 or so. And now, we are together, and mutually happy (she texts and calls me an awfully lot daily, considering how she's definitely not the type).

The best part? I still have my life from before, but now, I get to have sex and go on dates with the girl I now realize I might be falling in love for; not puppy love either, as we've been friends for over 2,5 years now, but the real kind. I know her, faults and all, and she knows me just as well, and we still want to be together.

I understand this is not so relevant to most people here, who are just looking for sex, but let me tell you, sex with her is a million times better than sex with any random one night stand.

I think I might be happy. It might not last forever, or not necessarily even for long (who knows what tomorrow will bring), but for the time being.. I'm happy.

That's my story. What I learned is something brought up numerous times before this, but trusting it was always hard. DJ techniques really work, whether you're looking for sex or a relationship. Live for yourself, and women will follow. Keep evolving, but not necessarily changing. If you want something, go after it, unless it's a woman who doesn't want you.

Become a better man, live for your dreams and ambitions, and she will come around. If she doesn't, she wasn't worth it to begin with.

Have a good one all, I'm off to play hockey, then to a meeting, then floorball practice. Then, who knows ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2012
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"DJ techniques really work, whether you're looking for sex or a relationship. Live for yourself, and women will follow. Keep evolving, but not necessarily changing. If you want something, go after it, unless it's a woman who doesn't want you.

Become a better man, live for your dreams and ambitions, and she will come around. If she doesn't, she wasn't worth it to begin with."

Love this, very true. Really happy for you mate.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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MM92 said:
"DJ techniques really work, whether you're looking for sex or a relationship. Live for yourself, and women will follow. Keep evolving, but not necessarily changing. If you want something, go after it, unless it's a woman who doesn't want you.

Become a better man, live for your dreams and ambitions, and she will come around. If she doesn't, she wasn't worth it to begin with."

Love this, very true. Really happy for you mate.
Agreed. Well done man, happy for you! :up:


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
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saturnalia said:
one exception does not make a rule
Right you are good sir, but you know what else they say about rules that's just as cliched but also just as accurate?

Rules are meant to be broken.

Though I still agree that generally speaking, it's rare to bounce back, but it CAN be done. Whether the woman is worth it is another question entirely, but if you go on your merry way and she decides to follow later on, then everybody wins.

Thanks MM92 & Purefilth! It feels good, I have to say, let's hope it stays like this for as long as possible :)


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
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ASlowTaker said:
Right you are good sir, but you know what else they say about rules that's just as cliched but also just as accurate?

Rules are meant to be broken.

Though I still agree that generally speaking, it's rare to bounce back, but it CAN be done. Whether the woman is worth it is another question entirely, but if you go on your merry way and she decides to follow later on, then everybody wins.

Thanks MM92 & Purefilth! It feels good, I have to say, let's hope it stays like this for as long as possible :)
than go and friendzone every girl you can, maybe they`ll buy you a nice pink tutu as well


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
Reaction score
saturnalia said:
than go and friendzone every girl you can, maybe they`ll buy you a nice pink tutu as well
If you're looking for someone to engage you in a childish little online argument, you're going to have to look elsewhere. This thread was obviously not written for you.

And start acting your age. 30 year olds shouldn't act like sulking little children.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
i think you are confusing what friendzone status is.

friendzoned dudes never even got to the stage where they could even touch the girl. they get shut down and closed off immediately. let alone banging them on the regular.

this website is pretty bad for advice these days.

i mean good for you man. but banging some chick is not being in the friendzone regardless if she says lets just be friends. all the while she's banging you like a porn star. friendzone is more like

"hey aslowtaker you coming to the party? oh you are?! cool! make sure to bring your friend XXX he's hot!"
"well i'm hot to.."
*laughing* "your like my kid brother! but seriously make sure to invite XXX!"


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Nice, sounds like you played her pretty well. But OP, you really should be banging other broads too. That rule never changes.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
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cfdagola said:
Oh it was friendzone alright. Not the pathetic kind like that, but it was never going to develop into anything sexual or romantic. I even made her my wingman and "truffle pig" at one point, who would snoop out the good women from the crow for me. At some point it started to turn into something more by half-accident, which is when we ended up sharing the bed, and it kept moving onwards from there I suppose.

And thanks Zarky :)


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
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ASlowTaker said:
If you're looking for someone to engage you in a childish little online argument, you're going to have to look elsewhere. This thread was obviously not written for you.

