FR: Night-time PU in Manhattan Beach


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA

I call RJ and he invites me out to dinner and to wing. So I meet him outside of my hotel and we head over to dinner in Manhattan Beach at an upscale restaurant. RJ jokes around with our waitress and tells a funny joke about how the 5-6 vitamins he is taking is for schitzophenia, and other strange mental illnesses. She cracks up. Suddenly, a hot 2-set walks in the door and RJ immediately points them out…so I’m thinking, “Let’s Play!”

Papa: [I walk over to their table and lean over my shoulder] Hey guys! I need to get a 30 second female opinion on something.
BeachGirlRJ: Sure.
BeachGirlPapa: Ok.
Papa: Would you date a guy who was still friends with his ex-girlfriend?
BeachGirls: [pause to think] Yes. Sure.
Papa: Ok. [turns away and does mini take away with a pivot and then looks at the girls over his shoulder] Ok, wait. This is actually a two part question. [Papa sits down next to BeachGirlPapa]
BeachGirlRJ: Alright! So we get to find out the meaning behind this question!
Papa: Right! This is a 2-part question. Imagine you were dating a guy who was still friends with his ex-girlfriend…and he had a drawer…and inside the drawer our pictures of his ex-girlfriend…not nudie pics or anything…just pics…and some letters…do you think it’s unreasonable for her to want him to get rid of those pictures?
BeachGirlRJ: Yes. That’s not cool. He should be able to keep them.
BeachGirlPapa: I agree. I mean. It’d be something he could just put into a box or something and store them away.
Papa: Yes. That’s a good idea…or to put them in a photo album and hide them in his closet.
BeachGirlPapa: Yes.
Papa: Well, get this. This situation happened to a friend and, you know what, she burned them.
BeachGirlRJ: She’s definitely a psycho.
Papa: Yeah. You are right. I agree with you. Thanks. I knew I could trust you guys.
BeachGirls: [giggle]
Papa: [I look at BeachGirlRJ] Hey, you know what, you have the face of…Britney…Spears.
BeachGirlRJ: Yeah! I get told that all the time.
Papa: [I look at BeachGirlPapa] And, you know what, you look like a cartoon version of Christina Aguilera.
BeachGirls: Hahahahahhaaaa.
Papa: See, you have all the same features…the mouth, the nose, the eyes, and especially the teeth. [I make a funny smile as if I’m about to laugh]
BeachGirls: Hahahahahhaaaa.
Papa: [looking at BeachGirlPapa] And you have Christina teeth!!! I mean, well, I have an ex-girlfriend who used to notice this. I mean if you look at the covers of fashion magazines, like Cosmo, and others…well, you’ll notice that these girls all have the same smile. Well, you have U-shaped teeth. They kind of jut out like this [me putting my hand in the shape of a U]. While you, on the other hand, [looking at BeachGirlRJ] have a C-cupped oral formation. And my ex had U-cupped teeth. And she believed that girls who had teeth like that we seen as bad girls, kinda like Christina Aguilera. While girls who had C-cupped teeth, like Britney Spears, would be seen as good girls. So no matter how many girls, Britney has hooked up with, you know, like Justin Timberlake and such, she’s still seen as a good girl.
BeachGirls: Hahahahhahaaa. Yeah.
Papa: Well, guess what…she got surgery done to her oral region so she’d look more like Britney.
BeachGirls: Wow! That’s sooo interesting.
BeachGirlRJ: [looking at Papa] You know, that’s such an interesting ring you are wearing. (I’m wearing a ring I got from a gothic clothing shop that looks like a medieval helmet ring)
Papa: [looking back at the table where RJ is sitting and waving to RJ to join] Hey, Ross, come over here.
RJ: Hey.
Papa: This is Ross…sit down and join us…he’s the coolest guy in LA.
RJ: That’s true! I am.
Papa: I’m not sure why he hangs out with me cuz he’s so cool.

RJ is a great wing with an amazing sense of humor and we both immediately isolate our targets. I could tell that my girl was really digging me and RJ’s girl was really into him too so it was perfect. I knew that our seated position was perfect. We spend the next 1-2 hours talking with the girls and, at some point, we each exchange phone numbers of our girls.

Our girls totally loved us and I spent most of the rest of the night gazing into the eyes of my target sharing commonalities, secrets, vulnerabilities, and leading the conversation. I also used some of the classic pickup material that I’ll highlight below. BeachGirlPapa and I developed a really strong genuine connection over the dinner and led to a few venue changes, a kiss, and a strong number bridge to meet up at my place soon.

