Friend's GF is setting me up with her friend...


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
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My friend has been wanting to hook me up with her friend/co-worker for a little while now. Cute girl, incredible body actually, general consensus is her face is a bit too "asian" but cute. I met up with all my friends about 3 weeks ago at a club on a sat night, where my friend introduced me to her, the girl was completely sober as she was driving that night. Hit it off with her, I heard her exclaim to my friend off to the side "Hes HOT!" after she introduced her to me. She was very touchy feely, when she left gave me a kiss and I got her #. My friend was telling me after that she was VERY interested in me.

I gave her a casual text next day.. which she quickly responded to. I didn't get too into the texting as that has killed me before. Monday morning she adds me to FB, then Tues starts texting me during the day while we are both working. I called her that night, which went over well. We were both going to be at our mutual friend's bday party Friday night. Remainder of the week she is texting me wanting to know everything about me.

So my Friday comes, we start at my friend's place, a lot of people there, the girl is with 4 other friends. I say hi, let her do her thing. She was again very flirty and she seemed happy to see me. So we get to the bar where we have a table for my friend's bday. I'm talking to the girl, going very well, she's hanging off me, fairly sober. About an hour later shes drunk, shes making out with me off an on for the next hour, and her friends were egging her on. It's a bday party and shes there with a lot of her friends so do my own thing instead of clinging to her, I come back to the group, shes being hit on by multiple guys that she wants no part of. Shes VERY drunk too at this point. She apparently called her brother to come get her, and just bolts, she was drunk enough that I wouldnt be surprised if she got sick.

From the next day on, its a complete 180, shes far less communicative. My friend said she asked her how it went with me and she replied that she was too drunk. My friend didn't want to say anything else as not to make it awkward. I ask her to go out, she was going away on a trip last weekend so she said next week (which is now this week) So I give her a call, she responds with a text, "if your free lets meet for a drink Thurs or Fri", so I choose Friday, she responds back "did you have a place in mind, XXX?" (XXX being the same place we had our friend's bday at) I respond, that there is a better place around the corner and we will go there first and we can stop at XXX after for a drink as well. No response, yet, this was yesterday afternoon, don't want to get my friend in the middle of this either and ask her to feel it out.

At this point my plan is if I don't hear anything by tomorrow night I'll give her a call. Ive been on a good roll lately, but this one is throwning me off, because I've avoided my usual mistakes, most notably I call first, not text now. Also she was overly eager, almost too much at first, apparently per my friend she really wants to settle down, from her behavior when out with her I didn't get that vibe, and shes 31, looks 25 at most. Sorry for the length, but that's all the details.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Generally I go into these threads expecting a pretty big mistake, but I didn't see any glaring errors on your part.

Two things come to mind:

1) She somehow didn't get your text after she suggested a drink on Thursday or Friday

2) She's feels ashamed of getting so wasted in front of you at the birthday party esp since she's not some 20 year old chick.

I'd contact her and find out if your still on for Friday night. This time call her though, don't text. If she doesn't answer or call you back then you can assume she has someone else she's more interested in.



Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks, I've been really trying to avoid the mistake of texting too much. She isn't a 20 something, she may think she's made herself too easy. She was literally all over me for a good hour full on making out in front of the whole party. The only other thing I could think of is if her friends talked her out of it and gave me a bad review. She was absolutely really into it all the way up until after getting really drunk so who knows. I will do that, you would think it would be simpler than this due to meeting through a mutual friend.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
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BC Vancouver
Yeah I tend to tell inexperienced people to avoid texting as there is a lot of anxiety as to when she's gonna reply, her reaction blah blah blah.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I think you handled it fine. She is probably a bit embarrassed about getting so drunk, especially if she is Asian. I would just call or text her tomorrow if you don't hear from her and say what time is good for you Fri, as in you are already assuming you have plans together.

BTW what is a "little too Asian"? haha.

How about a pic of the girl? So many times we get these stories on here and it would be great if we could put a face to the post. Thanks


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
drf408 said:
So I give her a call, she responds with a text, "if your free lets meet for a drink Thurs or Fri", so I choose Friday, she responds back "did you have a place in mind, XXX?" (XXX being the same place we had our friend's bday at) I respond, that there is a better place around the corner and we will go there first and we can stop at XXX after for a drink as well. No response, yet, this was yesterday afternoon, don't want to get my friend in the middle of this either and ask her to feel it out.
I don't think you did anything wrong. From the way I'm reading it, your last text didn't ask for a response, so she may just be thinking Friday night is already set up. The lack of chatter for the next couple of days may also help cause some anticipation on her part about the date, which is usually a good thing.

