FR: I just had a date with a girl i met on Myspace

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I saw the other post about how to get girls off myspace. Well I had a date with one last night. I will tell you what led up to it.

Back in Oct or so I was looking through girl's profiles. I found hers and what made me send a message is she didnt seem like the typical fake girl on myspace. She wasnt overly hot (shes about a 7.0), she didnt have 82391703458274502734 friends and 837103457234753904 comments especially from random dudes saying shes real hot or whatever. Also, I looked at her interests and no where did it say shopping, partying, drinking, hanging out with the boys, spending daddys money, etc. That is a big plus for me. She just seemed like a normal person.

Anyway, we sent some messages back and forth for a while. She seemed really cool and down to earth. I finally sent a message saying something along the lines lets go do something send me your number and I will call you to set it up. She said she would love to and gave me the info.

Well we did the typical dinner and movie. I know, I know you're not supposed to do that especially on a first day. There is a method to my madness but thats another story in itself. Anyway, we had dinner at a little restaraunt she has never been to. She liked it alot and her interest level seemed really high. there was no awkward silence and I found out we do have some stuff in common. :) I kept the convo flowing by asking her questions, using follow ups and using active listening. Seemed to work pretty well. We went to the movie which was pretty good and the whole time she was showing real positive body language :cool:

We got to her place and I walked her to the door. I leaned in for a hug. After we hugged and pulled back, she went in for a kiss! :eek: :D It was just a peck then she hugged me again and said she had a really great time and really wanted to do something again. She thanked me for dinner and the movie.

It was one of the better first dates I have had! The vibe was really strong the whole time and we seemed to click well. The best part was she seems so normal and not some weird freak off myspace. Who knows though, tomorrow she may try to kill me :crackup:

The Nice Guy is Gone

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Good job man. Glad to hear you had a good time. That stuff you're supposed to and not supposed to do. Well, it all really depends on a preference. Sounds like this time it worked out for you; with another girl, it may not, that's just how it is.

Keep us updated.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Everything about doing certain things or not doing certain things is a guideline. Calibrate the situation, sometimes you can get away with it and sometimes you can't depending on the girl, the situation, your personality style, etc.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Eating out

I don't think eating out is the problem. I think the problem with eating out is that most guys cannot build attraction, and it becomes all too obvious to the woman that the guy is boring as all hell. In other venues, there is many more distractions to keep her mind less occupied on your every movement. Also if you don't look all that great close up keeping her in dim lit conditions might give you a boost.

I've had both bad and good dates in this respect. The main problems I have is that it is expensive when you see lots of women, and I don't want to become overweight. When I must do this, I try to choose somewhere that offers distractions such as belly dancing, music, etc. I don't want the two of us sitting somewhere quiet when we've just met. If that were the case I'd opt for coffee or daytime lunch, even though I hate the stuff, and get out of dodge within 30 minutes.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
She sent me a message today on myspace along the lines "hey I was worried you didnt have fun last night. I am sorry if I came on too strong when we said goodbye. I just couldnt resist :)" She also reitirated (sp?) that she had a great time and wants to spend time with me real soon.

Mo money, mo prizes :cool:

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
This is one of the really cool stories to hear on this site. Here's the story in a nutshell:

Met a down to earth girl. I took her out on a date. We had fun and we kissed at the end of the night. She likes me and I like her.

It'd be great if all dates read that easy.


Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
This thread is going great. I'm surprised TheShezzler hasn't showed upto tell you the ***** isn't attracted to you and than blab about his hypothetical bullplop that he has never experienced in his life. Shatter the Don Juan dogma, just so I can see Shez scream.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Reagan
This thread is going great. I'm surprised TheShezzler hasn't showed upto tell you the ***** isn't attracted to you and than blab about his hypothetical bullplop that he has never experienced in his life. Shatter the Don Juan dogma, just so I can see Shez scream.

Play nice or don't play.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Mr Delicious, Good job on the date!! :D

You are such a nice guy, no woman could resist a date with you! She's gonna see you again and again and soon you will fall in love :) and get married! Don't listen to the guys here who say things like don't go on dinner dates, because you are a nice guy!


Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Q-Unit

Play nice or don't play.
Last time I checked this isn't a game. And if it was, you'd be the cheerleader. :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
hey I was worried you didnt have fun last night. I am sorry if I came on too strong when we said goodbye. I just couldnt resist

When you are hearing afc things from a woman, you are doing well. Good job.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt
hey I was worried you didnt have fun last night. I am sorry if I came on too strong when we said goodbye. I just couldnt resist

When you are hearing afc things from a woman, you are doing well. Good job.
Post of the day, bravo to the dude who got the date. You did good.

