FR: Empty bar shenanigans


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
But not as x-rated as the title may suggest.

Got HB 6's number off of OkCupid...sent her a couple of texts, and suggested we meet for drinks. She said she doesn't drink, but she wanted to meet up for sure. Well I flaked on her that time to see a buddy of mine, and then had her give excuses without counter-offers the next 3 times I tried to set something out. But out of nowhere, she invites me to meet at Starbucks. White girl, would be rated higher if she lost some weight. Nice tits, showing plenty of cleavage. Thought she was a sweet innocent girl from her profile, but she's a former party girl who's probably had her share of c0ck. She says she's 'going on 26.'

I get there early and buy a drink, so I don't have to buy her's :up: Basic fluff conversation, within 2 minutes she moves her leg so that it's resting against mine. Hmm...

After maybe 30 - 40 minutes of mundane (to me, anyway) chatter, she asks 'wanna go for a walk?' I say 'let's go play some pool' so she suggests a place nearby.

I wasn't much a leader. She's a local girl, and I don't know the city that well. That's my excuse. But as we're walking, she'd pull me into this store, she'd pull me into that store, 'come see this, come see that,' etc. She suggests we grab something to eat (she buys), so we did. She suggests this bar to go to, so we did. Cool spot with video games, kicked her ass at her favorite game in my first try. I was getting bored and thinking of ending the night there, but she says "ok, let's go play pool." I agree, and we go.

Empty dive bar in the middle of jam-packed clubs. Strange. Head upstairs to an isolated pool table. I buy a beer and buy her some virgin ****tail. Play a few games, very basic kino initiated by me, and reciprocated by her. I sit down to drink my beer, she sits next to me. Gets up to draw on a poster, and puts chapstick on. I know that's my cue. She sits down, where I had put my arm on the back of the seat so it's almost around her shoulders (just brushing from the top).

Me: What's the chapstick flavor of the day?
HB: Pomegranate.
Me: Pomegranate...hmm...
HB: But it doesn't taste like pomegranate...
Me: [puts fingers under her chin, pulls her in]
HB: Ahh [as in, now I see what you were asking that for]

Makeout and some fondling ensues. We play another game of pool, and then some heavy making out, I push her back on the table, slip my hand up her shirt, she goes "wow you're aggressive aren't you?" I rub her pvssy through her pants (leggings) a little bit, she soon says "stop! we're in public!"

We go outside while she smokes, I'm leaning back against the wall and pull her in, puts her hands under my shirt, starts kissing me. Anyway, other people show up to play pool, so that ended.

HB: What do you want to do?
Me: We could go watch [movie we talked about earlier].
HB: I'm not going back to your place.

We start leaving, she pulls me into some other bar as she was checking if her friend was working. She again asks where we should go, and finally, I just say "I'm going home, you can come if you wish." Her response? "'s only 11:30!" Anyway, some girl calls her (I could hear the voice) and it's decided she'll go over to her house, so we part ways there.

HB: I want you to know I had a really good time...I was just trying to play it cool. I would like to see your place sometime. Call me!
Me: [Kisses her] Have a good night.

My thoughts: I was too eager, and I think it showed. Sometimes I would pull away from the kissing, but at one point, she pulled away, and she literally said "I'm enjoying watching you get frustrated..." Also, when walking outside, she had suddenly stopped. When I noticed, I looked back and arched an eyebrow, she motions me to come back. I am reluctant, but I go back to where she is, and she says "I just wanted to make you walk back here"

Anyway, if I could do it over again, I wouldn't have made out with her so much, I wouldn't have started rubbing her pvssy, and instead of saying 'we can go back to my place...' I should have just said 'let's get going' and when she asked where, said 'we're gonna go watch [movie].' If she wasn't down, I would have just used the 'I'm going home come if you want' line there.

But, sounds like I can probably get her to my place soon.

Comments appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
A smoker, some extra weight, making out with you and you reeled her in off of POF. She's putting up a front. You'll easily smash this one bro.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Ha you guys are probably right, she texted me last night saying "I had a good time the other night :) " so we made tentative plans for Thursday.