Here’s some of the highlights of my conversation with my girl:

Papa: I have an intuition about you. [gazing into her eyes]
BeachGirlPapa: Yes. [gives me a look like she is intrigued]
Papa: Yeah. You know, I can tell you deep insights about you just by asking 3 questions.
BeachGirlPapa: Oh yeah! Cool. [she touches my arm and smiles]
Papa: Ok. Have you ever heard of the Cube? Well, my friend here [making a hand gesture towards RJ] told me about this really cool book, involving visualizations that tell you deep insights about. Here, let’s play. Imagine you are in a desert, driving around, and you see a cube. How big is the cube?
BeachGirlPapa: It’s about 2 by 2. [making hand gestures to form a box]
Papa: Huh? You mean like a rubix cube big.
BeachGirlPapa: 2 by 2 feet. [making gestures with her hands]
Papa: Ok. Hmmm. Interesting. Ok. What color is it?
BeachGirlPapa: [makes face as if she is thinking deeply] Well, it’s kind of clear.
Papa: Oh. So it’s transparent…and you can see right through it.
BeachGirlPapa: Yeah!
Papa: Yes. Wow. That’s really interesting. Nobody has ever told me that before.
BeachGirlPapa: Yes. [giggles]
Papa: So is the cube on the ground or floating in the air?
BeachGirlPapa: It’s on the sand.
Papa: I would have expected that.
BeachGirlPapa: Ok. Neat. [smiles]
Papa: Alright, now imagine that there’s a ladder near the cube. Where in the picture is the ladder in relation to the cube?
BeachGirlPapa: Hmmm. Well, you know, at first it was leaning against the ladder. However, it moved and then it shot up really high into the sky.
Papa: So it shot into the heavens?
BeachGirlPapa: Yes.[smiles and giggles]
Papa: Wow, that’s intriguing.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Suddenly, she mentions something about the food and I keep the cube thread open and I go into some social-proofed stories and routines mixed with spinning patterns off of being adventurous, spontaneous, and open-minded. Most of the next 2 hours are comfort-building routines and stories based on the answers she gives me to questions I ask her about her childhoold, goals, and desires. Here’s the sequence of my conversation:

- Stories about how I am going to have daily parties everyday of the week at my house in the Hollywood Hills
- Finding out about her nationality (which was Dutch) and then showing her a photo routine about my friends and me traveling in Amsterdam
- Telling her about my cool buddies that go surfing with me
- Talking about how I was shy and lonely, but I met some random skateboarders on the streets and said, “Will you be my friends?” and then I became a skater
- Spinning patterns on relationships with my family and friends make me hardworking
- Wisconsin Palm Reading Story
- Psychic Cat Story
- Future Adventure Projections about partying, charades, roller-blading tours, beach tours, and surfing
- Meeting Skateboarders as a Friendly Little Kid “Puppydog” Story
- Mystery, Style, TylerDurden, and Friends Stories
- European Travels Stories
- Managing an Artist Management Company Story
- Photo Routine (Mystery and Friends in Amsterdam and at Las Palmas in LA)
- Dangerous Sports Story (mixed with Fear Vs Excitement patterns)
- …and lots of stories and mutual sharing of commonalities through questions relating to our childhood, dreams, and shared desires

After dinner, RJ invites the girls to come check out his new Saab convertible because BeachGirlRJ has always dreamed of driving a Saab super-fast through the Audobon, where there is no speed limit. I walk arm and arm with BeachGirlPapa, saying, “This will keep you safe.” She giggles. RJ lets BeachGirlRJ sit in the drivers seat and then we make plans to meet the girls at a club down the street.

RJ and I then go to a Lounge, where I show RJ how I move girls off the bar so that they are in a easier position for my wing to open them by pushing them out of the way while ordering a drink. Then, we sit and chat about the lounge, and about other cool locations to game up in Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey, and Manhattan Beach. Then, RJ goes to the bathroom and I open up a 2-set.

Papa: Hey guys, I need a female opinion of something. Would you guys date a guy who was still friends with his ex-girlfriend?
BrunetteLoungeGirl: Sure.
Papa: [doing a mini-takeaway pivot] Ok. This is actually a 2-part question. Imagine that you were dating a guy and was planning to move in with him…but he had a drawer with pictures of his ex-girlfriend in it…and some letters…do you think it’d be unreasonable for the girls to want him to get rid of them?
LoungeGirls: Yes. He could just put them in a box.
Papa: Yeah. I agree. I knew I could trust you guys.