And start acting your age. 30 year olds shouldn't act like sulking little children.
change you username to mangina


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
Reaction score
saturnalia said:
change you username to mangina

I stand corrected, you're obviously a very mature man and a very intellectually gifted person. You've spent the last couple of days posting on an internet forum like a true man, and far surpassed the amount of posts I've managed since june 2011, while I've been wasting my time practicing various sports (8 hours in the last two days), working a well paying job, going to lectures at my uni, doing some volunteering and being with a girl I want to be with like a proper mangina.

I wish I can be as manly as you one day. Until then, au revoir, please don't post on this thread from now on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Looks like that dude got his online argument after all.

When you said friends with benefits I knew where the story was going. Good for you man, it's great that you realize good sex with a good girl over and over is better than random sex with randoms over and over.

This relationship may end, don't let it bring you down when it does. Everything ends. Enjoy it now though!


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
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LearningSlowly said:
Looks like that dude got his online argument after all.
Yeah I guess the egg is on my face haha. Oh well.

LearningSlowly said:
it's great that you realize good sex with a good girl over and over is better than random sex with randoms over and over.
The best part for me has always been the buildup, and with her it's just so natural and fun every time I can't help but love it. We joke around, try new things and generally act like two giggling teenagers. Good times. Made her play with herself in front of me the other day and give me something of a lapdance, have to say it was quite a show. Not exactly something I'm used to getting from drunken one night stands with half-wit bimbos.

LearningSlowly said:
This relationship may end, don't let it bring you down when it does.
As an occasional small stakes gambler, I like beating the odds every now and then ;D No worries though, I know the risks and possibilities, both good and bad, so I'm prepared. But for the time being, I like being happy.

Though she's working out of town for a couple of weeks now (I was supposed to go out of country on business for three weeks as well, but it got cancelled at the last moment), so I'm staying prepared for all the bad things a first real "test" like this may bring. So far so good, she's been doing all the contacting, but frankly I'm too busy with work to really worry.

Anyway, thank you all for the kind words, really brings my mood up. Off to a cabin tomorrow, and a couple of parties coming up in the weekend, so should be fun times ahead even if I skip out on any and all potential flings :)


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2012
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ASlowTaker said:

I stand corrected, you're obviously a very mature man and a very intellectually gifted person. You've spent the last couple of days posting on an internet forum like a true man, and far surpassed the amount of posts I've managed since june 2011, while I've been wasting my time practicing various sports (8 hours in the last two days), working a well paying job, going to lectures at my uni, doing some volunteering and being with a girl I want to be with like a proper mangina.

I wish I can be as manly as you one day. Until then, au revoir, please don't post on this thread from now on.
you are a mangina because you need to feel to get even, if you`d really have that amazing life that you pose here to have got, than you would be helping others to get it, not posting your results so you can prove that you are better, than random strangers on the internet


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2010
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ASlowTaker said:
But for the time being, I like being happy.
That's a red flag. I don't post often, but I do show up occasionally to right certain wrongs with men. ASlowTaker, you need to be careful where you get your happiness/joy from. If your joy is contingent on another person, you are destined for failure. It is not the Don Juan way. Your joy must depend on YOU. YOU make yourself happy. YOU choose the girl. If she's not behaving, YOU dump her. You see how this works? YOU are the Don Juan and so YOU make your own life what it is.

Ask yourself this question, and answer brutally honestly: "Am I willing and able to walk away from this girl, from this relationship in a heartbeat if something isn't right?" If your answer is ANYTHING but a 100% yes, this relationship is doomed for failure.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
TheJazz is right. You will learn the hard way in the we all do.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2011
Reaction score
saturnalia said:
Seems like you missed the whole point like a true champ. The point of my post was to a) give you all a feel-good story, and b) to possibly motivate people who might be in a similar situation than me back when I wrote the other thread. There is no need for you to resort to childish name calling either, makes you sound like a bitter sad old guy with the mind of a 13-year old.

TheJazz said:
That's a red flag. I don't post often, but I do show up occasionally to right certain wrongs with men. ASlowTaker, you need to be careful where you get your happiness/joy from. If your joy is contingent on another person, you are destined for failure.
Riddle me this though, why would I ever want to be in a relationship with anyone if it didn't make me happier than what I already was? I may have phrased it wrong before, but what I meant was I am happIER with her than without; though still by no means unhappy without.

I understand you guys have a bit of a different view on the world and life in general, despite the fact that we probably act very much alike out in the real world, and I can respect that, but it's not my cup of tea.

Whether or not I'm willing to walk out on first sign of trouble, I'd have to say no. People face troubles, good and bad times. Running away from the bad times doesn't say "manly" to me.

Nevertheless, I hope my story cheered at least someone up, and maybe will help someone stuck in a similar situation. That's all I wrote this for.