forget women until you have a secured income


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
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and I mean from business investment, not a so called "good-job", where you can be fired or laid off any SECOND. College aint worth much, other than to get the loan money, if you are living with your folks or working part time, and able to KEEP that 48k spread over 4 years. I"d get the first loan for the 3rd yeaar and blow off the rest of school, myself. Run an ad to co-drive an 18 wheeler with a some truck owner for 6 months, learn the produce-chicken runs across the US Then put a big downpayment on a used 18 wheeler of your own, after you get a Filipina girl here. She'll have to be over age 21, so she can get a CDL license, and pay another 4k to get HER 18 wheeler school and license, too. If you LIVE in that truck, makiing a full rd trip across the USA every 7 days, take one day off (live in an old van parked where your truck is) you can clear 70k or more per year. Give her 10k of it, spend 10k on food, etc, and BANK 50. First year of this pays off your truck. After second year, sell the truck for 20k, you'll have 80k or so, and that will get you inito a big old house, sold for back taxes at the courthouse.

this can be done anywhere, but you want that house where it's coded to let you rent out rooms, and where there's many thouands of homeless people. If the house sells for 20k, get a 20k bank loan. they'll do this in a heartbeat, since they can always sell the place quickly for 30k. Use the rest of your money and your own labor to fix up the house. ou are going to put walls into each room, making twice as many rooms, understand? Rent out each one for $80 a week or so. So 20+ rooms means 80k a year, understand? About half of that will go for insurance, water, power, gas, cable tv, etc. Depending upon where you are, you might get $125 a room, too. As you fix up each room, rent it out and have the tenant help you, painting and such, to take out against his rent $, while you supervise, understand? do NOT turn your back on such people, or give them any key but the one for their room, get it? is the place to find a Filipina. She can work as a prison guard in TX, no citizenship is required. Once she has her "probationary" citizenship in US (3 years) she can work for the Fed bureau of prisons, $26 an hour to start, cause she's GOT the state guard experience. she'll get full med insurance for self and spouse, and kids under 18, pension after 20 years, and can get all the ovetime she wants, at $39 an hour. she can CLEAR over 60k a year with the Feds, i am not kidding. google for US federal Bureau of Prisons, check it out. if she gets into food service (easy to do, somewhere in uS, so mOVE) $33 AN HOUR.

YOu can be ALL set, for life, in a very few years, guys. Don't put HER name on your investment house, or let her know about your stash of gold coins. She''ll probably run off after 5 years and she gets full US citizenship, but there's millions more just like her, so do it AGAIN, until you've got 1/4 mill in gold and several such rental houses. :)


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
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US women are trouble, and way too expensive

marry one and it will ruin your life. especially if she gets pregnant. Get a vasectomy asap, you can always adopt later, you know. Then when (not if) she gets pregnant, you'll KNOW that she's ****ing arouond on you. have your sterility confirmed by a doctor, of course. If you set yourself up right, you can have 40 years of freedom, doing whatver you want, any place in the world, with any one or a number of women, having a ball. but get trapped in one place, one job, one woman,, before you're about 40 years old, and you'll regret it for the rest of your days.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
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Filipinas make about 2k a year, as do the men. So sending her $50 a month makes you a KING, until you can get your **** together to go over there. personally, I'd "line up" half a dozen of them, having them masturbating for you on video, before I went there, **** all of them and see which one impresses you the most about WORKING HER ASS OFF for you, for 5-6 years. That's the one to marry and bring back here, and STILL figure on losing her after 5-6 years.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
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Life is too short,and NOBODY pays an employee what they are worth, THEY ALWAYS charge about 5x as much for your labor as they pay YOU, that's how they make their money. So forget about working for anyone else. get your own biz-investment/real estate, and relax on your income. Get some gold buried in several scattered places, cause this gov't IS going to collapse, and pretty soon, too. within 10 years, guaranteed. but by then, you can easily have 1/4 mill in gold, and retire to any part of the third world on that, and live like a king there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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What to take from this post: There are other ways to do things. This is very outside the norm and is just plain weird. However, it may have applications.