RJ comes into the set and I give him an accomplishment introduction to the 2-set:

RJ: Hey.
Papa: Hey, this is Ross. He’s the coolest guy in LA. I’m not sure why he rolls with me.
RJ: [looking at AsianLoungeGirl] You know what, you look like a little power puff girl.
Papa: Yeah. You look have the eyes and all the other features…like an anime version.
RJ: Yes. Do you like the power puff girls?
AsianLoungeGirl: Yeah.
Papa: Hey! [while gesturing between the two girls with my pointer finger] Are you guys best friends?
LoungeGirls: [giggles]
Papa: I know! I am going to give you the best friends test.
LoungeGirls: [girls look at each other] Hahahahaa.
Papa: You have already passed.
RJ: Yes. You did.
Papa: See, if you are best friends, whenever you guys think of something, you make looks like this. [I make rapid head motions back and forth between RJ and the girls]
LoungeGirls: Hahahahahaa.
Papa: [making a gesture towards AsianLoungeGirl] You know what, you look just like my little sister. I should adopt you.
AsianLoungeGirl: Teeeee. Heeeee. Hahaha. Tee hee.

Then, I isolate AsianLoungeGirl and RJ isolates BrunetteLoungeGirl. After several minutes, Asian LoungeGirl goes to the bathroom so I tell RJ that I will go to the bathroom so that RJ can keep his girl in isolation. However, just when I leave, the girls comes back. Doh! I go immediately back to the set, but it was too late because she was unoccupied and back dragaway girl.

So RJ and I decide to go to the club the BeachGirls went to and we find them chilling by the couches. RJ opens BeachGirlRJ while I simultaneously open BeachGirlPapa. Some random chode farts near us so it was a perfect excuse to drag BeachGirlPapa to the other side of the bar to keep her in isolation. It’s a pretty loud club so I had to talk in the girls ear much of the time. Here’s some of the material I used during the isolation:

- Crappy Sketch Artist of girl as stick figure with words, “I think I am so cool” on pad
- Gaydar on chode that farted using Sony Clie
- Xenoprobe on AMOG and HB who opened BeachGirlPapa while I was in isolation
- Hollywood Party Future Adventure Projections
- Fortune Telling Friends Stories

I created so many open loops and unfinished conversational threads that at some point, she says to me:

BeachGirlPapa: You have so many topics of conversation that you say you are going to get back to. [gives me DDBL]
Papa: Yeah. We have so much to talk about. [followed by transition to IC pattern]

After awhile, RJ wanted to eject from the club and give me a tour of some of his favorite sargin spots in the neighborhood so we hugged and kissed our girls good-bye and took a driving tour in the Saab of some of RJ’s favorite sargin locations. RJ and I have very similar tastes and preferences in girls and gaming venues so we’ll make good wings. Then, we headed back to my crib around midnight, and we decided to call it a night.




Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
[I was asked by email if I had the conversation of RJ (Ross Jeffries) of this field report, so I decided to cross post a field report that Ross Jeffries wrote about the night from mASF]


So, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Paps
a bit at my London SS seminar last month; cool guy.

I had discussed with him how an old fart(45 last
month..where are all the cards and emails from you
fans) like me who doesn't want to stay out til 3AM in
noisy clubs would like to adapt what he and TD are
doing to a more upscale/yuppy/happy hour/after work
crowd at the high-end restaurant/bars here in Southern

So, this past Sat night, Paps returns my call and says
he's up to go sarging. I pick him up in my brand new
laser-red Saab convertible(chicks dig Saabs!) and off
we go to Manhattan Beach.

I tell him about this Bistro where virtually any night of
the week(but especially Sat night) chicks go to have
dinner with each other and in groups. For some
reason, chicks LOVE to eat together at this place for
either a girls' night out or just a casual dinner.

15 minutes into dinner, two chicks walk in; one is a
blonde chick with with a black butt(I noticed her ass
instantly) and the other is a thin chick with nice boobs.
These girls are about 29-32 years old, professional
women with real jobs, etc. Just my demographic.

So I look at Paps and say, "How would you open these

He looks at them and about a minute later walks up
and says "Hi".

Then he says, "Hey guys..I need a 30 second girl
opinion on something".

He then sits down and goes into the rest of the spiel.
They are clearly entertained by him, laughing, etc.

