Friend Zone

Apr 17, 2011
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I recently got in the Friend Zone because I didn't make a move on this girl who ocasionally gave me IOI's, and I made the mistake of telling her best friend that I liked her. She obviously told her, and asked her about me, and she said that I was her friend. I then did another mistake, I asked her friend what should I do so she could like me. Now, she knows I like her, but I haven't told her so myself, and I think this was a huge mistake. It's been some days since this happened, and I guess I'm in the Friend Zone. I want her. She has never called me her friend or little brother, we don't talk about her problems, I only call her ocasionally, and I always hang up first. She doesn't talk to me about other guys. If she hadn't say to her friend that she only saw me as a friend, I wouldn't have guessed I'm in the Friend Zone. She's comfortable with my Kino, but she looks bored. Maybe because I didn't make a move on her, what do you guys think I should do now? Ignore her?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Ultimate Opportunist said:
I recently got in the Friend Zone because I didn't make a move on this girl who ocasionally gave me IOI's, and I made the mistake of telling her best friend that I liked her. She obviously told her, and asked her about me, and she said that I was her friend.

Well first of all,we have to determine if you TRUELY ARE in the friendzone.

Now I'm not going to kid you dude....if you are,then you might as well forget it. If you didn't have to knowledge to avoid it in the first place,(which is easy,EASY to do),then you certainly don't have the skills to get out of it.


1:How long have you known this girl?
2:You said that although she'd been giving you IOIs,you never made a move.
Well how long has she been giving you these IOIs? And WHY did you never make a move?

PLEASE answer those two questions DIRECTLY.

You said that you told this girl's best friend that you liked her,then she went back and told her. Maybe it was kind of a mistake,but I don't really think it was such a big deal. If anything did ruin your chances with her,it wasn't her friend telling her that you liked her,it was YOU not making a move when the opportunity was there.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
I then did another mistake, I asked her friend what should I do so she could like me.
Now this.....yeah,this WAS bad. You SHOULD NOT have done that. If this girl didn't run back and tell her friend this,you might be ok,but more than likely,she did.

That,ALL BY ITSELF,even with you not being in the friendzone,would hurt your chances.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
It's been some days since this happened, and I guess I'm in the Friend Zone. doesn't look good so far,but hold off on that declaration for the moment.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
She has never called me her friend or little brother, we don't talk about her problems, I only call her ocasionally, and I always hang up first. She doesn't talk to me about other guys.
Alright,now we're getting down to the real deal.....

You say that you don't talk about her problems,and that you only call her occasionally. That tells me.....

1:You ALREADY HAVE her phone number....and
2:You do talk to her.

ANSWER THIS DIRECTLY....You don't talk about her problems when you call her. Ok,WHAT DO YOU TWO TALK ABOUT?

If you've had her number for a while,and you've been calling and talking to her for a while,then the answer to that question above should let us know where you stand with her.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
She's comfortable with my Kino, but she looks bored. Maybe because I didn't make a move on her, what do you guys think I should do now? Ignore her?

Ignore her? Dude,"no contact" doesn't work on the friendzone.

Don't start ignoring her. If you do,she'll likely think that what she told her best friend about only seeing you as a friend got back to you.

Ignoring her will just show her that you got hurt,and that'll kill whatever little attraction she has for you,that is,if she has any at all.

It's kinda hard to advise you on what to do without additional info. You'll need to answer the questions I asked so we can see EXACTLY where you're at and what the situation is.
Apr 17, 2011
Reaction score
I have know her for about 2 years. I started liking her about 3 months ago, so I decided that I wanted to game her. She started giving me IOI's since I started gaming her,before I didn't want her so I never tried to make her attracted to me. I never made a move because I was afraid of rejection, or I always had an excuse, "I would do it tomorrow", or "when the time is right, I will do it". So I neved told her I liked her, or actually tried to kiss her :(. I have her phone number since about the time we meet, since we had to do school stuff together. We started talking almost everyday for the last 3 months, but not on the phone, but in school. When we talk, I tease her, talk about our hobbies, things we like, our goals, dreams, what we want to do in the future, our friends. I guess we do talk about her problems, like the other day she told me about her dad not caring about her, and that he doesn't want to see her. We did go to the mall a few times, but her best friend was there. Her best friend is my friend, so I'm almost sure she talks positive things about me to her. She knows that I like her, so I'm not a challenge anymore, and she lost interest. She doesn't seem to care when I isolate her from her friends even after her friend told her that I liked her, or me doing kino to her. She must think that I'm too AFC to tell her personally I like her, so what should I do?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for trying to help me :).


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
No place like Nebraska
Start talking to more girls. She will see that she has competion and you wont worry about her so much anymore.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Ultimate Opportunist said:
I have know her for about 2 years. I started liking her about 3 months ago, so I decided that I wanted to game her. She started giving me IOI's since I started gaming her,before I didn't want her so I never tried to make her attracted to me. I never made a move because I was afraid of rejection, or I always had an excuse, "I would do it tomorrow", or "when the time is right, I will do it".

At least you're honest dude,I'll give you that. Now it's my turn to be honest with you.....this is worse than I thought.

It's pretty much over with man. I mean've known her for 2 years??? And you've had her number that long as well?

So in 2 years' time,you never made a move or asked her out?

Yeah,that's the friendzone alright.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
So I neved told her I liked her, or actually tried to kiss her :(.
That's good. You don't want to tell a girl you "like her"....EVER. NEVER SAY THAT. Just flirt,tease,then ask her out.

Don't "tell" a girl you like her,SHOW HER.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
We started talking almost everyday for the last 3 months,
That's BAD. Forget about the two years of knowing each other,this "three month of talking everyday" ALONE is enough to do you in.