Similar to what others said, I completely agree about calling rather than texting as the next move. If she doesn't answer, just leave her a short message with a tone that assumes the date is already agreed on, just saying you were "calling to touch base with you about our plans Friday night" or something similar.

Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
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Los Angeles CA
she is asian...their like really really really good morally...all of them

the reason the communication thing took a halt was she was too emberaced to talk to you after us seeing a drunk chick is normal and cool.

to an asian chick being drunk is like you being drunk around a girl you like but you get so wasted that your pants come off and you take a sh!t on yourself...would you want to talk to that girl that next day?

break the ice and tell her she was very fun that night it will make the awkwardness for her go away


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
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irocknike23 said:
she is asian...their like really really really good morally...all of them
This is like the best advertisement for gaming asian chicks. Is this really true? Never tried them.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Somewhat intentionally most of what I date is asian lately. They are not all moral, not even close lol. HOWEVER most, especially if only 1st generation American have their family influence and are very relationship minded, and move fast once they see the opportunity. As to what is "too Asian", terribly put but she is cute but her face looks very FOB, her features scream Asian :) Her body doesn't shes about 5'7 and has a great shape, I have pics but I would never put up a girls pic without her ok.

My friend that is trying to set us up has told me that she is really interested in dating and settling down (that is typical of Asian). At 31 and given the way she looks its interesting shes had such a hard time doing that. To me she seemed wildy immature for her age. I'll be calling her today, so I'll update after that..


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Strike that, just got a text from her "Sorry to have to cancel so last minute, my friends bday is Friday and plans are still in the works, I can't meet you tomorrow.." Ugh.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
No counter offer? Doesn't really seem like it's going to work out for ya buddy. I would move on.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Yep, thats what I thought, not a good sign. Very, very odd, right up until AFTER that Friday night she was overly interested. Just going to leave it alone..


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Ya, depending on how good of a friend it is , she would've known about the party in advance. Or she could've been ready to go with you but was trying to find something better to do, who knows.

That's the thing man. Can't worry about why. Even though it is extremley weird , the hot/cold, I agree. Just go off her actions and don't drive yourself crazy with analyzing.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
We all went to the party together, we were talking about if leading up to it. She was looking forward to talking to me, when there she got drunk, groped the hell out of me and made out with me blatantly off and on for half the night. It's since then that she has done a 180, she sent another text abotu 1/2 hour ago about seeing what our schedules look like next week. Forget, not even going to reply. You're right no point in driving myself crazy so best to just cut my loss.


New Member
Aug 4, 2011
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drf408 said:
We all went to the party together, we were talking about if leading up to it. She was looking forward to talking to me, when there she got drunk, groped the hell out of me and made out with me blatantly off and on for half the night. It's since then that she has done a 180, she sent another text abotu 1/2 hour ago about seeing what our schedules look like next week. Forget, not even going to reply. You're right no point in driving myself crazy so best to just cut my loss.
Don't be so quick or desperate. The alpha male moves, not slowly, but in an unhurried manner.

She texted you back? Don't ignore her. I mean, wait the proper amount of time before texting back, but don't drop it in the sand. She likes you.

I agree with the other poster. She was just embarassed about how openly she revealed her feelings about you. You have "hand" in the relationship, and she knows it.

But she just texted you back. That is good. Don't hold it against her. SHE initiated; that is an IOI. She wasn't flaking on you. You did the right thing already by leaving it alone up to this point.

I also agree with the poster who said your next move must be a call. Not a text.

Go for it, Tiger.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
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So, we are meeting tonight. Though now it feels "off" since she iced communication AND she was insistent on one place only (where we had my friend's bday) and concerned about there being a crowd (as in she wants busy). Quite a difference from her complaining that these places are too loud and she wants to talk to me. At this point my interest is low, so there is nothing to lose and as always working on other to follow :)


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
I wish I did do that, she canceled yet again. She works in finance, I know it wasn't an excuse because my friend was there working with her as well all night long. However, again, no other time suggested. Odd girl, she clearly did not like something about that night at our friend's bday party but I'm not even going to try to figure it out. I dropped the situation, didn't ask to try again or anything. Done.