About 10 minutes later he waves me over and
introduces me.

These chicks are cool; the chick I am sitting next to,
HB BlondeBlackButt is admiring my rings, especially
my star sapphire ring that looks like a moonstone or
mood ring(I get constant questions and compliments
on this ring).

We get into some heavy conversation about sex and
her current guy whom she has been seeing for about 6
weeks but hasn't ****ed yet because she says she
wants to make sure it is going to be great, how he has
a big ****, and when they finally ****, etc. I'm just
keeping my mouth shut and let her ramble. She tells
me she is at the age where she has reached her
sexual peak. She says in her early twenties she
couldn't quite get all the satisfaction she wanted from
sex, but now she can come and come and come. I'm
just sitting and listening to this and nodding my head.

I tell her about my new SAAB and she flips out; she
loves SAABS, rented a convertible and drove it on the
autobahn in Germany at 110 MPH.

Talk goes on for about 45 minutes. She asks how we
can make sure we talk again, so I say, "I'll take your
number". So I program her in my cell phone.

They invite us to join them at another restaurant that
also has a dance floor; I tell them I am showing Paps
around Manhattan Beach(true) and I want to show him
another restaurant(true) called Michi, which BOTH girls
hate. They ***** the place out as being filled with snotty
girls whom we will hate, but invite us to join them when
we are done.

So Paps(who has number closed his chick) and me
and the chicks walk to the parking lot to check out my
SAAB(BlondeBlackButt) wanted to see it. Then we part

We head for Michi, a VERY snotty restaurant, because
I want to see how Paps/TD stuff would work at a very
upscale place with chicks a bit older than the normal
club scene. Sat is a very slow pick up night at Michi-Sat
is usually just couples.

We walk through the bar. Paps VERY aggressively
elbows his way in past a chick to order a drink(she
looked at him almost pissed).

He then approaches a two set; opens again with the
same "girl opinion" thing. Then he uses Style's "best
friend test". These chicks seem entertained, but also
not really buying; they are in a hurry to leave over some
deal about finding some other friend's cell phone. The
chick I am talking to tells me she can fight; she actually
can box and starts throwing some scary shadow
punches just to show me. I'm actually not look for a girl
to beat my ass in THAT fashion, and thankfully they

Paps and I leave Michi and go to the place to meet the
first set of chicks. This place is WAYYY too noisy; loud
music, etc. I find BlondeBlackButt and she is really
toasted by now; I ask her if she has ever kissed her
girlfriend and she says "no" but she would like to. She
then starts pointing out which girls she'd like to get with
in the place.

Out of nowhere, she asks me, "Do you like *****?"

I say, "Of course, why woudn't I?"

She says, "Because alot of guys just go straight for the

I look at her and say, "That's because of YOUR butt"
and slap it pretty hard.

I say, "I know what your ass looks like. You can be
laying flat on your tummy and without arching your back,
you can see your ***** lips because your butt is so
high and tight."

She's getting excited by this or just more drunk. She
says, "Would you **** a girl really rough if she wanted

I say, "Sure..if that's what pleases my partner".

She says, "What about slapping her face. REALLY

I'm trying hard to keep a straight face through all of this,
mind you.

I say, "Slapping her face? Hard? I dunno. I think I might
draw the line at that. A little slap, but hard?"

She says, "I like it REALLY rough. I want a guy to throw
me around, push me to the ground, slap me. But I don't
want to have to tell him to. I just want him to DO it."

Hmmm...I'm thinking....I wonder if she's had this
conversation with this guy she's "seeing".

At this point, I'm already beat and Paps asks if I want to
eject. I say "yeah" slap HB BlondeBlackButt on her big
ass and tell her we've got to go. She says, "You're going
to call me, right"?

I assure her I will...

All in all, fun time for a minimum investment, and my
old ass was back home at 12:30 AM. ( I gave Paps
another 30 minute tour of some other upscale places I
want to try out in the Venice/Santa Monica area).

Looking forward to having fun with group sets at
NON-club settings without having to be up at 3AM to do
it and I will do field reports as we have them coming in.

Paps is lots of fun, by the way


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Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Ah Michi's.

Personally, I prefer the more stylish, yet upscale Towne.

Or even the laid back Beaches or Hercules.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
pap i have found your post interesting espically b/c you are almost the opposite as i am

but if you are gonna post all the "moves" that you make please explain the reasons behind them and what they are supposed to do.