Personally, I say screw how this post denotes fun, experiences, and girls. Go live. However, not living by the norm and group-think will save you a lot of money. And life is not about being wealthy, like this implies.

Moreover, take his replies above as a sign of how his sanity or even personal success is debatable. There is probably little truth here, but value nonetheless.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
a credit building trick, costs 2-3k over a 2 yr period

that makes you "worth" 1/4 mill, too. So as long as there's a US, you can always "grab" 200k or so of gold coins and run to wherever. But it requires discipline, you can't USE much of that credit, if any, while you are building it. If you don't make at least the minimum payment, you have to declare bankruptcy, say you lost it all at Vegas, at poker games off of the strip, and you MIGHT end up having to make payments, or flee, or do prison time, for 1-2 years, for "bank fraud". It's no joke, but 100k a year is pretty good pay, if no tax or ss comes out of it, hey?


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
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life being poor might as well be DEATH. this is not wealth, wealth is MILLIOONS of $, this is just ass covering money, that's all.


Oct 20, 2012
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Man, do I ever agree with that last post. If you're not clearing 50k a year, and saving/investing 20k a year or more, you are screwing up, big time.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Since twixt and goundra are the same person, I wonder if he feels a little strange when he has a conversation with himself?


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
nah, just stupid rules about 10 lousy posts here, that's all. I"m 3-4 other names, too, but forgot the passwords. i forget this place for months at a time, quite often.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
i'm an economic slave and i know it.

but whether you are an economic slave or financially 'free' some still don't quite understand the nature of said 'freedom'.

Freedom is more than sitting on your ass and resting on your laurels.

With a certain amount of understanding, comes a certain amount of freedom.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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NorwegianDJ said:
What to take from this post: There are other ways to do things. This is very outside the norm and is just plain weird. However, it may have applications.

Personally, I say screw how this post denotes fun, experiences, and girls. Go live. However, not living by the norm and group-think will save you a lot of money. And life is not about being wealthy, disagree like this implies.

Moreover, take his replies above as a sign of how his sanity or even personal success is debatable. There is probably little truth here, but value nonetheless.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I disagree.

I get high pay, and I'm a specialist with a great resume. My finances are more than secure if I keep working.

But you know what? Work is making me become a mindless Zombie. Between work and working out, I have little time if any to actually meet and date women. I'm so drained that I can't even conjure the will.

So how are we supposed to meet women if we don't have time, don't have energy, don't feel free?

I'm gonna quit my job in January and then game the girls again. I have a feeling that everything is going to be alright.


Oct 20, 2012
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I can get a Filipina for nothing more than bringing her here, and I am 60, guys. :) I can get her a job where she works 60 hours a week, and pays me 20k a year, out of the 40k that she clears. IN 3 years, I can get her a job where she clears 60k a year, and gives me 30k of it, then after a year there, she can clear 70k a year (60 hour weeks now) and she has full medical coverage for me and her, and she can retire at 1/2 her base pay, after 20 years. I've run this past a score of Filipinas, in their early 20's, and they are THRILLED at the idea, plus that of learning to shoot, fast draw from concealment, karate, great investments, etc.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2010
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goundra said:
I can get a Filipina for nothing more than bringing her here, and I am 60, guys. :) I can get her a job where she works 60 hours a week, and pays me 20k a year, out of the 40k that she clears. IN 3 years, I can get her a job where she clears 60k a year, and gives me 30k of it, then after a year there, she can clear 70k a year (60 hour weeks now) and she has full medical coverage for me and her, and she can retire at 1/2 her base pay, after 20 years. I've run this past a score of Filipinas, in their early 20's, and they are THRILLED at the idea, plus that of learning to shoot, fast draw from concealment, karate, great investments, etc.
This sounds a whole lot like slavery.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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I fvcking hate these posts. :/ Why not open a slavery forum that's dedicated to buying your women?

Lol you trolls are stupid, and degenerate the value of these forums.