FR:coffee shop pick up, failed # close (long)


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Field report for rocky_mtn at Starbucks - the cold approach and attempted # close

I take a trip out today to the hardware store to get some fluorescent bulbs for my desk lamp. I’m driving by Starbucks, they have an outdoor patio area and see total HB sitting out there, she even seemed to be checking me out as I drive by in my jeep, just the safari top on, and some reggae tunes cranking out, feeling some positive vibrations. So I go get my light bulbs, and decide that I have to go get a cup at Starbucks, maybe a cold drink. I stop by by the grocery store and pick up the newspaper for something to do.

Go to Starbucks, grab my caffe vanilla frappaccino and go out side. Pick a table next to her, but sort of behind and to the side. I have my sunglasses on and reading the paper, drinking my frap and checking her out. She is very intently reading a text book or something. I’m checking out her perfect tan, little tank top and shorts outfit. Damn, this is where old-AFC-me thinks ‘shes too good looking, too young, what do I say,’ now I’m nervous, oh sh!t. I remembered something very import I read here earlier “make the ho say no”. (thanks Krassus) I like these little catch phrases I can repeat to myself at times I think I might give up.

She gets up to throw some crap away and goes back to her table, sitting on the other side to catch the sun better, and also at a better angle where a casual conversion could possibly be struck between us.

Usually I meet women in bars with groups of friends and drinks to relax me. I get nervous and shaky just drinking coffee, let alone trying to talk to hot female strangers. The sun went under the clouds and I took off my sunglasses, I needed to do this to get the EC going anyways.

So finally I look over at her and say:

RM: hey what are you reading?
HB: statistics
RM: that sounds like some exciting reading
HB: what are you reading?
RM: (pointing to my newspaper) the newspaper

RM: are you taking summer classes?
HB: yeah its an online class
RM: I took statistics 3 times, I know it pretty well .
HB: (mild laugh)

RM: so it’s a nice day to be outside reading
HB: yes, it is nice out.
RM not like the last couple of days its been so hot out
HB: yeh, I not good for being out

RM: are you from around here (getting lame, but need to keep it going)
HB: yes
HB are you from around here
RM: I live off ABC road
HB: how long have you lived here
RM: about x years, how about you
HB: about x-1 years

I feel one rain drop the size of a grape hit my shoulder

RM: uhh ohh, I gotta take off, nice talking to you, I should get your number so we could talk again

HB (starts showing ******d signs of getting nervous), asks me for my number instead

Then bam, the sky opens up for the afternoon mountain shower, and we gather up our stuff and go inside.

I make comment about speaking too soon about the nice weather and having to get going and how I should get her number, she acting really nervous and says she doesn’t have any paper (well I’m holding the dam daily times in my hand, she could write her number on that), but she digs a pen out of her purse and hands it to me and says why don’t you give my your number. Fvck, well its better than nothing, well actually it is exactly nothing, so I write my # on a napkin and give it to her, then leave.

So I made some obvious mistakes, wasn’t as smooth as I could have been, and I screwed up the # close, but I did scope out a hotbabe, get the cold opener, short conversation. And I guess I could chalk this up as a #close rejection since I didn’t get her number. Almost no chance she will call me, but stranger things have happened.

Sorry for the long post, this is my first FR.

All comments are welcomed and tips for avoiding my mistakes are appreciated.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, good on ya to stick that one out. She was obviously not ready for that!


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2005
Reaction score
Man, you did good!

Practice makes perfect, keep it up.