Seriously though, beleive it or not I am having a similar myspace experience now.

Every previous myspace experience was ****ty with loser girls who just wanted me to buy them drinks, then they don't put out.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt

When you are hearing afc things from a woman, you are doing well. Good job.

exactly what I was thinking.

We are going on our second date tomorrow. First to the aquarium and then to "hang out" :D

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
OK here is an UPDATE!


JUST KIDDING!!! :crackup:

Ok a little cliff notes first before the update. Met a girl off myspace. We went out. It went great, she moved in for the kiss. Next day sent me a message apologizing if she was too forward but just couldnt help herself. I thought this one is in the bag.

ACTUAL UPDATE: I set up another date with her about a week later. She is telling me that sounds awesome she is really looking forward to it. OK I go to pick her up and when I get to the gate of her apt complex the security deal makes you call the person so they open the gate for you. Well she didnt answer her phone? :confused: :down: So I end going home thinkin she stood me up what the hell. She texts me like 45 minutes later and says "My uncle had a heart attack last night, I had to go to the hospital. I forgot to call with all the chaos going around. I didnt get your call because the hospital interference and I am just now getting a signal" She then apologizes and tells me she wants to see me REALLY SOON!

Ok, so I am thinking well that is a pretty good reason assuming its true. She later tells me her one day off is New Years Eve and she wants us to spend it together. So I call her up last week to try and set up New Years Eve plans. She was at work and told me she would have to call me back but that she was going to be THINKING ABOUT ME ALL DAY! So she calls back that night and we set up a date for New Years Eve. Fast Forward to New Years Eve. She texts me and says her and her mom are fighting about New Years eve Plans cause her mom apparently planned something out and wanted her to come home that night. (hometown about 45minutes away).

I call her about 6:30 with no answer but she calls right back. She tells me that her mom set something up that day for the whole family and the girl told mom that she had a date that night. Apparently there was a big fight and the mom said if she didnt come home she wouldnt pay for her school. They made a compromise where the girl would go home, make an appearance and be back to go out with me at around 9:30. She said she REALLY WANTS TO SEE ME TONIGHT!

Ok so it gets to be about 10:00 and I havent heard anything from her. I call about 10 minutes later and leave a message. Well I ended up never hearing back from her last night. Pretty much the only excuse thats going to fly is that she got in a car wreck and ended up in the hospital. I am pretty pissed about all this :mad:

I have dated girls that are shady before but I have never dated one that keeps telling me she wants to see me and she really likes me etc but then becomes completely shady. That doesnt make any sense at all but actions do speak louder than words and it looks like I am going to have to NEXT her. What do you guys think?

I will post up her excuse for why she stood me up when i get it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Internet chicks are flaky. I am learning that on every date that I have to get as much out of it as possible. Every date might be your last, no matter how well it goes. I have found myself not F-closing on the 1st or 2nd date, planning it for the 3rd... and then the third date never happens.

It's Carpe Diem
Since tomorrow never comes
Bang the b!tch tonight.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
Its really really hit and miss dude.

Alot of these girls will just use you for whatever (dinner, movies) or to just generally entertain them.

Its really ****ty but true.

Honestly here's what I think happened. This girl double booked you, and you got canned at the last minute for something else.

Its a move that us DJ's use on girls, so that we always get a date, but she did it to you.

Here's what I'd do now. Don't call her. Totally ice her. See if she really wants to talk to you, if she does she will call you and set something up.

In the mean time keep looking and dating other girls. Don't wait for her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by JH6
Its really really hit and miss dude.

Alot of these girls will just use you for whatever (dinner, movies) or to just generally entertain them.

Its really ****ty but true.

Honestly here's what I think happened. This girl double booked you, and you got canned at the last minute for something else.

Its a move that us DJ's use on girls, so that we always get a date, but she did it to you.

Here's what I'd do now. Don't call her. Totally ice her. See if she really wants to talk to you, if she does she will call you and set something up.

In the mean time keep looking and dating other girls. Don't wait for her.
Pretty much sums it up.

Internet chicks are some of the flakiest you will find. Even the one you may think are LTR material. That is why I don't waste time and spend as little money as possible and try to close the deal on the first date.