Friend Buisness


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
So what is this friend buisness? I was dating this woman for about a year and she left me "yeah what was she thinking". Well she basicly said I will see you someday and I just said yeah ok and moved on with my life. Well now I see her friend and she is talking to me and says me and Trina "my x" was at the hospital "where I work". So I assumed that is some kind of hint since that comment just came out of nowhere. I just said oh really and changed the subject. Then I see her friend the next day and she says Trina tried to call you yesterday but you must of changed your number so I have to get the new number from you. I said why does she want to talk we are not together anymore and she says why can't you just be friends with her. So it seems to me that she wants to be friends why?

So my X calls me and asks to come over. I didn't go over "thanks to this site otherwise i would have ran over". So after I tell her I am not coming over she says when are you going to come see me. I told her I don't know. Well she says she is having a party Sunday and I am welcome to come ""WTF welcome to come make me feel like she thinks she is doing me a favor in letting me come to her party". Then she asks if I still remeber her phone number and says why don't I call her sometime. Then the next day at work her friend "who also works with me" says Trina is coming in so us 3 can have lunch together. So I am confused on what she is trying to do here. I would think she wants to get back together but she has a boyfriend that she suposidly in love with. SOmebody with a Masters in ******** please help me Thanks


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Another thing is My X sure is interested in the fact that I am going to College. ? ?


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
May well have been her reflecting on old times. She's been in hostpital, which means she probably had loads of time (with nothing to do) where should could just think.

Perhaps she's having a few problems with her b/f or just generally feeling lonely. She will have made a connection in her mind with you removing that loneliness from her. So she tries to get in contact with you. As you turned her down, she probably felt more lonely and tried again.

Whether she's recruited her friend to try to get you back in the picture (probably just as a friend), or whether her friend is trying to cheer up your ex by trying to get you invovled (after the ex talked plenty about you). We really dont know.

Its most likely that, especially if she has a boyfriend, she's going to want some attention from you, but only as a friend. Take what she wants, drag you along until she's had enough.

You've obviously not seen her for ages, so probably aren't interested now and dont want to go through all the crap again. If you are interested (not necessarily in her but in the situation), turn down her offer and say that YOU are going out someone and SHE can come along if she wants. That way its on your ground, you'll be with your m8s so you can choose to give her anything from very little attention to the full night. You can make it clear what you want by how you react to her + probably will find out why she has this interest.

If you start to get a bit of BS then pull out. She's most likely there for herself to get herself cheered up. She's the one that messed things up last time. You dont owe her anything.

(Anyone else feeling a little bit more pessimistic about womens thoughts and intentions? :p)


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
May well have been her reflecting on old times. She's been in hostpital, which means she probably had loads of time (with nothing to do) where should could just think.
Wether this matters or not but she was not in the hospital as a patient. She use to work there along with me and her friend who is telling me these things.

I got tired of wondering about this so I asked her friend why did she call me, and she said just to hang out. I said why did somebody tell me her and her boyfriend wouldn't last. She said that person was lieing then she said what did you think she was going to leave him for you? I said i don't know. she said I don't want to hurt you but she is in love with him.

So with the paragraph above I would think she just wants to be friends. Well the whole problem is that her friend said "" Are you in some kind of school"" I said yes then she mentions my x out of the blue then my x calls me and wants me to come see her. Like I said in the first post of this thread that I have not heard from my X since we broke up. and my X tells to call her sometime.So I tell this girl that I only went back to college so me and my x can be together. Then I said at least I know now that I can quit college since I was only going for her. she said no don't quit why can't you go for yourself. I said why are you so interested in me going to college and she said because I said because why she said just because.

So if my X only wants to be friends then why did she want to talk to me after she found out I was in college??? I don't know if this matters but my X never said one thing about me going to school ever anything about me going to school comes from her friend. Now I live at home and can't afford to move out unless i go to college..

Now before you guys jump me for saying that I was only in school because of my X and that I was going to quit school that was only a trick to see if I can get my X's friend to tell me why she is so interested in me going to school.
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Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Obviously your ex misses you and HAS recruited her friend to bring you back in the fold. It's seems like a pretty messy situation, but remember to take womans' words lightly and to judge them on their actions. That's all I can offer you, and I agree with JR2003.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ok Thanks guys for your input. My main concern is why did her freind say to me "Are you in some kind of school"" I said yes then in a little bit later in the convo Me and your X Was at the Hospital.
Her friend and myself work at the hospital.. So I thought it was strange that she told me that they was at the hospital kind of out of the blue like it was hint or something. Then the next day I see my X's friend at work she says ""Trina tried to call you yesterday but you must of changed your number so I have to get it again"" She seemed all quite like she was nervous or afraid to ask me my number. So my X calls and asks me to come over I said no then we talked for a while then she asked me if i still remeber her number and she said to call sometime. So then the next day at work my X's friend says Trina is coming in so us 3 can have lunch together. So I thought since I wouldn't come over the night before she must of wanted to see me to come in for lunch.

The bottom line is what is going on with the are you in some kind of school comment. to me that was like ok since your in school A Trina will talk to you again. Because if Trina wants to leave her boyfriend for me I would have to get a degree to get a better job to be able to live away from home.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Guys give me some help on this SCHOOL comment. I am so confused what my X's intentions are. I think she has to be getting something out of me going to school. My friend tells me that my theory that she wants me back since I will have a better job and could support her is possible and he also says that maybe she just wants to see me do better for myself. Now why in the heii would she not talk to me until I went to school if she wants to see me do better? Does she think talking to me again since I am in school is a reward? Guys Please Please Please help me out with this...... THanks