And again....I assume the subject of you two going out never came up in those three months of you two talking every day.

Pretty much friendzone man.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
When we talk, I tease her, talk about our hobbies, things we like, our goals, dreams, what we want to do in the future, our friends.
All that,but nothing romantic between you two. Nothing sexual. Just comfort.....and three months of this. Not good man.

I guess we do talk about her problems, like the other day she told me about her dad not caring about her, and that he doesn't want to see her.
Yeah,that's just what girls do.

If you're going to REPEAEDLY be around a girl,she going to find some type of value to get out of you. The best scenario would be her feeling sexual attraction and chemistry. But if she doesn't,and you KEEP being around her,she may go AW ( attention wh0re). Or best friend. Or her therapist. Or ego booster.

If you're going to be around her,she's going to get SOMETHING out of it. She probably did like you in the beginning,but you failing to make a move made her cross out the "boyfriend/sexual" option off her list and most likely go to the "friend" option.

She knows that I like her, so I'm not a challenge anymore, and she lost interest.
You keep misunderstanding this.....

You friend telling this girl you liked her IS NOT what made her lose interest.

It was YOU not making a move. Given everything you said,even if your friend hadn't went back and told her you liked her,you'd STILL BE in the friendzone.

Ultimate Opportunist said:
so what should I do?
Well at this point,there's not really much you can do.

The friendzone ain't no joke dude. It's a "mutha" to deal with. If you had asked her out and gotten turned down,you'd still be better off than the "knowing her for two years and talking to her every day for three straight months" things you did.

And as far as that "talk to other girls to show her she has competition" thing,yeah,you can try it. She may get jealous for a while,but once the jealousy has wore off,she'll be right back where she is.....not feeling attraction.for you.
Apr 17, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for all you help man, I will start gaming other girls, not to make her jealous, but to move on, and keep improving my seduction skills. Who knows, maybe I'll find someone better than her :).


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
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Davie, FL
It's over. Learn from your mistakes and find a new girl. Preferably one that doesn't know about how you didn't have the balls to ask another girl out


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Basically, forget her, she's meaningless as a person. But at some point just invite her over, both get drunk and escalate. If she goes with it, just use her for sex from then on. If not then she's dead to you.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
MurdocIsGod said:
Basically, forget her, she's meaningless as a person. But at some point just invite her over, both get drunk and escalate. If she goes with it, just use her for sex from then on. If not then she's dead to you.
Don't listen to this dude. For starters, just because you aren't "pursuing" a girl does not mean she is worthless or meaningless. They are humans also and deserve to be treated like one. And definitely do not invite her over to try and get her drunk to have sec with her. And "use" isn't the most friendly term. She also isn't dead to you. I have hot friends who are girls that are useful for different things it's not like girls are just made to pleasure you whenever you want. This dude is a complete d-bag so disregard his post.

On a different note, she will not see you as "AFC" which instead I would personally just say a wimp because I find the "terms" kinda nerdy (no offense to anyone who uses them). But she will just continue to see you as a friend. If I were you I'd still be friends with her but continue to see other girls like everyone else said. Also just be more flirty with her in a casual way not like trying to hard for her attention or anything. And maybe she will become attracted to you if your a good flirt or something happens but whether she does or not isn't a big deal because you'll be seeing other girls so its a win-win situation. :cool:


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Jmac21 said:
Don't listen to this dude. For starters, just because you aren't "pursuing" a girl does not mean she is worthless or meaningless. They are humans also and deserve to be treated like one. And definitely do not invite her over to try and get her drunk to have sec with her. And "use" isn't the most friendly term. She also isn't dead to you. I have hot friends who are girls that are useful for different things it's not like girls are just made to pleasure you whenever you want. This dude is a complete d-bag so disregard his post.
It's different if the girl actually respecou, but does she? Honestly? I have girl "friends" and none of them respect me at all... Well okay there are a couple who freindzoned me who also respect me as a person...

But come to think of it, 99.99% of the time the only time a girl respects me is if she wants to get in my pants in some way.

I got ****ed over by one of my female friends just before I wrote that post so I was influenced a bit.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
MurdocIsGod said:
It's different if the girl actually respecou, but does she? Honestly? I have girl "friends" and none of them respect me at all... Well okay there are a couple who freindzoned me who also respect me as a person...

But come to think of it, 99.99% of the time the only time a girl respects me is if she wants to get in my pants in some way.

I got ****ed over by one of my female friends just before I wrote that post so I was influenced a bit.
Maybe it's different from me in my school because I am one of the athlete/ more popular kids so I honestly don't get disrespected by anyone in a serious way. But I wouldn't call my self friendzoned with any girl really because I know if one girl thinks as me of a friend at the moment I could change that. With that being said any girl that thinks of me as a friend has respected me and I honestly can't think of any girl who has disrespected me. And telling someone something you said doesn't really count since most girls are drama queens...


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
It's tooo late bro. I did the same thing and I still can't believe it happened. So, just keep being friendly to her, and more importantly learn from this mistake, move on, and explore ALL of your options.


Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
Dude, the exact thing happened to me, but it's been like 1 and a half months since I've known her, and I didn't make a move because I thought she had a bf. I'm just going to apply this kino stuff next week and if this doesn't work then **** it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
You have to become just that more awesome. It's the only escape!


New Member
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like your might want to move on mate. I mean if you never made a move in 2 years....good luck on now. Not being a negative nancy, just personal experience. I knew this girls number for like 5 years, we were in the friend zone, and i never had the nuts to ask her out, cause i didnt want to be like rejected....>.>